In his interview on “Fox News Sunday” this morning, Mitt Romney again ratcheted up his rhetoric on gas prices, calling for the president to fire what he dubbed the “gas hike trio” of Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson. Here’s The Washington Post with the recap:
“When [President Obama] ran for office, he said he wanted to see gasoline prices go up,” Romney said. “He said that energy prices would skyrocket under his views, and he selected three people to help him implement that program. The secretary of energy, the secretary of interior and EPA administrator. And this gas hike trio has been doing the job over the last three-and-a-half years, and gas prices are up. The right course is they ought to be fired because the president has apparently suffered election-year conversion. He’s now decided that gasoline prices should come down.” …
Romney, who first called for their firing at a town hall meeting Saturday night in Collinsville, Ill., is talking more and more about gas prices and their impact on families across the country. He said the gas prices are pinching middle class families, who now struggle to fill up their tanks. …
Romney recalled meeting a woman on a recent campaign trip to Missouri. “I spoke with a teacher in St. Louis who was out of work and she’s staying on unemployment because she said, in part, the cost of getting to and from work at a temporary teaching assignment was just so expensive, given gasoline,” Romney said. “She couldn’t afford to go back to work.”
Earlier this week, in an interview with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer, Romney also said he “absolutely” blames the president’s policies for high gas prices. When Hemmer pointed out that a Fox News poll shows the majority of Americans don’t think Obama is to blame, Romney didn’t back down. He stressed instead that the president’s decisions have sent an unacceptable signal to the world that the country is not committed to developing its own resources.
Back in Time’s Person of the Year 2008 interview Obama said this:
Lucky Obama!
People are now paying $4/gallon for gas!
We might be paying $5/gallon by this summer.
In Nashville, Tenn. transportation expenses eat up 29% of the entire income of the average person!
How can Obama be unhappy about this?
It seems he got exactly what he wanted.
Oh, but Biden got BOO’ed in St. Patrick’s Day Parade In Pittsburgh.
Could be a sign.
Check out the spin.