Revolution in the Briefing Room: Trump’s Bold Move to Shake Up Journalism

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by Rick Moran

Rumors are flying hot and heavy inside the Beltway that Trump’s media team is considering significant, even revolutionary, changes in the White House briefing room.

Ordinarily, the front row of seats is reserved for the “major” media outlets, including ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, Reuters, and CNN. That lineup is as constant as spring rains and as holy as seniority in the College of Cardinals.

But there’s a new sheriff in town, and suddenly, we’re looking at a dry spring and overturning the sacred college. Trump aides are thinking of mixing things up to give other, less biased media organizations a shot.

The White House Correspondent’s Association (WHCA) is responsible for the briefing room seating chart. To take that duty away from the WHCA is akin to a declaration of war on the legacy press. That may be exactly what Trump’s media team is looking for.

Anyone who’s ever watched a press briefing knows that the whole event is performance art; reporters talk for five minutes to show off their knowledge of events and then ask a question about minutiae that the press secretary is unable to answer. It’s a game that doesn’t impart any information or accomplish any sort of information exchange between the people and the president. It’s all for show.

Giving reporters face time on TV is vital to their careers. A snarky question that catches the press secretary off guard, or better yet, elicits an angry retort, cements the reporter’s reputation, and assures his continued employment.

The new press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, will apparently not have an office in the West Wing of the White House. This reflects a general downplaying of the traditional press operation. This isn’t surprising given that Donald Trump, for better or worse, is his own press secretary.

“This administration values transparency and diversity in media,” Leavitt said. “We are committed to ensuring that the press room reflects the modern landscape of journalism.”

New York Sun:

She foresees a briefing room makeup that features more independent and non-traditional organizations, including internet personalities that don’t have a print or TV presence.

Any change to the status quo would likely draw heavy criticism from the WHCA, which is powerful. For instance, during the COVID pandemic, the association decided just 14 reporters would populate the briefing room in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Of course, some of the outlets cut from the room were conservative.

That WHCA seating chart is only a suggestion that every presidential press team has followed — until now. That has raised the hackles of White House reporters who fear being left out in the cold.

“It would be a total mess,” an anonymous White House correspondent told the Hill. “I would expect people would probably boycott the briefings, though that would put certain outlets in a tough spot deciding if they want to go along with what the Trump people are trying to pull.”

Trump learned the hard way last time he was in the White House. Eventually, he did away altogether with the daily briefing, going more than 300 days without dispatching his press secretary to answer questions.

Before he bailed, the briefings had devolved into grandstanding sessions by peacocking reporters hoping to make a name on their biased bloviating. In addition to Mr. Avila’s theatrics, the hard-left reporter Yamiche Alcindor, of NBC News — who says it’s her job to use journalism to bend the “moral arc toward justice” — routinely berated Trump’s press liaisons. After a long hiatus, she is returning to cover Trump’s second term.

George H.W. Bush’s press secretary, Ari Fleischer, thinks the press room reorganization should only be the start.

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The last Trump term, the media seemed more interested in trying desperately to get a “zinger” in on Trump that to extract and present any real information. Most of the media during Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s regime mainly wanted to give Psaki/Karin layups with which to promote the regime’s propaganda. I would say they should structure their briefings to cater to those that are asking legitimate questions and weed out the attention-seeking DNC grandstanders. They’ll learn.

Sorry to disagree with ya bud but they have terminal TDS, cant be treated or cured. Todays hearing for Pam they asked her about QAnon a thing they are now mixing with pizza-gate. Maybe they should call in David Icke to testify about the reptilians.
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I don’t fantasize that they will ever change their dedication to supporting Democrats, no matter how degenerate or failed, but they can be forced to behave in the press briefings or they simply won’t be there.


Would love to see CONTROL and decorum from Media when invited into the WH to cover foreign dignitaries meeting with the President. No,shouting out questions…give out limited numbers to reporters to respectfully ask their questions. It’s embarrassing the way it’s done now.

I believe that was for regular press briefings. I am specifically talking about when foreign diplomats are meeting with the President and the media is invited into the White House to ask questions.

So you want only part-time decorum?

A conscious effort to replace stenographers with real journalists would be appreciated by the American people…