No virgins for these killers- just darkness:
The brave British marksman saved the terrified eight-year-old and his father after taking out the crazed jihadi with a head shot from 1,000 metres away.
The special forces crack shot then killed two other members of the hated terror group, who were also taking part in the sick planned execution.
ISIS militants had decreed that the little boy and his father must die after branding them “infidels” because they refused to denounce their faith.
They were just seconds from death when the hero sniper intervened to stop the barbaric killing in the Syrian desert. The pair were part of the minority Shia sect of Islam which ISIS considers to be heretical.
They were saved from a cruel and painful death at the hands of the fanatics after an Iraqi spy tipped off British special forces to the planned execution.
Special forces troops who arrived at the killing site, where ISIS was carrying out a series of rigged ‘trials’ of locals, discovered a gruesome scene with several headless bodies already lying bloodied on the desert floor.
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Our presidential candidates could take a lesson from ISIS.
Sure there are over 100 million Shiites on earth.
There are probably over 15 million illegals here in the USA.
Now, killing them isn’t my point.
My point is START where you can (with deportation in the USA/illegal case) and get on with it no matter what it costs you.
(In this case the Sunni got killed.)
Seems here our candidates think if we can’t deport them all we mustn’t start deporting them at all.
If ISIS continues on its course it will be killing most everyone in Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq because that’s where these Shiites live.
Why bother saving them? Tomorrow the “victims” will be beheading others.
I wouldn’t be suprised if the eight-year-old doesn’t already have his official “Muhamet Youth Brigade” Ginsu Neck Slicer.
In a year or so he will be doing his own Decap Dance on Youtube, praise be to Allah.
This time, it was Sunni killing Shia.
Next time, it will be Shia killing Sunni.
And nothing will ever stop it. Nothing.
Muslims are savage to everyone who is not exactly like them.
They will torture and kill anyone who is different. Even if it is a family member. Even if it is a daughter.