The person who disagrees with you 80% of the time is not your ally…
Michael Reagan, a son of former President Ronald Reagan, tweeted Monday that he won’t vote for Donald Trump and doesn’t think his late father would have supported the presumptive GOP nominee.
Reagan said he wouldn’t vote for Trump in the California primary on Tuesday. He followed that tweet with another that said that if his father were alive today, this would likely be the first time he wouldn’t back his party’s presidential candidate.
The Republican party is a shadow of what it was under Reagan. If Reagan were alive today he would have dumped the GOP and started a new party – probably with a lot of success, and the GOP would be forgotten much like the Whig Party.
As Trump continues to bluster and blunder, securing his angry white male base, more and more rational Repubs. will either desert him outright, like Beck and Kristol or go quiet like Ryan and Gingrich.
Rather than totally sell out their principles they’ll work to save The House and Senate and begin preparation to defeat HRC in 4 years.
Trump goes down but The Party survives and comes back strengthened in 2020 ready to win back the W.H. longterm.
Each Conservative SCOTUS justice gets a free health spa membership, a personal trainer and a vegetarian chef.
@Richard Wheeler:
I am pretty certain that if these “principled Republicans” as you call them (IMHO that means they like Big Government – they just like to hold the reins), that will be the end of the GOP. All the people who supported Trump because they thought that he could shake up the cronyism in DC, start securing our borders, and act like a real manager (Choosing competent people to run the various Departments – something career politicians don’t know how to do) will never trust them again. They will start voting Libertarian or some other third party.
Personally, I have lost ALL respect for the the Republican National Committee over the past decade.
I predicted on previous posts that the MSM would “suddenly” turn their guns on Trump, once he had the GOP nomination. At this point it seems inevitable that the self-appointed political aristocracy – which has ZERO familiarity with the concept of integrity (regardless of nominal party affiliation) – is working to put the criminally corrupt Hillary in the Oval Office.
Trump has served his purpose of distracting those who perceive the dangerous floundering tilt of our republic upon the insane waters of collectivist political correctness thus preventing unification behind a viable conservative so as to pave the way for Hillary’s coronation, bringing the further destruction of individual liberty and constitutional government.
Don’t be surprised as the tenor of talking head discussion puts forth the idea for “we’ll come back in 2020”, ignoring the inherent tyranny and corruption of another Clinton administration’s impact on the country.
I predict one of the following scenarios:
Trump is the GOP candidate, who will be mercilessly hammered by the MSM, resulting in a Clinton victory…OR
Trump is denied the nomination through political chicanery, and an establishment candidate gets the nomination. Trump runs as an independent, splitting the non-democrat/socialist vote, resulting in Hillary winning with less than 50% of the vote, yet is declared by the MSM as winning an “historical mandate”.
Either scenario represents the death of the republic.
Understand, I am NOT a Trump supporter. But my loathing of the Clintons and their completely evil, selfish, corrupt nature, combined with absolute contempt for the spineless, despicable and deceitful RINOs like McConnell, leave me with no real choice in November.