Via the Right Scoop, Reid floated this deadline on Friday too. Dick Durbin, another member of the leadership, has also been talking it up. The clock starts on June 10th, when most Republican primaries will be over and the party will once again be free to betray its conservative supporters, and ends when Congress leaves town for the August recess. If Boehner hasn’t passed a bill by then, Obama’s going to do something on deportations — probably something marginal and gestural, just to show lefties that he cares, but one never knows with a guy who’s gotten as comfortable as O has with executive action.
Do you suppose these endless Democratic threats about an impending moratorium on deportations might be influencing the rate of illegal immigration these days? Let’s check inat the Texas border:
A shift by immigrant smugglers to target the tough-to-defend U.S.-Mexico border in southernmost Texas has accelerated this year as the Border Patrol scrambles to shift its resources from states farther west, according to an internal agency report obtained by The Associated Press.
From Oct. 1 through May 17, agents in the southernmost tip of Texas made more than 148,000 arrests, on pace to match last year’s total in less than eight months, according to the intelligence report. That compares with nearly 63,000 arrests in the Tucson, Arizona, sector, which it surpassed for the first time just last year. The Rio Grande Valley sector averaged nearly 1,100 arrests per day from May 11-17, according to the document.
What these numbers look like on the ground is a near-constant flow of people across the Rio Grande.
It’s not just Texas. The Border Patrol started seeing higher rates of border-crossing last year, when the Senate first got cracking on immigration reform. That’s a feature, not a bug, of lefty table-pounding about this. The more amnesty dominates the policy agenda in the U.S., the more of a rush there’ll be by would-be illegals to sneak in under the wire before any new policies, whether legislative or executive, take effect.
Now, a strategic question for Boehner: Does he call Obama’s bluff by walking away from reform this summer or does he pass something small, like ENLIST? The fear if he walks away is that Obama will do something dramatic, Latino voters will rally for Democrats, and suddenly not only have the midterms gotten more difficult but any amnesty bills passed by the GOP next year will seem like an afterthought to O’s action. Chances are, though, that O’s move on deportations will be modest so as not to spark a backlash among white voters and that Latinos will largely ignore it (or even be irritated by how modest it is). In that case, if you’re Boehner, why not walk away for now and focus on the lame-duck session? Republican voters will be grateful on election day and then you can betray them later.
Because we really need more unskilled laborers with lots of dependents in the country
1,000s of illegal minors are crossing over the border in the hopes of getting in on President Pen & Phone’s orders to allow them to stay in the United States (amnesty by any other name is still amnesty.) There are so many of them that at least 1,000 is being housed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio.
But of course, all good Democrats know that these uneducated minors are just coming to our country [illegally] out of love. Never mind that these illegals will wind up drinking and driving (that’s what they do) and leeching off the American taxpayer all the while they take jobs from undereducated blacks.
This is the only way along with vote FRAUD that the SOB demo-commie-cRATS will ever win any more elections!
Ooops! — I realized this was wishful thinking – since I had the same thoughts near the end of the last bolshvik administration — Klintoons! —
I really think that it will only take one more RINO candidate up against the COMMUNISTS and along with the illegals, mail-in vote fraud, standard TRADITIONAL demo-COMMUNIST vote fraud >>> the USA will NO longer exist
Why don’t they pass a law immediately that says anyone entering the US illegally from this day forth will not be included in any legislation to make them legal. Of course we wouldn’t mean it, but it might slow them down a little
“….and they want to serve in our military”
I read the “Enlist” and this stuck out. If they “want” to serve in our military? This makes it sound like it’s a ‘choice’ but lord knows, it should be a ‘prerequisite’ to becoming a ‘citizen’ under ‘amnesty’…
I mean is our Government idiot based or what? Again the left will get something from the right without anything in return (like closing the border).
Amnesty and citizenship should not be decided by solely by Government ‘alone’ the American citizens of this country has a social contract via the U.S. Constitution and ‘they’ should have say in this amnesty debacle…. but, of course the ass hats in Washington in their flights of fancy…and stupidity…choose to ignore this and those of us who do not ‘live on a hill’ (and in exclusive areas) will have to ‘deal’ with the bad and the ugly parts of amnesty.
Thanks asshats.
Ever heard of the Hessian mercenaries of the American Revolutionary War? Think about it.
Shumer and Reid are shysters, are trying to scare the Establishment Republican leadership into compromising now with a Democrat held Senate’s bill, rather than the Republicans coming up with their own immigration reform bill in 2015. Unfortunately Beohner and Cantor are very likely stupid enough to fall for it.