Scarborough: democracy is a stumbling block to Obama greatness

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From Newsbusters

MIKE BARNICLE: I think he is stunned, given his gifts, at his inability to get anything really done in Congress. I think he’s stunned by it.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: But he doesn’t look at it as his inability. Jon, he is stunned that those that are fortunate enough to work with him are not helping him pass legislation to make history.

JON MEACHAM: I think it’s, if you think about it from a biographical point of view, it’s his thinking the system, and really the country, is not commensurate with his gifts. That’s a harsh thing to say, but I have a feeling that in the dark night of the soul, that’s what he feels. I think he thinks that this is a 18th-century constitutional republic that needs significant updating. I think he sees the reflexive opposition—a culture that Gingrich helped build—as one huge stumbling block. He sees all of us [Ed.: presumably a reference to the media] as another huge stumbling block.

SCARBOROUGH: And let’s just say, he sees elected leaders from across the country as a stumbling block. He sees democracy, he sees this version, as you say, this government as a stumbling block that’s getting in the way of his greatness.

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Obama enjoyed heavy majorities in both houses of Congress and high support among the people when he took office. After watching his performance for two years, the people made sure he and the Democrats could only pass legislation through compromise with Republicans. It is the will of the people that has stymied Obama, resulting in a plethora of executive signings and czars which smack of totalitarianism.
This is no surprise as totalitarianism is the preferred province of Leftists elites.

Leftists spend a lot of time bemoaning the fact that the dull-minded populace just doesn’t understand issues as delineated by the brilliant Harvard, Georgetown, Yale, Princton and Dartmouth elites. What the Left doesn’t understand is that the people’s priority is not a perfected and ordered society, but rather a free society, with all it’s imperfections and messy politics.

We demand to live in a country with a government, not the reverse.

Cue Liberalmann to drop in with a one sentence turd drop and quick exit to avoid any actual discussion.

Well, then, thank goodness we are not a democracy!
We are a Representative Republic.
Historically democracies have always failed, then led to anarchy, then some form of dictatorship.
Wait for it in among those so-called ”Arab Spring” countries.
That’s why our founders chose the form of government they did.
They were smart enough to foresee the sort of trouble someone like Obama could cause in a democracy.
So, they didn’t give him one.

@Nan G – Once again you hit the nail on the head! We are a [Constitutional] Republic. And that “Fact” needs to be repeated over and over again… This is the brain washing the Left has done….Obama’s “greatness” in what world? He is a mere man not a ‘King”….

You too meremortal!

“Greatness” is much, much, much, much, more humble… If anything Obama belie’s greatness and so does the main stream media/academia/elites who trip over themselves and their rhetoric to support him..

Wouldn’t it be funny if someone came up with an amusement park called Obamaworld? [A farse of course]. Could you just imagine what could be concocted there? OMG LOL!

Russia is also a constitutional republic.