President Barack Obama blamed Fox News for his political woes in a private meeting with labor leaders in 2010, saying he was “losing white males” who tune into the cable outlet and “hear Obama is a Muslim 24/7,” according to journalist David Corn’s new book, “Showdown.”
In “Showdown: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back Against Boehner, Cantor, and the Tea Party” — which hits bookstores on Tuesday — the Washington bureau chief for Mother Jones chronicles the White House from the 2010 midterm elections to the start of the 2012 campaign. The book focuses on key moments of Obama’s presidency, such as Osama bin Laden’s assassination, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the Arab Spring, the debt ceiling crisis, and the president’s dealings with Congress.
Corn writes that after the midterm elections, Obama told labor leaders in December 2010 that he held Fox partly responsible for him “losing white males.”
“…Fed by Fox News, they hear Obama is a Muslim 24/7, and it begins to seep in…The Republicans have been at this for 40 years. They have new resources, but the strategy is old,” Corn recounted Obama as saying.
(Also on POLITICO: Obama’s go-it-alone program only goes so far)
Obama shifted his own tactics in 2011, Corn writes, moving from compromising with Republicans to challenging the tea party. The president, senior adviser David Plouffe and other top administration officials plotted a “secret strategy” — by not unveiling a specific deficit reduction plan and not instantly challenging the House Republicans’ budget cuts — to “draw the GOP into a trap.”
The book also highlights some of the administration’s battles on the economy. Corn writes that when then President’s Council of Economic Advisers chair Christina Romer advocated for more stimulus in a fall 2009 meeting, Obama said, “I can’t get it done. Don’t you understand that?”
And in a meeting with an adviser after the 2010 midterm elections, Obama slammed corporate executives for attacking him.
“I saved these guys when the economy was falling off a cliff,” Obama said, according to Corn. “Now I get nothing but their venom.”
There is some truth in the sense that Fox News told the truth about him and his failed policies, especially 0-bamacare. The gift that will keep on giving the next election cycle as well.
“The president, senior adviser David Plouffe and other top administration officials plotted a “secret strategy” — by not unveiling a specific deficit reduction plan and not instantly challenging the House Republicans’ budget cuts — to “draw the GOP into a trap.”
to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap. to “draw the GOP into a trap.
WTF??? Is this for real?
Is this of any significance ??? Is this really the thought process of the Left/Progs/Dems? Seriously, are we talking about Leading a Country here and doing what’s best for America, or are we playing war games at the White House…?? ” officials plotted a “secret strategy” to “draw the GOP into a trap.”
Is this the prelude to how we finally get to “the Republican Congress are obstructionists!!” While the Left just drags this crap on and on and on…and STILL no Budget??????
Ummm ‘Scuse me, … Obama and your ilk…? Umm…people are hurting and still are hurting out here beyond the D.C. bubble ….we are called Americans…the heartland…the working folks… in America… WGAS about your ‘white vote’!!!
I am sitting here shaking my head in serious bewilderment…. please, I hope this is just…just a style of writing….[of Mr Corn’s]. And this is just fiction… if it is, then pardon me..
So, the GOP ran on jobs but produced not a single jobs bill. They’ve been too busy dividing us withthe usual wedge issues like abortion, contraception and gays. As usual they are incompetent and self serving. And those who support them are nuts! Or, must love bending over.
ah yes, the mental dud reappears to dazzle us all with more demonstrations of how you can’t fix stupid, and you can’t cajole the lazy into some higher learning.
Well, dud… just for starters, there was S12, S20, HR 1976, HR2940, HR3194, HR3123, HR1036, HR2524, HR1712, S965…. whew, can’t even continue here. Every one of these bills were sponsored by a Republican in 2011, and there’s more.
In fact, put us into shock and awe and go explore the 16 pages of links to the 490 job related bills that were introduced in 2011, and see who sponsored them. Then come back and try your talking points again…. so we can mock you and your pea brain further.
But if links to actual proposed legislation and bill text proves beyond your paygrade, try this CNN documentation to the best known GOP bill, or maybe this article about proposed legislation specifically to counter Obama’s so called “jobs bill” – both of which prove you are, yet again, one gullible and empty vessel, living under a rock somewhere.
@liberalmann: Yes my friend you are a flaming liberal idiot who has drunk the Kool Aid. News flash dummy, it wasn’t the Republicans who brought up the divisive issues but none other than your messiah 0-bama. He has to do this because if we discuss the issues of jobs and the economy your boy is in big big trouble because he has lied to America and failed miserably. I suggest you try another web site where people still whine through their nipples. Obviously this one is far beyond your none existent brain!!
Barry is on that river of denial and won’ t ever get off that ship. A narcissist never takes responsibility and always needs adulation. I bet he is going bonkers that people, or most people no longer wish to worship at his feet. This will get ugly. Having been married to a narcissist I know personally how ugly it can get when a narcissist doesn’t get what they thrive. Be it whoever the personality type runs the same.
This is old news anyway.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): The blame game is very very old and I wish 0-bama wouls step up and assume responsibility for his shovel ready failures. You are correct there.
The issue is one of deception. The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime.Aside form the fact that the State is itself the greatest criminal, the president breaking every written, constitutional and natural low, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation. Smile America…only a matter of time when the idiot enforces martial law. Oh! who is paying for security for the tattooed, junkie daughter in Mexico?