Bradley Manning gave all the sensitive intelligence he could to WikiLeaks, which of course outed it all, in stages. The last bit outing — of the real names of our agents working in hostile countries, against their own governments or terrorist groups which have the favor of the government — was supposedly an “accident,” but that information was outed all the same.
People have been killed, obviously.
Because Bradley Manning was all butthurt or something.
Bradley Manning is a narcissistic, sociopathic coward and traitor with the blood of murder on his delicate little hands.
But that’s not the Bradley Manning Ron Paul knows.
No, Ron Paul sees the “hero” and “patriot” in him.
Paul has called Manning, a crossdresser with acknowledged mental problems, a “hero” and “patriot” for stealing government secrets and providing them to WikiLeaks.Manning, who served as an intelligence analyst in Iraq, is charged with one of the most spectacular and damaging leaks of classified information in this country’s history. The death penalty has been strangely ruled out in his case, but he could still face life in prison.
I’ve been seeing some weird twisted reasonings about why Bradley Manning is mentally ill.
Homosexuality was removed from some list of mental illnesses, YET Bradley Manning’s “mental illness” seems to be – at its core – his own homosexuality!
Manning’s TWINKIE DEFENSE is that his mental problems with being a homosexual in the military during DADT (which he KNEW was the rule when he JOINED) meant he SHOULDN’T have been ALLOWED access to sensitive materials!
How were those in charge of assignments supposed to KNOW he was homosexual since policy was DADT????
More like a pretzel defense.
Now, Ron Paul is just twisted.
Plain and simple.
Who in their right mind would stand by a person who uses his homosexuality as an excuse for committing his crime?
What’s even more sad is that ronulan loons think they are Conservatives. This in spite of crap like this. He tried to frame our soldiers for murder and he’s a hero to an “alleged patriot” like Paul? Paul also claims to be pro-American soldier. I think this shows otherwise.
I live in md and am following the trial closely. Manning has no excuse. He was unhappy, therefore he broke his covenant with his country and very actively attempted to leak information and destroy others. This shows a very angry and childish response.
My guess is that his superiors felt restricted by his complaints of discrimination. He is an insult to gay patriots.
Put him in jail for life. After two week everyone will forget about him or better yet, drop him in the middle of Iran.
Maybe they will listen to him complain when he wears a burqua.
Ron Paul
Bradley Manningis a narcissistic, sociopathic, anti-semitic foolcoward and traitorwith theblood of murdersmell of liniment on hisdelicate littlegnarled and very very old hands.fify
@Nan G: Indeed, according to Bradley, we shouldn’t hire gays to do anything important. I mean, civilian America is no better at treating gays than the military. It’s just one big, DADT country.
This reminds me of the current and beautiful irony of gays going into clothes-tearing, screaming grief over their inability to get married as straights increasingly blow off being wedded as a primitive and useless relic of overly-religious times.
that is very incriminating for RON PAUL,
Remember that Manning betrayed his nation, his oath of office, and gave information and aid to the enemy in time of war That’s treason under an official situation of declared war by a military serviceman. The prosecution aught to remind the court and Manning’s defense that such is grounds for a sentence that includes execution.
He admits to having committed the crime, and these excuses his defense continues to claim are immaterial as to his guilt or innocence. They should only be considered for mitigating circumstances for Manning’s sentence.
Ron Paul is a Doctor and Congressman, neither of which qualifies him for an understanding of military court proceedings in time of war.
yes, there is no excuse to become traitor to your COUNTRY, even worse
from an BORN AMERICAN with roots deeper in the ground,
that is shameless conduct, which if left unpunished will bring more of to follow the bad behavior,
there is foreign propaganda all over THE UNIVERSITIES and unchallenged, free speeches
to gather jihads to join them. that is already enough without having a soldier which joined a group of super braves best of this NATION HUMAN PUTTING THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE OF FIRE, to have
such a traitor in their back which they have trusted as a brother.
the worse one, because they trusted him.
Paul attributes motives to Manning that Manning doesn’t even rely on!
Manning does NOT claim to have acted out of patriotism or any higher motive.
He says (through lawyers) he is so sick and conflicted that he cannot control himself.
Paul is out of his gourd!
Nan G
I wander where his followers will go to now, many are bound to defect,
the best of CHRISTMAS TO YOU
Ron Paul:
Legalize drugs, legalize prostitution, do away with the age of consent, 9-11 was our own fault, Iran deserves a nuke because after all Israel has one, publishes Newsletters under his mast head “The Ron Paul Report” that is both racist and anti-semitic. This newsletter was endorsed by the American Nazi Party. Says he didn’t write the pieces and didn’t read them before they were published…so ok he is just inept. Praises traitors like Bradley Manning. Alludes to the fact that he may not be physically up to the presidential challenge.
So what is in this race for? Attention and fawning by young people would be my guess or just to screw up the works. If the Republican Party had any sense, it would throw him out on his Libertarian ear and make him run on that ticket. He pulls as many OWS supporters as he does anyone else.