Reporter Caught Moonlighting for Media Matters

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A Philadelphia newspaper reporter assigned to cover the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York is moonlighting as a Media Matters activist — tweeting in support of the protests while writing about them.

Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News — whose front page article on Tuesday carried the headline “It’s About Time!”— is also, according to his own Twitter feed, a senior fellow at Media Matters, the anti-Fox News media group. was unable to find any mention of Bunch’s association with Media Matters on, which hosts content from the Philadelphia Daily News and its rival, the Inquirer.

There is also no mention in the Daily News’ online edition of Bunch’s support of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, which is suggested in his Twitter posts.

In an interview with, Bunch said he works as news reporter, blogger and editor. “I do it all,” he said. When asked about his relationship with Media Matters, Bunch said that when the group approached him to be a fellow, he told his editors he would basically be doing for Media Matters what he’d been doing on his Daily News blog since 2005.

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“Bunch said he works as a news reporter, blogger and editor. ‘I do it all,’ he said.

If Bunch does not disclose any possible conflicts of interests or biases, he is an unethical propagandist — not a journalist.

It would be easier to keep track of the propaganda media reporters who AREN’T associated with a liberal organization. The list would keep getting shorter.

It is Fox News, they are the ones that cause disharmony; if only they would become more fair and balanced, all the news agencies would be part of the Leftist message, people could be free to decide what Leftist propaganda BS they like the best.