Yesterday, Twitchy spotlighted Day 1 of the Supreme Court oral arguments challenging the constitutionality of President Obama’s massive federal health insurance mandate.
Day 2 brought more clarity to the court’s thinking…and it’s not looking too good for the White House, if Twitter buzz is any indication. C-SPAN transcripts and audio will be up shortly. We’ll keep this post updated, so keep refreshing.
Just got out of oral agrs. A very good day for opponents of Obamacare.
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 27, 2012
Kennedy emphasized unprecedented nature of mandate, suggested gov had a “heavy burden of justification”
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 27, 2012
Roberts said if mandate is upheld, government power will be without limits.
— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 27, 2012
J. Toobin says, based on his take on today’s SCOTUS questions, the indiv. mandate is “in grave, grave” peril. Says Kennedy seemed opposed
— Neil King, WSJ (@NKingofDC) March 27, 2012
There are many people who want this Government Health Care, and there just ‘may be’ some good parts of it….but, [that’s a big but] they are not seeing the BIG Picture.
This is the BIG PICTURE…
“Roberts said if mandate is upheld, government power will be without limits.”