Via Ben Domenench…Andrew Kaczynski strikes again with another video.
This isn’t a video from the Waaayyyyy Back Machine. It was last year.
Romney says the similarities that he likes between RomneyCare and ObamaCare are the “incentives”? As Ben notes, incentives=individual mandate and the fine for not having insurance.
So what we are left with is Mitt saying last year he wouldn’t repeal the similarities between RomneyCare and ObamaCare that he likes (which in this video seems to include the mandate and fine) but this year he says he’ll repeal it all.
I guess we’ll just have to elect him to find out what he’ll do! What could go wrong?
Repeal Romney and keep the rest….
Have you not heard him in the debates? He has alluded to keeping his part(the best) and getting rid of some. But does anyone really believe that he will get rid of RomobiCare? Please! Another reason he will not condem it. That way after the election he will stall and then tell the truth, “I never said I made a mistake, but that I liked the good parts and now want to extend it some more.” And then we will hear the wailing and the moaning how people were sold out by him. same old story, just a different politician doing what politicans always do. Lies and broken promises.