John Hinderaker @ Powerline:
It happens all the time in talk radio: a caller will say that he is a lifelong Republican, and will recall fondly how he voted for Ronald Reagan. Then he says that today’s Republicans have gone too far, and for the first time ever he is voting for a Democrat! These callers are nearly always lying. If you look them up, you likely will find that they are Democratic Party precinct chairmen.
The Obama campaign is trying to perpetrate the same deception. It has just released a video called Republican Women For Obama, which features four or five women who claim to be Republicans, or to have been Republicans until recently. But, of course, they are appalled by Mitt Romney–it is hard to say why, apart from a couple of discreet references to abortion, but did they really just now figure out that the Republican Party is pro-life? The ad is surprisingly ineffective, but it is also dishonest. At least one of the women who pose as “Republican women for Obama” is a long-time Democrat.
Her name is Maria Ciano, and BuzzFeed finds that she has been a registered Democrat in Colorado at least since 2006. Here she is in the Obama ad. She is easy to spot in the ad because she wears braces.:
And here she is on Facebook:
Her Facebook page is here; some of her friends congratulate her on appearing in the Obama ad. In addition to the fact that she is a registered Democrat, check out her Facebook “likes.” They make it obvious that Ms. Ciano is a devoted Democrat and a left-wing activist. Here are some of her “likes,” beginning with the earliest in time:
* Democracy For America
* Tar Sands Action
* Amy Goodman
* Barack Obama
* Being Liberal
* Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
* Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
* Think Progress
* The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
* Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
* Climate Reality
* The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
* The Sierra Club
* The Buffett Rule
* Obama For America–Colorado
* Denver Young Democrats
* Obamacare
* Latinos For Obama
* Michelle Obama
* Veterans For Obama
* I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
* Obama Truth Team
* Democratic PartyBut the Obama campaign describes Ms. Ciano as a “Republican Woman!” Right. There are liars; there are compulsive liars; and then there is the Obama campaign. If someone took the trouble to track the down the other women in the ad, they would probably find something similar. If you do that, please record your findings in the comments.
UPDATE: OK, I’ve broken through on this via Facebook. More of the women are fake “Republicans.”
Either Obama is hoping to discourage Republicans from getting to the polls
Obama has thrown in his lot with a new fallacy to replace his tired-looking Straw man.
The Band Wagon Fallacy is an attempt to lyingly convince your opponents that they are the very dregs, the very last ones to ”see the light” and change horses in midstream.
The band wagon fallacy is as old as the straw man fallacy.
It is rarely used outside of advertizing because….Seeing through it is so easy!
Sorry, but Republican [Conservative] women are far too intelligent to suddenly turn into… a “liberal” or even to suddenly and now of all times….’jump to the other side”!!
Nice try Obama, frauds…and liars!!!
And yet that is what long time conservative cause, Arianna Huffinton, did in the late 90s/early millennium. Now you may want to debate that she is far from intelligent. But you can never argue the fact that she was an active conservative for two and a half decades.
Is there anything REAL about the democratic party?
If you promise her enough money, she will revert back to a “conservative” so fast the concussion from the vacuum created might destroy a small city.
You know what’s funny about this, is the Republican women I know are disappointed with Romney for not being conservative enough. That doesn’t mean they won’t vote for him, but this suggestion that Romney is somehow “extreme right” is absolutely ludicrous…
Now wait a cotton picking minute, not all Liberal women are flighty kooks and lying imbeciles, there is a logical explanation for this fraud: these women have an alter-ego that is Conservative. Once in a while it prowls unmolested, like when they must be responsible, pay taxes, or show up in court. This alternative personality is important at times, but from the bottom of their souls they hate themselves when they need to put their best foot forward and act responsible. In carnal matters and when their libido needs to be assuaged, they are Liberal to the core. So be not harsh on these harpies and their alternative red-haired stepchild Conservative personalities; they can’t help themselves; they are locked in a love hate confrontation with their Liberal irresponsibility and their Conservative conscience. Whether they are tickling the libido or feigning respectability, they must deal with their Conservative conscience. It’s not easy, in front of their friends they feel as awkward as a pimp at a parent teacher meeting.
It seems the DNC has decided to plant their flag on the issue of abortion (well, that and pandering to the Muslims). So who is really waging war on women?
Certainly not Republicans who understand that a woman’s uterus is not the only concern she has. There are other issues, such as the cost of the food she must buy to feed her family, the cost of the gas to get to the grocery store, the unemployment issue that makes it harder for her to find a job after leaving college, education, security of her neighborhood, how much of her income or her spouse’s income will be taxed, et al. Only for those single issue feminazis is abortion a top issue.
Not to mention that Democrats have made it quite clear to women “If you don’t agree with us on this one issue, you are not welcome under our tent.”
The nation is changing its opinion on abortion on demand. People are becoming informed as to what the procedure of abortion actually does. And that is not good news for Democrats who support abortion on demand, no restrictions on age of the fetus. I believe the DNC is making a big, bit mistake in assuming that ALL women think like they do and that women are so narrow minded that they can only care about one single issue.
And also the theme of the summer, once Romney became the presumptive GOP nominee. Prior to that, all we conservatives heard about Romney was about how he was a “moderate” Republican, and nearly everyone else was “extreme”.
I believe that the GOP could have chosen Howard Dean as their nominee and the liberal/progressives would have painted him as an “extreme” conservative.