Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:
Paul Ryan stayed on the attack today in Florida, appearing at the retirement center The Villages, along with a special guest — his mother. “When I think about Medicare,” Ryan told a cheering crowd, “it’s not just a program. It’s not just numbers. It’s what my Mom relies on.” Continuing to attack Barack Obama over the transfer of $716 billion in future Medicare spending to fund the subsidies and Medicaid expansion in ObamaCare. “The President raids $716 billion from the Medicare program,” Ryan tells the crowd, “to pay for the ObamaCare program.” Ryan then went on to slam the Independent Payment Advisory Board as a rationing system, a message that Mitt Romney also delivered in a podcast earlier today. “In addition to that,” Ryan continued, “he puts a board of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in charge of Medicare — who are required to [cut] care in ways that will lead to denied care for current seniors.”
It’s a tough attack — and very much on point to Obama’s record on health care “reform.” Via National Review, here’s the clip:
Ryan/Romney also propose using Medicare as a ‘piggy-bank’; they just don’t tell you about it. See:
They just use it to infuse the budget so they can give more tax advantages for their friends. (Piggy-bank for their wealthy donators.)
The linked report says nothing of the kind. In other words: “You lie!”
ABC pro-Obama bias is already well recognized. Yet you also seem to have missed Tapper’s updates :
Romney Adviser Kevin Madden Defends Attack on Obama for Medicare Cuts
(As expected) Liberal1 and Greg also continue pointlessly to refer to Ryan plan ignoring the fact that Ryan is the VP candidate, and not the #1 position. Romney has already stated that Ryan is now on board with the Campaign adopted plan (as is clearly stated above.)