Romney’s Secret Voting Bloc

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Ralph Reed, the president of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, has been spending a lot of time in states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the belief that evangelical support for Mr. Romney could be decisive. He notes that when George W. Bush won Ohio in 2004, the Kerry camp thought their dominance of Democratic Cuyahoga County around Cleveland had the state locked up. But Mr. Bush’s solid support in evangelical-dominated counties from Cincinnati to the West Virginia border carried Ohio by two percentage points.

Before the first presidential debate on Oct. 3, Mr. Romney was eight points behind the president in Ohio. In the past week, the Cincinnati Enquirer/Ohio News Organization poll had Mr. Romney even with Mr. Obama, and a few days ago the Rasmussen poll put him up by two points.

Mr. Reed notes that in several opinion polls—NBC, Pew and ABC—the percentage of evangelicals claiming to support Mr. Romney has been in the mid-70s. “We estimate that in 2008 there were 350,000 evangelicals who didn’t vote in Ohio,” Mr. Reed says. “Obama carried the state by 260,000.” If that support of 70% or more holds for Mr. Romney in Ohio, and if the share of the evangelical vote increases by a point or two, then the challenger could carry the Buckeye State.

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Who is voting for Mitt Romney? AKA: Let’s save America because we can!

Catholics – who have been challenged by Obama in their faith and beliefs. They have been running a vast nationwide campaign, along with millions of other Christians, to vote overwhelmingly for Romney.
Blacks – who are against same-sex marriages as being immoral and who have suffered most from Obama’s failures.
Whites – who see that Blacks are voting for Obama because he’s Black; Whites will vote for Whites.
Republicans – none of which voted for Obamacare.
Tea Party followers – who like in 2010 are throwing out Liberals and RHINOS again. And, here they come in every state of the union to do a 2010-style get-out-the-vote in 2012 for Romney/Ryan.
Coal Miners – who are taking Obama’s threats to end coal mining in America seriously. Coal mining is their livelihood and they are going to the polls to vote ROMNEY.
Vehicle drivers – those who are faced with TWICE the cost of gas since Obama took office.
Jobless workers – those who have been waiting for Obama to create jobs, but he hasn’t; many job-seekers have left the job market. Millions are underemployed and have taken lower wager. Fight Obama!
Stock and Bond holders – many of whom were shafted when GM and Chrysler went bankrupt. Obama gave preference to unions and left bond-holders with nothing.
Small Business owners – who have repeatedly been ignored by Obama. They favor Romney and are waiting to grow their businesses in an environment that is favorable to business.
Citizens against Obamacare – because of the upcoming increase in taxes and excessive regulation if Obamacare is not repealed.
Jewish folks – because Obama has not visited Israel even once since taking office; and Obama’s bad attitude toward Israel. An overwhelming majority in Israel favor Romney. A major NY Jewish newspaper has endorsed Romney for President.
Hispanics – those who know that Obama’s failure to create sufficient jobs is hurting the U.S. economy in a bad way. And Obama’s bad policies have raised gas and food prices; Hispanics shop, too! Many support Romney now.
Business people – millions who are hesitant to grow because of the vast uncertainty due to Obama and Obamacare.
Workers – facing layoffs, underemployment and a worsening economy; lower wages.
Shoppers – those who see prices rising and product size shrinking; inventories reduced.
Concerned Citizens – who see the Benghazi incident as an Obama failure and even treasonous (un-American).
Concerned Citizens – who see Obama’s foreign policies as dangerous and failures.
Persons of Faith – who recognize Obama’s forcing provision by them of contraception to employees as Constitutional violations.
Gun owners – who have always been against the extreme liberal ideas Obama has for gun control.
Local government officials – who see Obama’s federal encroachment as unacceptable.
Truckers – who see the high price of gas as an attack on their livelihood.
Oil business – that reject Obama’s curbs on off-shore drilling.
Oil industry workers – that recognize the Keystone pipeline as Obama’s failure to encourage jobs and job growth.
Americans – who view Obama’s encouragement of high oil prices and lowered U.S. oil production as favoring OPEC and Arabs.
Concerned Congressmen – those that recognize that Obama has no cogent foreign policy, which could prove to be dangerous.
Homeowners – who have seen their life saving and equity go down the drain because Obama has done nothing on the economy.
Health care providers – doctors and others who see Obamacare as a threat to their income; and harmful extreme regulations that take medical decision-making away from doctors and gives it to bureaucrats.
Concerned citizens – that are very concerned about the U.S. deficit and Obama’s extreme radical uncontrolled spending.
Others – concerned about Obama’s illegal activities, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, not defending DOMA, condoning illegal aliens.
Abortion foes – object to Obama’s callous lack of concern for the unborn and Obama’s radical third trimester abortion views.
Concerned Americans – who have been outright lied to by Obama when he claimed his administration would be transparent.
Car manufacturers – those that have seen car sales drop with Obama’s bad economy and economic policies hurting sales.
Housing developers – who like many others have seen the Obama economy cripple home construction and lower profits.
Mormons – who support Mitt Romney as a person of faith, good character, and honest principles.
Economists – that have expressed encouragement that Romney’s experience and knowledge will lead to true hope and results.
Military – seeing that Obama’s cuts will endanger their ability to protect our country.
Independents – who already have provided a surge for Romney, are convinced that the past 4 years of Obama is enough.
Evangelicals – who organized the largest get-out-the-vote for conservatism ever, in their concerted effort to defeat Obama.
Conservatives – a majority in U.S., are pushing hard to take the Senate, Presidency and House for the good of America.
Skeptics – who 4 years ago were duped into believing in Obama’s Hope and Change that eventually came to nothing, just lies.
Disillusioned Democrats – who have been utterly disappointed in Obama and will not vote for Obama or not vote at all.
and millions, millions more against Obama and his lies and failures.
And, YES. Many State and Federal workers support Romney because they have FAMILY members that need jobs; fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpa — they are suffering, too, from Obama’s failure to create adequate numbers of good-paying jobs.

Vote Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan. Let’s make America strong and great again because we can!