Revealed: Obama came up w ObamaCare because he needed throwaway applause line in campaign speech

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Dan McLaughlin’s right: This really is the most Obama thing ever.

Knowing what you know about him, if you had to guess the genesis of his biggest domestic legislative initiative, which would you guess? That he spent years studying the issue, consumed by the intricacies of health-care policy and determined to make a difference if ever placed in a position to do so? Or that he needed a killer line for one of his speeches and couldn’t let pass a golden opportunity to grandstand? QED. Even the transformation of American health care is but a subplot to Hopenchange image-making.

Soon-to-be-candidate Obama, then an Illinois senator, was thinking about turning down an invitation to speak at a big health care conference sponsored by the progressive group Families USA [in January 2007], when two aides, Robert Gibbs and Jon Favreau, hit on an idea that would make him appear more prepared and committed than he actually was at the moment.

Why not just announce his intention to pass universal health care by the end of his first term?…

“We needed something to say,” recalled one of the advisers involved in the discussion. “I can’t tell you how little thought was given to that thought other than it sounded good. So they just kind of hatched it on their own. It just happened. It wasn’t like a deep strategic conversation.”…

The candidate jumped at it. He probably wasn’t going to get elected anyway, the team concluded. Why not go big?

I can’t quote much more due to fair use but you should read the rest to see how the pattern recurred during the 2008 campaign. Not until two months after he made the promise described above did he bother to get up to speed on health-care policy, and that was only because Hillary destroyed him over it at an SEIU candidate forum. (It seems looooong ago now but candidate Obama actually argued against Clinton’s preference for an individual mandate on the trail. Why? “Aides say Obama was simply looking for any way to differentiate himself from an opponent whose basic policy positions were indistinguishable from his own.”) Later it was Ted Kennedy who pressed him to stick with health-care reform by making his endorsement semi-contingent upon O doing so. Once Obama got to the Oval Office, Rahm Emanuel pleaded with him to find something else to focus on in his first year but O insisted on forging ahead because, unlike Bill Clinton, he didn’t get elected to “do school uniforms.” He had, as usual, come to believe his own bullsh*t about the grandiosity of Hopenchange, and having orated his way into the presidency, he probably figured (not without reason) that he could sell the country on a new health-care boondoggle too. It’s been a thorn in his side ever since, and the pain’s only going to get worse.

What’s striking about this story is how it mirrors the genesis of his half-assed “red line” on Syria. That was also the product of an idle remark that sounded good at the time on a subject that Obama obviously didn’t consider a high priority.

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Really? You have to stoop to lies like this crap? Too bad.

@This one:
Helluva lie then…with all those direct quotes attributed to specific Obama advisors supporting the headline…..

I remember the first time I learned that Obama was repeatedly lying about his mother’s health insurance woes.
To pick a domestic issue simply to get Ted Kennedy’s endorsement doesn’t surprise me.
And to oppose Hillary on the details of her health plan then later to adopt her details completely shows he was only interested in making points at the time.
A lot of what comes out Obama’s mouth seems to be only for momentary effect.
Like that Red Line on chemical weapons.

Who was it said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can fool all of the liberals all of the time!” Isn’t this a famous quote? I guess “This One” was one of those liberals fooled and now, he can only point to those who think and cry “Lies! Lies!” Isn’t that what the pigs did in Animal Farm, cry “Lies!” when their scheming was detected?

Speaking of fools, here’s one of the Dems leaders. Just how stupid do you have to be to vote for this idiot.