Ben Shapiro:
On Saturday, leftists around the nation took to the streets to sound off about their new religion: Science™! No, not testable hypotheses and well-constructed experiments. Science™! You know, like gay rights and abortion and global redistributionism and dying polar bears ’n’ stuff.
Leading the charge was eminent scientific revolutionary Bill Nye the Science Guy, a mechanical-engineering-degree holder who got famous as a children’s television presenter. Nye was a keynoter at the March for Science, where he stated, “We are marching today to remind people everywhere, our lawmakers especially, of the significance of science for our health and prosperity.” What sort of science was Nye standing up to defend? Budget increases for the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institutes of Health, of course! He explained how all of this was scientific and not political: “Somewhere along the way, there has developed this idea that if you believe something hard enough, it’s as true as things discovered through the process of science. And I will say that’s objectively wrong.”
Belief isn’t science.
This is a good point.
Unfortunately, Nye followed up his widely praised appearance at the March for Science by unleashing a video that destroyed the Internet, from his new show Bill Nye Saves the World. He trotted out Crazy Ex-Girlfriend actress Rachel Bloom to sing a “very special” song (Nye’s words). She warbled:
My vagina has its own voice / Not vocal cords, a metaphorical voice / Sometimes I do a voice for my vagina . . . / ’Cause my sex junk is so oh, oh, oh / Much more than either or, or or / Power bottom or power top / Versatile love may have some butt stuff / It’s evolution, ain’t nothing new / There’s nothing taboo about a sex stew . . . If they’re alive, I’ll date ’em / Channing or Jenna Tatum / I’m down for anything / Don’t box in my box.
If this seems rather unscientific to you — if you wonder why a talking vagina with obvious self-control problems is being trotted out by the self-proclaimed Science Guy — you’re not alone. You’re rational. You might even be using some scientific thinking. But this is demonstrative of the Left’s take on science: Science is actually just the name for anything the Left likes. Worried about the humanity of an unborn child? Concerned that fetuses have their own blood types and their own DNA? Stop it! You’re quoting science, not Science™! Wondering how it is that a genetic male is actually a woman? You’re worrying about science, not Science™!
Concerned that fetuses have their own blood types and their own DNA? Stop it! You’re quoting science, not Science™!
This is the dirty little secret of the Left’s sudden embrace of Science™ — it’s not science they support, but religion. They support that which they believe but cannot prove and do not care about proving. Bill Nye isn’t interested in a scientific debate about global warming — how much is occurring, the measurement techniques at issue, the sensitivity of the climate to carbon emissions, the range of factors that affect the climate. He wants you to accept his version of the truth — not just that global warming is happening, but that massive government intervention is necessary in order to avert imminent global catastrophe.
Sounds like Science™ is what used to be called “consensus science,” or pseudo-science.
These are a few REAL science facts:
There Are Only Two Genders (plus a tiny number of deformities in the sex genes called “intersex.”)
Race is Not a Social Construct
We cannot all demand free tuition for being black at that one University that is giving out free tuitiion for blacks.
Green Energy is Inefficient
See the example of solar costing over $5 million to produce enough for a microwave oven on a clear sunny DAY.
Given enough revisionist history and now science books, it will not be long before our youths will not have a clue how to discern between fact and fiction.
They will, paramecium-like gravitate toward those sayings that are rewarded and shrink away from those sayings that are considered wrong-think.
@Nanny G: Them damn science books–fake. Home schoolin good enough for all.
That Scopes Monkey trial begun it—-evolution, pollution–fake I tell ya.
On saturday thousands of useful idiots will march through the streets in the USEFUL IDIOTS CLIMATE MARCH carrying stupid signs and banners with stupid slogans on them they will chant mindless babble and when their through leaving huge mess and moutians of litter behind them they will climb into their fossil fueled automoble’s return to their homes swich on their TV’s to watch themselves being total idiots or will plug their DVD of that eco-crap movie AVAVTAR INTO THEIR DVD player and when its all over feel all warm and muzzy inside with their walnut sized brains shrunk by their total vegan diet
@Rich Wheeler:
Like any good lefty, you mock home schooling…
For several years I was a judge at the local county-wide science fair. Part of the judging criteria was how well the students understood the scientific method, if they constructed their experiment to follow the scientific method and if they interpreted their results according to the scientific method.
Although the total number of home-schooled students was small in comparison to the number of entries from the traditional school districts, year after year the home-school students walked away with a large share of the top places and most of the special topic awards (like best electric project sponsored by the local power company; or best water quality project sponsored by a local seafood producer).
From my experience, the typical home school student is much better educated (especially in the STEM fields) than the typical public school student. And remember this is from a self-selected sample of students who chose to participate in the science fair.
The left believes in free speech if it serves them. The left believes in equality if it serves them. And they only believe in science if it serves them; or they will MAKE the science that DOES serve them.
@Rich Wheeler: Them damn {{{REVISIONIST}}} science books–fake.
They are fake, RW.
Here’s comments from teachers forced to “teach” common core science:
“Less time and money are being devoted to science instruction.”
“We were instructed to spend the first two weeks of school teaching text structures, meaning very little science. We also have to focus on math and writing.”
“Just one more thing to deviate from hard core life science.”
“Hand’s on teaching disappears, it’s all just reading assignments.”
“This won’t encourage any students to pursue science.”
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Did the left make up evolution? How does it serve them?
IMO right wing extremists like the takeover in Oregon are the biggest problem faced by our domestic law enforcement. They sow unwarranted fear, they are racists and often religious fanatics
They say that bats evolved from rodents, due to survival of the fittest and mutations.
If nature could do this, then it stands to reason that man should be able to duplicate this, using selective breeding.
It can’t be done.
@Rich Wheeler: It is Zombie science, there is as much proof for evolution as there is for intelligent design. Calling climate science settled is in itself an anti science statement. If only the evidence for oneside of a theory is presented it isn’t science at all and no new leaps of mankind. Where would be be if AC did not challenge DC god knows they tried by live electrocutions of animals to shut down Tesla. Imagine if the government interfered and sided only with Edison?
As soon as we can get a man to the moon with solar powered rockets or power a house with no back up system, and live like I do on the grid, I will get those ugly panels.
Remember when medical science said eggs and butter were bad, low fat diets were good, feed your dog that dried corn based kibble, The governments cover-up of Round-up in your food is harmless, Bwhahahaha. GMOs are as good as heritage, yup yup my teacher says man will never fly, and if you travel over 35 mph your heart will stop. Libs are such flat earthers.
@Rich Wheeler:
Is the left using evolution as a method of enacting a massive transfer of wealth (from the earners to themselves)? It DOESN’T serve them, so they don’t discuss it.
Still waiting for the dire global warming predictions to come to pass. Waiting….. waiting….
@Mjazz: Respectfully, I remember reading “The Lost World” by Michael Crichton decades ago. It was the follow-up to Jurassic Park.
Since his books are replete with research, one of the characters spoke of how Natural Selection has been debunked for quite a awhile, as least as most of us know it. It’s not the complete mode for evolution.
Evolution? YES. But how?
Science hasn’t come up with a clear answer yet. Species change over time, that is FACT! Natural selection is probably part of it, but not all of it.
I love science, and it needs to press on in an unbiased, un-socialized way. Just the facts, please…and the question marks.
Science in America – Neil deGrasse Tyson