Trump is learning how to overcome the Deep State and the NY Times headline writers are nervous:
Hmm, how often do people find themselves cheering for the faceless bureaucrats in a battle against a person who wants to Get Things Done?
I don’t have the will to check but I doubt the NY Times got nervous when Obama defied a do-nothing Congress (and reversed his earlier ruminations) by imposing a stripped down DREAM Act as an executive order.
Interesting they cant get names for their sources. Oh yes he did tweet on Aug. 5, 2014 there were people coming from Africa with Ebola, it was getting many people concerned. Seems background and history of the article are left out so they can make an unfounded case of racism. We were just as concerned with a white nurse and a white doctor coming back to the states for treatment.
Its so horrible that we choose that those coming into our country will benefit the nation not be on benefits. That they come in legally not sneak over the border.
I also have a soft spot for dreamers, if they have a spotless record, sorry mom and dad have to go, they broke our laws of immigration. If its too tough to be separated they can go with them.
So who realy beleives a darn thing they read in the New York Pravda(Times)its as bad as CNN(Fake News Network)i mean its like the horns of a steer a point here a point there and lot of bull in between i means Lies,Lies,Lies 24/7 just like NBC and their faked GM Truck Explosion which Dateline NBC had rigged the whole this and like Katie Couric and Under the Gun edited film
Trump cannot be evaluated as a traditional politician. He is more of a benefactor, pushing policies that simply benefits the United States and its people.
And the establishment can’t stand it.