House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said he rejects the premise that President Barack Obama’s healthcare law can’t be repealed now that its first class of 7 million enrollees has signed up.
Ryan this week unveiled a budget plan that seeks to repeal the 2010 law known as Obamacare and would revise the U.S. safety net in an effort to eliminate the deficit in 10 years. The House will vote on the plan next week. House Democrats will release their alternative as soon as Monday, April 7.
The Republican budget proposal will serve as a contrast with Democrats’ fiscal priorities before the U.S. midterm election on Nov. 4. Senate Democratic leaders have said they plan to tie House members vying for Senate seats in Colorado, Montana and Louisiana to Ryan’s proposal.
“This is the fourth year we’ve passed a budget like this, fourth year we’ve said here’s how we plan on balancing the budget and paying off the debt,” Ryan said.
Ryan and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray agreed in December on a two-year budget deal that sets top-line spending at $1.014 trillion for the 2015 fiscal year that starts Oct. 1. As such, Republicans don’t have to prepare a budget, Ryan said, though “we think we should say what we believe in if we don’t like the direction the country’s headed.”
Democrats contend that the enrollment the White House says passed 7 million by the March 31 deadline shows Obamacare can’t be unwound. Ryan said he disagrees with that premise.
House Republicans, who have voted to repeal, defund or delay the health-care law 55 times since taking over the chamber’s majority in 2011, are working to draft a replacement. That plan, which Ryan has been involved in creating, could be unveiled as soon as later this month.
“The architecture of this law is so fundamentally flawed that I think it’s going to collapse under its own weight,” said Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican. “And the sooner those of us who want true, real reform can show a better way forward, the faster we can repeal.”
Really? I will believe this when Social Security collapses under its own weight. They will just print money to support it or “bail in” our 401K’s to fund it.
If you say so Ryan. LOL.
Aside from Ryan being a proven dishonest lying plutocrat and aside from the fact that American voters have already soundly rejected his middle class fleecing budget and aside from the fact that he himself has been soundly rejected by voters, I find it strikingly strange that his ignorance of the political reality of hitting voters in their pocketbooks is so profound.
Ryan and his arrogant plutocrat cohort lost an election that a tree stump should have easily won by the tune of around 5 million votes. He now advocates not only an all out assault on working families, college students, those dependent on medicaid, and the unemployed but he also wants to return 10 million recently insured voters to their previous uninsured state.
I somewhat wonder why so many Democrats don’t like the guy.
Indeed. The entire system is now set up to facilitate the fleecing of the American middle and working classes. The two main components of this scam are:
(1) enormously top-heavy tax cuts, designed to shift income and wealth upward; and
(2) federal borrowing and quantitative easing, which allow the most immediate negative social consequences of the resulting deficits to be hidden for as long as possible.
Unfortunately the day will come when the sh-t hits the fan. That happens when debt reaches a point where it can no longer be continued, or inflation becomes not only undeniable, but very quickly unsustainable.
Ryan only seems to want to address the second factor, when any real solution requires that both factors be addressed. In short, we need a more aggressive progressive tax schedule, and across-the-board spending cuts.
Anyone telling you that only one-half of a solution will work is a liar.
Since we can’t seem to agree on what to cut, maybe we should impose a single percentage cut to every spending item on the budget. Maybe the only exceptions should be spending items a majority agree to kill entirely.
oh my the ron j ward and the greg together having fun demonizing
@ilovebeeswarzone: Why are trolls so angry and often incoherent?
Greg and RJW, either you are totally clueless with your delusions of marxist economics, or you are reprehensible lying propagandists.
And note the irony of my using the leftwing agitprop site to make the point here:
It is precisely the insane leftist economic policies that are crushing the middle class, making more and more people dependent on government handouts – which have to be paid for somehow – yet you leftists continue in the moronic belief that simply raising taxes will fix the problem. You can blather all you want about “we need both tax increases and spending cuts” but everytime a democrat pretends to agree to cut spending along with their demand for tax increases….we get the tax increases and never the spending cuts. It is the same with your leftist push for amnesty – “Oh sure, we will agree to secure the border, but only if we grant 20-30 million illegals citizenship FIRST…then we can talk about how we might secure the border….someday…..”
And calling Ryan a plutocrat, considering that the richest members of Congress are democrats by far, shows how blind you are to reality. Losing the last election sure seems a bit uncertain now that NC has found evidence of 35,000 people who double voted in the last election.
Now I realize for leftists that actually standing for principles is alien to your character – since to you the only thing that matters is succeeding in forcing everyone to accept your demented dystopian political scam – but the idea that we can keep taking more and more and more from people who earn to pay for more and more failed socialist welfare scams is something only a five year old would believe. Dealing with you leftists is like dealing with a child, who when told, “We can’t go to McDonald’s because we don’t have any money right now…” responds with “So just go get some more from the machine, Mommy!”
The debt is already beyond our annual GDP. The tax burden is already too high, precisely because politicians without principle are more interested in buying the votes of the uneducated and the lazy with increased government handouts. Leftists cry and wail about companies moving jobs overseas, as if leftist policies have had nothing to do with pricing American labor out of the market, making it cheaper for companies to build products overseas then ship them to the US, than to have them built here in the first place. Pseudointellectual jackasses turn their noses up at the plot of “Atlas Shrugged”, then turn around and enact laws and impose regulations on businesses in the US that mirror those in Rand’s novel…then act shocked when the very predictable results occur, further weakening US employment and economic strength.
@Pete, #7:
Are you suggesting that all of the legislative and policy changes that come into being during the term of any particular president have their full range of effects instantaneously, and cease to be a factor the moment that president leaves office?
Maybe we should try it and find out. After all, we’ve already tried drastically cutting taxes, and all it did was make the rich a lot richer, while the middle class lost ground and public debt rose like a sky rocket.
Perhaps we could simply go back to the tax schedule that we had during the Reagan era, and adopt his proposal to increase capital gains taxes so that they’re subject to the same or higher rates as income people work to earn.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Middle class fleecing? But Ronald, more Americans are seeing their middle class status slipping under six years of this administration. Not the administration of some potential future administration, or a parallel universe administration. In fact, you can watch the middle class vanish in this animated infographic of the President’s home town, Chicago, which is uncoincidentally run by the Collective. Remember, the Democrats are the Party of the Rich.
Could you tell me how many of those 10 Million recently insured were people who recently had their plans canceled by ObamaCare?
Also, where are you getting that 10 Million figure?
I see that drones are being directed to use the phrase, “fleecing of the American middle class,” though that process has been well under way for at least 6 years, probably longer.
The two main components of this scam are:
(1) enormously top-heavy tax cuts, designed to shift income and wealth upward; and
This is where the Collective gets things all muddled up. Remember Greg, wealth belongs to earners, not to government, nor to idiot activists who want to steal from earners and give to socialist parasites such as yourself, in order to chase after the total non-issue of income inequality.
Though if income inequality really bothers you then the solution is simple; embrace conservative economic principles. As we know, it is Blue States and cities that lead the nation in income inequality, which isn’t surprising, considering that the Collective doesn’t understand basic economics.
This of course is incorrect. Remember, progressive, or punitive taxes as they’re more correctly known, bring in less revenue.
Are you suggesting here that much of President Clinton’s economic success was due to President Reagan’s economic policies?
We already did:
If you remain unconvinced, all one then has to do is take a look at Detroit; the Crown Jewel of Leftist Socio-Economic Policy, which helps to serve as physical evidence of the Collective’s collective incompetence. Detroit has been under unfettered Democratic rule since 1961, and it shows.