Donald Trump is a symptom of, and not a reason for, the seeming inability of the GOP to get its shit together and speak as one voice.
Today he tweeted he’d be meeting with the NRA to talk about banning gun sales to those on the no-fly list. That’s something the NRA has opposed, and for good reason.  It’s capricious and arbitrary – there is no due process for being placed on that list and that flies in the face of the Second Amendment. Nobody knows who’s on the no-fly list – usually until it’s too late.  Nobody knows how you get on or get off the list. The late Ted Kennedy was on the no-fly list.  Even he did not know.  It’s just that secret.  Historically, Martin Luther King was denied a conceal carry permit. It’s an awful solution to the recurring emotional argument that we can somehow prevent all or most bad guys from having guns.
Trump’s pivot today is not surprising because it taps into his sense of populism, but perhaps it is surprising because the NRA has uniquely been in his corner early and often.  The presumptive nominee struggles to get and keep the backing from established sectors of the GOP ranging from elected officials to political action organizations.  His steep climb to become elected is complicated by his quest to cobble together very disparate and untested coalitions that transcend party lines.
Democrats find a way to exploit events like Orlando to support their positions.  Republicans seem to find a way to throw their positions overboard in times like these.  This is a real defect. Political malpractice.  The tragedy is Trump won’t win over the likes of Portman, Ayotte, or Johnson, who have all gone weak kneed on this, and it won’t help those vulnerable Senators either.
But Trump did not make this mess – it already existed.  Certain national political figures, elected officials and commentators, have begun to peel away from the NRA’s position on this, to wit. Consider the issues the GOP has struggled to coalesce around:
the arrogance of the RNP in this election will kill it. if the RNP looses it will be dead to over a generation and a singe party system will arise which the demorats want. the good old boys – Paul Ryans ,Lindsey Grahams , Charlie Sykes Erick Ericksons, Bill Kristols and Ben Sasses have all demonstrated psychopathic behavior-narcissism. they have filled their pockets from the American people. ever wonder on how much ryans made from the budget deal-traitor to the American people
I doubt Donald Trump knew that so many people on those two lists are there because a mistake is made and no one in the Obama Administration can be prevailed upon to correct it.
On top of that these lists never progress people on them from under suspicion to probable cause…..again because Obama Administration ”workers” don’t do any work!
If the meeting at NRA educates Trump about these facts, he will adjust his view.
He doesn’t want 3 year olds and elderly nuns prohibited from ever buying guns because of these incompetents in gov’t jobs.
It will be interesting to see what comes out of this meeting.