Romney supporter, Michael Savage, offers Newt $1 mil to quit

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Conservative radio host Michael Savage is offering Republican presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich $1 million if he drops out of the GOP race within the next 72 hours, according to a message on his website.

“Newt Gingrich is unelectable. Mitt Romney is the only candidate with a chance of defeating Barack Obama, and there is nothing more important than that for the future health, safety, and security of the United States of America,” the statement read. “Therefore I am offering Newt Gingrich one million dollars to drop out of the presidential race for the sake of the nation.”

Savage conceded that Romney is “not as strong a conservative as many would like him to be,” but listed the reasons why he thinks Gingrich is a threat to Republicans.

Savage said that as Speaker of the House, Gingrich didn’t deliver on his “Contract with America.” He also cited the ad Gingrich made with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) about global warming, which Gingrich has called the “dumbest” move of his career, and said Gingrich’s idea to offer illegal aliens who are established in the U.S. a path to citizenship amounted to “amnesty.”

Continue reading at The Hill.

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I don’t care for Savage, but I more or less agree with his reasoning here. Though the offer itself is obviously a publicity stunt.

I prefer the established selection process myself. And, of course it’s a stunt. Selecting a nominee is a matter for the party. Politics is already influenced enough by money.

ROMNEY seems to think he can buy everybody, just like OBAMA is doing with his billion,
is that his mantra to lead this NATION with the tax-payers’s money if he get elected?
money but no plan.

Mike Savage is an idiot! His ego is larger than Rush”s for no apparent reason. Gingrich is the only person in my lifetime who balanced the federal budget 4 years running. He had the guts to stand my his decision. Clinton, by his veto closed down the government. He just blamed the GOP for it.

On MS’s web site is this:
(Only 48 hours remain)