By Rich Welsh
Apparently, there is no amount of evidence garnered from science, studies, actual evidence, trends or anything else that real science uses to convince public health officials that wearing a mask does absolutely nothing to stop or even control the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus cases are continuing to spike, though many are false positives from sensitive PCR tests, even though the fact that over 90 percent of the American people are complying with draconian mask mandates. And yet, even with 90 percent of people in compliance, the virus just keeps on infecting people.
No matter how much mask skeptics like me point out that top epidemiologists say that masks make no difference whatsoever, there will always be the fearful cowering on the other side demanding we disprove a negative by saying it would have been much worse had we not worn masks at all.
This is an age-old trick of the Left. They never admit that any of their programs have failed, even though 99 and 44/100 percent of them are abysmal failures. What they do in the face of evidence that they failed is to say “Well, it would have been a helluva lot more worse if we had done nothing.” Except the truth is that their programs and policies are usually so stupid things would have been much better had we done nothing at all, because their programs usually bring us a lot of unintentional consequences.
The reason it’s so hard to counter the mask dictators now is because when this virus first struck nobody knew exactly what we were dealing with, and the so called medical experts were telling us that the “science” was saying we had to wear masks. After a while people got used to the idea of wearing a mask for our own protection. It became normalized. It later became a tool of the Left to enhance their tyrannical mandates, so much so that their buddies in the mainstream news media and the overlords in social media began censoring doctors who tried to even talked about how masks were not safe. But there is a way to prove the pinheads running the show on mask mandates are wrong by simply comparing their numbskull mandates to the data from the few remaining free states.
Here’s a case in point. In the state of Florida, there are 22 of the 67 counties that implemented mask mandates at some point between May 1, 2020 and December 15, 2020, and they included some of the largest cities. The study authors described methodology as, “Cases were summed for both mandate and non-mandate jurisdictions and adjusted per 100,000 people for days the mandates were or were not in effect.”
If the hype about the effectiveness of wearing masks was true to form, then you would expect the counties that did not implement mask orders to be raging with coronavirus sufferers throughout their countries, and the masked counties should have much more favorable numbers of COVID cases.
However, it was the mask tyrant’s worst nightmare.
“When counties DID have a mandate in effect, there were 667,239 cases over 3,137 days with an average of 23 cases per 100,000 per day. When counties DID NOT have a countywide order, there were 438,687 cases over 12,139 days with an average of 22 cases per 100,000 per day.”
That means counties that had draconian mask mandates did worse than the counties that did not force their people to wear them. I am shocked! No, I am stunned! Okay, I am shocked and stunned! Not really.
The authors analysis of the study also accounted for population density, implying that it had no impact on the numbers, since four of the twelve most populous counties in Florida didn’t have a mask order.
“When the eight DID have an order in effect, there were 64 cases per 1,000. In periods 11 of 12 DID NOT have one, there were 40,” they wrote
Liberals don’t believe in science; they believe in THEIR “science”, which is nothing but ideology. If the actual science does not support the agenda, then the science has to become “science”.
The “science” of the left is nothing but lies.
@Deplorable Me: The consensus settled science without an ounce of proof, the new UK lock down oh a new variant? a mutation, show us under an electron microscope the original isolated virus vs this new isolated virus, you know proof. Not a damn cartoon pic of the knobby thing..
Long past time everyone all at once just open the businesses have ,mask burning protests and go back to living life.
They ignore the 50,000 experts that say this whole political decision making is simply ignorant.
There IS NO such “scientific study” showing that mask mandates had no effect.
How is it that an article proclaiming the existence of such a scientific study fails to provide any link to it or any information that would allow a reader to find it?
What you get instead is a link to some right-leaning crank on Twitter, and another to an opinion piece from Rational Ground by one Karl Dierenbach, who appears to specialize in twisting information from official sources to support conspiracy theory and contrarian views.
Anti-maskers acting out today in Oregon, in 23 pictures:
December 21, 2020 – Protesters clash with police, smash glass doors, disrupt lawmakers on ‘unnerving’ day at Oregon State Capitol in Salem
@Greg: We have an epidemic of highly inaccurate tests. A virus that the cdc admitted they did not have and never has been isolated. This entire political charade has not prevented spread.
at the 4 minute mark
Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.
What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.
Im sure you cant connect the dots but Im not taking a 90% vax for a virus I have 99 % chance survival
I am a conspiracy girl I believe in the pseudo science of an immune system.
@Greg: #4 why do you lie? I read the article it says nothing about anti maskers. Seems the mostly peaceful protest was about lock downs. No officers were injured. Only 4 arrests.They did not try to lock anyone in then torch the building like your protestors.
Actually the % of Americans who are wearing masks include those who wear masks “sometimes”
Those are not complying with mask mandares
@Greg: And by “scientific study”, you of course mean a study, like the one reported by Lancet about HCQ, that tells you what you want to hear and promote. But, as to SCIENTIFIC studies, yeah, there have been some.
Masks can aerosolize droplets
CDC study shows wearing masks does NOT prevent contracting COVID19
12 graphs that show masks are ineffective.
Study shows masks ineffective
Because the truth won’t help them.
Oh? Where is YOUR “science”? Or spellcheck.
In Trumpland, that’s called evidence man. Evidence!
@Ronald J. Ward: In reality, it’s called a lie. Hey, you never answered if you would vote for Hitler, Stalin or Mao before Trump. I answered your question, answer mine.
@Deplorable Me: He doesnt know who they are, but hey they aint Trump so I guess he would.
Just got a fund raising email they need money to sue the state of CA, FFS just community organize and ignore their BS open your business, have a Merry Christmas house party like no other, stay out past the mindless curfew. They have more overdose deaths than covid deaths. They need to put their government on a leash.. Better still make their Governor and State reps personally clean up the poop and needles from the sidewalks.
Seems their government can only hold power thru voter fraud, now they want to make that system nation wide.
@kitt: Yeah, AJ asked the same question a while back, only with Obama as the alternative. It was, of course, a thoroughly stupid question (what else would you expect from AJ) but I answered. Though not much of a choice, I chose Obama over the other dictators, but that didn’t keep AJ from lying about my answer. Now, when faced with the same question, once again AJ lacks the courage to answer. Obviously, he would vote for a murdering dictator because that is the direction his party is headed anyway.