Report: Gruber had larger role in ObamaCare

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The Hill:

The ObamaCare consultant who once mocked the “stupidity of the American voter” had a bigger impact on the healthcare law than previously known, The Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Jonathan Gruber frequently contacted Obama administration officials via email while crafting ObamaCare, according to the newspaper.

The Journal said that previously unreleased messages show that Gruber repeatedly messaged the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) between January, 2009 and March, 2010.

He offered advice on healthcare policy and informed officials about media and lawmaker interviews concerning ObamaCare, it added.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told the newspaper that the communications disprove Gruber’s past assertions that he was a limited participant in creating the healthcare law.

The House Oversight Committee chairman added that his committee had obtained 20,000 pages emails after working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where Gruber is an economist.

“His proximity to HHS and the White House was a whole lot tighter than they admitted,” Chaffetz said of Gruber’s relationship with the Obama administration, according to the Journal.

“There’s no doubt he was a much more integral part of this than they’ve said,” he added.

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Gruber’s Goobers will come out in force in disbelief. Again.

Another shining example of the left having no scruples, no morals, no honesty – NOTHING matters except the maniacal push for totalitarian leftism.

One is left to wonder about the mental configuration of someone who so willingly imposes Orwellian thought processes upon themselves – which they must do – in order to accept that anything based on sheer deception, lies, and illogic can possibly result in anything good, wholesome or of any benefit to either individuals or society.

The same pseudointellectual PC thugs who hyperventilate over any suggestion of a fundamental connection of islamic terrorism with the clear writing of the koran (“You can’t blame all muslims for terrorism!’) wring their hands raw fomenting how all white people must mentally punish themselves for the murders committed by the racist psycho Roof.

The deceitful leftist supporters of obamacare are so thoroughly dishonest that they continue to parrot the propaganda meme that the clear wording of the democrat-only passed law which blatantly states tax subsidies will only be paid for states that set up their own exchanges don’t really say what the words show in SPITE of multiple videos of Gruber making it clear that only those states that set up state-run obamacare exchanges would be eligible for taxpayer subsidies to pay for obamacare premiums. Gruber and his ilk are counting on Americans to be as stupid as he said (again on video) and accept the disgusting, evil dishonesty that is the leftist position on obamacare.

The left has the gall to try to put blame onto the republican party for the failure of obamacare, and the alleged “disaster” that will happen if SCOTUS rules in favor of the plaintiffs regarding words meaning what they are clearly written to mean. See, if people are actually forced to pay the cost of the egregiously falsely named “affordable care” policies, they might wake up to the stinking pile of socialist fail that is obamacare. They might start to think about the nonsensical nature of 80-90% of obamacare policyholders needing 75-80% (or more) of their “affordable” insurance policy premiums paid for by taxpayers. How is that affordable?

Of course, the RINOs that are stabbing Americans in the back trying to come up with ways to keep hemorrhaging tax dollars to states for these ridiculous subsidies should SCOTUS rule honestly on obamacare this time (a dubious concept based on Roberts’ previous cave to obamacare) are making it clear that they are more concerned with maintaining their position at the federal trough and their place on the swank DC social elite list than in working for true American conservative principles.

I always ask leftist associates who they believe will pay for all their “free” stuff when there aren’t enough people actually working to make anything.