Save Girls’ Sports? Sorry, That’s Basically Nazism Now

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by Jeff Childers

A new women’s rights movement, which took root during the awful Biden Administration, is now beginning to blossom. The UK Daily Mail ran a curious story yesterday headlined, “Student told ‘transgenders have more rights’ in sport team row.

At first, it seemed like what is becoming a typical trans-sports conflict story. Ryan Starling and Dan Slavin, whose daughters go to Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, California, have sued the district, alleging Title IX sex discrimination. The dads’ lawsuit alleged that after Taylor Starling lost her spot on the varsity cross-country team to a cross-dressing boy, the district’s Title IX coordinator told her frankly “that as a cisgender girl, she does not have the same rights as a transgender girl (i.e., boy).”

Even worse, the lawsuit alleged that the boy only attended a quarter of all the team practices, which would have automatically disqualified any of the girls. In other words, the cross-dressing boy got preferred treatment.

It’s pretty cut and dried. The court must decide: If the male athlete is, in fact, male, the allegations describe a clear-cut violation of Title IX. The only way the district can win is if the court decides the male athlete is not, in fact, male, but rather is female, for no better reason than that’s how he feels today.

Don’t feel bad for the court; making decisions is its job.

We love a good lawsuit around here, but that wasn’t even close to the most interesting part of the story. Behold the burgeoning, post-millennial women’s movement. In November, Taylor and Kaitlyn Slavin got disciplined for wearing spicy t-shirts to school with the relatively innocuous message “Save Girl’s Sports.”

The lawsuit says school officials told the girls their shirty slogan was just like a Nazi swastika. Not like a Nazi swastika. Just like.

It’s a good thing the Mail didn’t disclose the name of the officious, bureaucratic insect who told them that.

What happened next was unexpected, miraculous, and incredibly encouraging. After hearing about what happened to Taylor and Kaitlyn, a few other girls started wearing the same t-shirt with the same ‘swastika-like’ slogan. So the school doubled down, passing a viciously restrictive dress code outlawing all t-shirt slogans, and handing out detentions like they were masks at a vaccine convention.

It backfired badly. “However,” the Mail glumly reported, “by last month, the school had given up efforts to discipline students after more than 400 students across the district allegedly wore the t-shirts.”

More than four hundred students. It just goes to show that you never know where the hellish countenance of fascism will break out next.

More seriously, consider the amazing development that just emerged from Martin Luther King high school. Four hundred kids defied their woke teachers, threw off the yokes of indoctrination, and risked mind-numbing re-education sessions, passive-aggressive grading of unrelated assignments, and even nasty entries scribbled onto their “permanent records.”

Woke is not cool anymore.

Between the rebellious kids and the lawsuit, the district’s dumb decision has consumed a tremendous amount of time and resources. Maybe they’ll think twice next time.

Taylor and Kaitlyn and the kids of Martin Luther King High are an example the British people could consider this week. Let’s turn to them now.

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It backfired badly. “However,” the Mail glumly reported, “by last month, the school had given up efforts to discipline students after more than 400 students across the district allegedly wore the t-shirts.”

This is sort of tangential, but it speaks to how discipline and respect for authority breaks down under leftism. First, the authorities were 100% wrong about men in women’s sports. That is a complete no-brainer and leave it to leftists to take the totally stupid and anti-logical position. But, when you take that position and you intend to enforce your rules, you had better be committed to following through. When you take a stand with a rule and begin meting out punishment, you had better stand by your position, which means your position had BETTER be righteous. As it was they were no more committed to enforcing those stupid, fascist rules than the boys in girls sports were girls. In the end, authority was degraded, and all for very stupid reasons.

The moral of the story is that you have better choose your positions wisely. Otherwise, you will get rolled and wind up looking totally stupid.

Men should not be in Women’s Sorts and vice versa