Romney Blames Obama for Supercommittee Failure

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Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney criticized President Barack Obama on Sunday for refusing to intervene in congressional talks to cut the deficit.

With the so-called supercommittee at an impasse ahead of Wednesday’s deadline, Mr. Romney blamed the president for the apparent failure of the bipartisan panel, which was tasked with finding savings in excess of $1.2 trillion. He also called on Mr. Obama to introduce legislation to restore $600 billion in defense spending that will be cut automatically if the panel fails to offer alternatives.

“He hasn’t had any role,” Mr. Romney told roughly 200 supporters outside the city hall building in Nashua, where he appeared for a campaign event with Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte. “He’s done nothing. It’s another example of failed leadership.”

As many of his rivals for the nomination fade, Mr. Romney continues to hammer the president in a bid to cast himself as the inevitable Republican nominee. He starts speeches these days by asking voters to envision the day after the general election, and his campaign issues daily press releases to complain that Mr. Obama’s political aides are obsessed with their candidate.

The president recently has taken a hands-off approach in the ongoing talks to reduce the deficit, deferring to a bipartisan panel of six senators and six House members who have so far been unable to agree on a deficit-reduction package, in large measure, because Republicans have refused to accept Democratic proposals to increases taxes individuals or certain sectors of the economy.

Mr. Romney joined the rest of the Republican presidential field in his refusal to raise taxes on anyone as a means to pare the deficit. He restated those objections repeatedly during campaign stops over the weekend and instead pointed the finger at Mr. Obama.

“He has not taken personal responsibility to get this supercommittee to find ways to balance our budget to cut spending,” Mr. Romney said Sunday. “Instead, he set up a trap: He said we’re going to cut military spending by $600 billion.”

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I am not taking up for Obi at all. But did anyone really believe that the politicians would get anything done, after we were told by both the libdems and reps. a few months ago that they all had faith in the Super duper Com.? Who believed them except for other professional politicians on both sides? Let me know please because we have this beautiful waterfront property in the middle of the desert that we will sell you real cheap with cold cash up front. But you have to buy it first to see it. You will love it!

I suspected that the “super committee” would end up being a do-nothing debacle. Almost no one in Washington want’s to be fiscally responsible. especially Democrats who have been buying votes for decades with never ending expansions of entitlement spending. (And yes, some Republicans have contributed their share.)