Sandra Fluke Shows MMfA, White House Coordination

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Liberal activist Sandra Fluke made her case to the mostly female audience of the ABC show “The View,” where she claimed —apparently without irony— that she is being silenced by Rush Limbaugh. She also gave a significant clue that her “stunned” sense of outrage seems to be a scripted part of a larger narrative trifecta: supporting Obamacare, destroying religious liberty and silencing the right.

Anyone who follows the Institutional Left was probably suspicious when President Obama called Ms. Fluke on the phone in his unofficial role as Community Organizer in Chief. I scoured the history books and can’t find another case of a sitting president personally contacting a US citizen because a radio talk show host had said something about them that hurt their feelings. Certainly, President Obama made no such called to Laura Ingraham when MSNBC’s Ed Schultz called her a slut. Ms. Fluke described the President as “kind.”

However, Ms. Fluke pulled back the curtain midway through her interview on “The View” when she suggested that viewers head over to the website of Media Matters for America. As The Daily Caller recently exposed, there’s been a high level of coordination between the White House and Media Matters for America, so of course it’s no shock that Ms. Fluke chose MMFA as her leftist propaganda arm of choice.

One of Media Matters’s main jobs has been shutting down right wing media voices were ever possible. They want a world with no, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh or any dissenting voices in the run-up to the 2012 election.

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It figures. The whole thing was a set-up.

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So she’s an activist–so is Rush Limbaugh. So she reads Media Matters, instead of Breitbart. And so she supports the Affordable Care Act (Obama-Care, for those who don’t know), doesn’t think the contraception issue is about religious liberty, and feels it’s impossible to silence the misstatements of the right—does that make her wrong?

@Liberal1 (objectivity): The wrong on this one is that the issue is NOT contraception like the wacho Democrats and MSM want America to believe. The issue is our Constitution and how 0-bama wants to spit on it.