San Francisco Holds Parade for Xi Jinping with Communist Flags Draping the Streets – As Xi Prepares to Meet His Poodle Joe Biden Later Today

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by Jim Hoft

San Francisco rolled out the red carpet for Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Tuesday.

The far left California city and center of innovation held a parade in Xi Jinping’s honor complete with Communist flags lining the streets of the Democrat-run city.

Chinese Americans welcomed Xi as his caravan drove by.

Didn’t the Chinese Americans flee communist China to come to America?

The entire spectacle was caught on China TV.

When will they make Mandarin the official language of San Francisco?

Meanwhile Border Security just confiscated 300 pounds of fentanyl this week – enough to kill off an entire US city.

Allegedly from China.

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The sound you hear will be the Millions of forgot victims of Communism and Newsom the Ninny kissing Xi Rings

biden is a supplicant of XI. He is on XI’s payroll. biden is the most serious threat to America and every American.

Newsom and San Francisco are simply putting all their proprietary information up for grabs for China to steal. Newsom and others simply want to make themselves rich(er) with kickbacks from the Chinese, just as Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has shown them how it’s done.

I’m sure Putin and Trump will both endorse improving relations between the United States and China.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden gave Xi a blowjob.

That twitter post is a crock of shit. No one believes biden as a supplicant of XI was able to have a two way conversation. Total propaganda.

Joke Biden made millions from China and it cost us trillions

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Over one million Americans killed by COVID leaked by and from China and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t even mention it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Plain Bill

Border Security just confiscated 300 pounds of fentanyl this week

So the security system is working.

Border Security just confiscated 300 pounds of fentanyl this week

So the security system is working.

Perhaps you would like to provide proof that no other fentanyl got across the border that was NOT confiscated by the Border Patrol?

The system is not only NOT working, due to the policies of the “so-called” President and the liar, Mayorkos, it is overwhelmed.

Why do you go out of your way to show what an idiot you are? Are in in competition with Comrade Greggie?

FIERCE competition.

Yes, it is working just as the Democrats have designed it: wide open.