Report: Obama Failed to Report Lethal Airstrikes in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan

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Breitbart :

The U.S. military under former President Barack Obama quietly hid “potentially thousands of lethal airstrikes” from the American public that likely killed hundreds of civilians in war-ravaged Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, the Military Times has found.

An investigation by the news outlet reveals:

The enormous data gap raises serious doubts about transparency in reported progress against the Islamic State, al-Qaida and the Taliban, and calls into question the accuracy of other Defense Department disclosures documenting everything from costs to casualty counts.

The data in question is maintained by the U.S. Air Force. American allies, military analysts, researchers, the media, and independent watchdog organizations seeking to evaluate the conflict’s taxpayer cost, manpower, and casualties rely on these numbers.

A U.S. Air Force-sponsored database available to the public “quietly excluded” at least 456 airstrikes in Afghanistan last year alone.

According to the United Nations, of the 8,397 conflict-related civilian casualties that occurred in Afghanistan between January 1 and September 30, 2016, aerial airstrikes caused at least 292 deaths.

Moreover, the Military Times notes that the Pentagon’s public summaries of operations in Iraq and Syria, current as of the end of January, exclude nearly 6,000 strikes dating to 2014 when Obama launched the campaign against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL).

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To be clear, Curt, this is a claim coming from the Trump White House, a profoundly dishonest and lying administration, an administration that takes no responsibility for anything but rather one that finds a scapegoat for everything.

So when it comes from the Trump admin, it’s right up there with the Bowling Green massacres. And when it comes from Breitbart, aside from eye rolling of anyone of political knowledge, is there even a difference?

And they gave Obama a Peace Prize?Well then SHAME ON THE PEACE PRIZE COMMITY

show me the beef. anything our of the UN is fake news and data. the idiot pres is a muslim terrorist. attacks and sorties are different

Obviously, it is OK to kill civilians as long as you don’t have it reported. Why, it’s as if it never happened!

@Ajay42302: As usual, you are an absolute liar. This is by no means new information; well, at least not to anyone that is not overcome by liberal ignorance.

Civilians claim to be “terrorized” by drones

Obama selects the drone targets

How the images of children killed by drones is being used

To be clear, I don’t really care about the terrorist sympathizers surrounding the terrorists being killed. Even the children, being educated and trained to follow in terrorist footsteps, are expendable. What annoys me is how the idiotic, lying, hypocritical left reacts to ONE civilian death under Trump while ignoring the hundreds under Obama. And, if you want to fall back on your tried and true defense of being too ignorant and stupid to have known, blame your corrupt, lying, liberal media for keeping your stupid enough to support liberals. Only a true lying coward can claim this is some sort of “Trump lie”.

Go Away Obama somewhere in africa a villager is missing his ass to carry his heavy loads

By the way:

Delta Force Operator Gives Media Basic Training on Navy SEAL’s Death They’re Blaming on Trump

Last week, Navy SEAL Ryan “William” Owens was killed in action during a raid on Al-Qaeda in Yemen.

Following the news, many media outlets threw some blame at President Donald Trump.

[Article posts quotes]

Independent Journal Review spoke with someone who wholly understands what it’s like to fight terrorists: Delta Force Operator, Green Beret, and Master Sergeant Dale Comstock:

Comstock said:

“Much of the media has no f****** clue what they’re talking about.

I’ve been to over seventy countries in the world as a soldier, security consultant, and civilian. I’ve been to every country in the Middle East. Yemen is one of the most dangerous countries on the planet. Syria isn’t the most dangerous country in the Middle East, Yemen is.

Most roads in Yemen have manned checkpoints. There are terrorist groups at every checkpoint. There is Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Houthis — who are funded by Iran. The streets aren’t safe.

If you have a white face on the streets of Yemen, it’s a death sentence. There is a very high chance that you will get captured and killed.”

Comstock painted a picture of just hard it can be to conduct operations in Yemen:


Then he laid into those who are trying to blame Trump for Owens’s death:

“People going after Trump for Yemen do not understand how raids work. I’ve been on several, and sometimes the worst-case scenario is what happens.

They don’t have any idea what could have gone wrong, how complex the planning was, and if anyone on the SEAL team made a mistake.

To blame it on Trump is more than short-sighted. He doesn’t control the forces on the ground. And he has enough respect for our military that he defers to the professionals who he chose to lead the greatest fighting force on the planet.

It’s tragic that a SEAL lost their life, but when they signed up, they knew the risk. Every time I went out and fought for my country I knew the risk. I’ve seen a lot of bad sh*t happen.”

Comstock finished by pointing out who he held chiefly responsible when he lost friends on the battlefield, “I’ve lost my buddies on the other side of the world. But the main person I held accountable for their death wasn’t the Commander-in-Chief I was serving at the time, it was the enemy I was sent to kill.”