Salon owner Shelley Luther ordered released from jail by Texas Supreme Court

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Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther was ordered to jail for seven days after not complying with Governor Greg Abbott’s lockdown orders. Now, the state Supreme Court has ordered her release.

As we discussed in the latest episode of the NOQ Report Podcast, Luther was given the opportunity by the judge to avoid her sentence is she would only apologize for being “selfish” and admit that she was wrong to open her salon and allow her employees to come back to work ahead of the state’s reopen orders. Her reply was not what the judge wanted.

“Judge, I would like to say that I have much respect for this court and laws and that I have never been in this position before and it’s not someplace that I want to be,” Luther said. “But I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I’m selfish because feeding my kids — is not selfish.”

“I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids,” she continued. “So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon.”

She has become a symbol for those opposed to the lockdowns happening across the country as business owners and employees struggle to make a living. She defied the orders, going so far as to rip them up at a rally after they were delivered to her by law enforcement.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick offered to pay for her $7000 fine and even allow himself to serve her sentence under house arrest to allow her to continue working. Then, a GoFundMe campaign began that was able to raise $500,000 for the jailed salon owner. Now, it appears she will be going home early.

Protests have been happening across the country to oppose the draconian mandates being put forth by local governments. President Trump has issued guidance that calls for social distancing, the use of face masks, and stay-at-home recommendations for non-essential businesses, but many states and cities have taken those recommendations too far.

Less than a month ago, the very jail in which Luther was supposed to serve her sentence was busy releasing 1000 inmates to ease crowding. As a result, people who committed actual crimes are free while a business owner trying to feed her family is still behind bars.

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Though a judge just arbitrarily decided that a violation that called for no jail time deserved 7 days in jail is pretty deplorable, even more despicable was the reaction of the liberals I have seen on social media. By and large, liberal cheered, with the same level of vitriolic and vindictive hatred as they show on a daily basis against Trump, seeing this woman taken to jail. I really don’t understand that level of hate the Democrats are imbued with. They must live miserable lives… maybe that’s why the cheer the misery of others.

Democrats also show, over and over, that they don’t understand what work is, how wages are earned and where wealth comes from.

The ones who should be in prison are all those who sent her there in the first place

FLASHBACK: Obama-Loving Judge Who Sentenced Dallas Salon Owner to Jail Once Pulled a Gun During a Road Rage Incident

@Deplorable Me:

Though a judge just arbitrarily decided that a violation that called for no jail time deserved 7 days in jail

She was not jailed for a violation of any law. She was jailed for “contempt of court.”

She was right. Judge Eric Moye is contemptable.

moye ‘s actions are going to bite him in the ass in the near future

Good this Socialist Distancing political prisoner has been freed.