Scarborough: Why on earth wouldn’t you let Palin speak at the convention?

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Allahpundit @ Hot Air:

Via the Daily Caller, I couldn’t agree more. What possible reason is there to exclude her? She’s the reining vice presidential nominee; she gives a hell of a speech; she’s on a major roll in helping tea-party candidates win their Senate primaries; and she has a passionate base that’s lukewarm at best about Romney. If Team Mitt can find a slot for Rand Paul in the interest of keeping Paul fans inside the tent, they can find one for Palin in the interest of keeping her supporters inside. The only argument I can think of for why they might be lukewarm about her is that putting her back in the convention spotlight will further raise her profile, which might come back to bite Romney if Palin emerges as a major critic of his from the right during his first term. But that’s likely to happen anyway if he governs from the center, and she’s already sufficiently famous that the convention spotlight won’t do anything, really, to add to her platform.

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I agree. Let her speak! And, while they’re at it, how about Michele Bachman—on the topic of the government being infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. And, for that matter, Allen West can talk about all the communists is Congress.

I can’t beleive it! Liberal1 finally making sense! If I didn’t know better I would swear he has given up his evil ways and become a…dare I say it…conservative! Yes Allen West would make a great speech and a great VP candidate. And while Michele (Bachman) is at it she could point out that the Muslim Brotherhoods biggest supporter is our current resident at the White House. Way to go L1!

The only idea better than having Sarah Palin speak at the GOP convention would be to have Sarah Palin KEYNOTE the GOP convention. Talk about firing up the troops for the campaign! Hell, she even made JohnnyMac look like he was alive and well four years ago (well on occasion anyway)

The GOP insiders keep talking about the need for a ‘Big Tent’ and inclusion of the Log Cabin Republicans and other groups — but all those RINO’s at the convention – taking a week away from the veranda porches of their country clubs are scared to death — that Gob’nor Palin will suck all the oxygen out of the tent.

I say, ‘Be not afraid, RINOs, in doing so she would bring in so much FRESH AIR that the entire tent would rise and grow!!’

Why? Because Romney, and his whole camp, hate Palin. Go back and re-watch Mitt’s veiled, petulant and snarky speech from the ’08 Convention and you’ll see what I mean.

Bingo! We have a winner! My prediction is that neither Palin nor West will speak because Romney KNOWS they are both better than him, way, way better.

Just Al Think you got that backwards. Palin and West WON’T be speaking because Romney wants a chance to win.

I think SARAH PALIN will get up there and talk her talk,
if she want too. and nobody can stop her, but that event is not made by MITT ROMNEY,