Scalise Doesn’t Deserve What’s About to Happen to Him

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Americans come from different states and each state has it’s own history, geography, and human tragedies as well as triumphs. In Louisiana, David Duke’s interest in showing the white race as coming under attack from other races has poisoned that state’s politics for years. Any racial animus should never be tolerated in a politician from anywhere at any time, and though some have written scathing rebukes of Steve Scalise for talking tax policy to a group of would-be white supremacists twelve years ago while he was a state representative, he does not deserve what is about to happen to him.

The left has successfully planted enough stories and innuendo in the press that it will be impossible for the leadership of the House to ignore. If they stand by him, and say he’s not a racist, this will hang over the entire House and soon you will read, “the white supremacist House” in slipshod so-called news sites across the internet. They will have to make him step down and they will pick another Majority Whip.

It doesn’t matter that Scalise has been defended by a black fellow congressman, the governor of the state, and so many colleagues, the left has successfully, in less than a day and a half, poisoned the House leadership’s racial integrity.

More at Jen Kuznicki

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That it would stick, I mean.
Recall Obama JOINED a local COMMUNIST party in 1995 when he ran for a state office!
That didn’t stick.
All this guy did was speak in front of a group that had an interest in issues and voters in the audience.

Edit feature gone:
Correction to the above.
It was 1996.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:

Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.

Consistent with this, a roster of the Chicago chapter of the New Party from early 1997 lists Obama as a member, with January 11, 1996, indicated as the date he joined…

That ”New Party” is a communist party in Ill.

@Nanny: Think you may need to try another browser Nan. Plenty of people have been using the edit feature and its there for me as well.

@Curt: It isn’t a browser issue. I’ve had intermittent problems on the edit option from different devices and browsers in the past few days. It isn’t there as I type where it was preciously from this very device and browser.

DJ, as far as Scalise being all innocent of coarse and undeserving or whatever, that’s pretty rich coming from you, albeit lifted from someone else. Your stamping of the feet about the audacity of those shyster Dems picking on Scalise for “palling around” with good ole boy Dukes is rather comical.

@Ronald+J.+Ward: I logged out and tested it out on Chrome, still working for me. Not sure what’s causing it for others…I’ll keep working on it. Does it give a error message or no edit button at all?

@Nanny: Well if he is like the rest of the RINO’s he won’t know how to point out the hypocrisy. He won’t know that every time he speaks he will have to repeat the racial transgressions of Democrats, while not even referring to any transgressions of Republicans.

The edit feature just doesn’t show up….sometimes.
A lot of the time lately I get an edit feature for other posters.
Sometimes if I refresh the page it shows up.
Other times not.
I use Firefox and sometimes Internet Explorer.

@Curt: No, it doesn’t give an error however, the other day (perhaps the 26th or 27th), the edit option was available to me from other contributor’s comments. I clicked on it and it said something to the effect that I didn’t have permission to edit this comment or such. I found that interesting.

I haven’t visited in the last 24 hrs or so but everything seems to be functional as I type this.


LOL. Just hang on.

The only response I can think of is: “indeed!”. Aside from the reality that this is a tails-Rs-lose/heads-Rs-lose outcome, this concept that Scalise “doesn’t deserve this” becomes stupider (yes, that is a word) each day as this is precisely the political blame game that’s brought him to fame. It’s who he is. It’s like the prankster that can dish it out but can’t take it. It’s like the bully crying mommy. He understands this game and he’s perfected it. Hypocrisy at its finest! It’s exactly deserving.

And to top it all off on this “just wait” thing, the best they can get by with is “just” licking their wounds IF, and I repeat IF, nothing else comes to light. And IF nothing else materializes, they simply do damage control the best they can. If it does, they are only in deeper doodoo.

Of course, unrealistic and utterly stupid spin-misters like yourself will cherry pick the web to conclude some warm and fuzzy felling that suits your fantasy-land agenda and yeah, your cloned sockpuppets will give you accolades akin to seals clapping their fins together and chanting “ork ork ork” in harmony but that does little in the real world political reality.

@Curt: When I click the “Click to Edit” option now, on my own comment, I’m given the error “You do not have permission to edit this comment”.

I meant to change “Of course, unrealistic and utterly stupid spin-misters like yourself will cherry pick the web to conclude some warm and fuzzy felling that suits your fantasy-land agenda and yeah, your cloned sockpuppets will give you accolades akin to seals clapping their fins together and chanting “ork ork ork” in harmony but that does little in the real world political reality. ” to “Of course, unrealistic spin-misters like yourself will cherry pick the web to conclude some utterly stupid warm and fuzzy felling………”