I’d like to address a question to all the people I hear from who tell me how bad U.S. Sen. Scott Brown is, how he’s a turncoat, sellout, backstabbing, snake-in-the-grass Republican in Name Only (RINO).
My question is, if Scott Brown is so damn liberal, how come the Democrats already are spending millions upon millions of dollars to knock him out of the Senate next year?
Granted, I don’t think there are that many of these Brown haters out there, but they are way overrepresented in the universe of talk-show radio callers. When the first words out of their mouths are “Dodd-Frank,” you know you’ve got another hot one on your hands.
OK, Brown voted for Dodd-Frank. Are you telling me you never made a mistake?
You say he votes with the Democrats all the time? I beg your pardon. You can look it up — he’s voted with the GOP leadership 75 percent of the time. By contrast, John Forbes Kerry has voted with the Democrat leadership 97 percent of the time.
Let’s go down the list.
The only problem with Scott Brown is that he’s a two-faced opportunist. Watch this election cycle for verification of this statement.
Is two faced an alternative name for a democrat?
The question is whether he defected from the party on the most critical votes. If your neighbor helps you BBQ or drink some beer, but doesn’t let you know your house is on fire when he sees it, he isn’t a good neighbor or your friend.
A conservative will never win in Massachusetts. It is more important to win control of the Senate than it is to run someone who can’t win in Massachusetts. Think of the stakes, especially if Obama wins re-election. If the Republicans take a big enough majority in the Senate, Brown’s crossing the aisle on occassion probably won’t matter much especially if he can be counted on to vote the right way on the big issues.
The real lesson here is that there is no such thing as a true small government conservative in or from MA. Brown is an annoyance, Romney is a disaster.
Brown I can live with. I knew what to expect from him. I just get tired of that “voted with us most of the time” argument as it tends to be disingenuous.
@Hard Right: It does get old, but if undoing the damage of the last decade, especially the last 3 years, means getting a coalition of RINO’s and conservatives in there, then that is better than another trifetca of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi running everything. We’d be bankrupt before the end of the decade with our Constitution being worth no more than a roll of toilet paper on top of it! I look at 2012 as the last chance for our pols to get it right. We simply can’t afford anymore of kicking the can down the road. The dems have proven that they have no fiscal discipline or respect for the Constitution. The Republicans aren’t too far behind. Should they get control of everything in 2012, it is their last chance to get it right. If they don’t, this country is going to fall by the wayside.
another vet
well said, AMERICA better get it right this time, or they will pay a bigger price than they never expected.