Guy Benson:
Open the Books — a good government and transparency-minded watchdog organization — does exactly what their name implies, and discovers that taxpayers showered officials at seven embattled VA locations with nearly $9 million in bonus pay between 2011 and 2013:
Now, at least seven VA centers are being investigated for “secret” waiting lists. Here are the bonuses into these troubled facilities (2011-2013):
1. Edward Hines, JR Hospital, Cook County, IL ($4.1356 million)
2. Malcolm Randall VA Medical Center, Gainesville, FL ($575,400)
3. New Mexico VA Health Care System Albuquerque, NM ($2.646 million)
4. Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System Home, Biloxi, MS ($247,103)
5. Miami VA Healthcare System Miami, FL ($334,987)
6. Fort Collins Outpatient Clinic, Fort Collins, CO ($4,150)
7. Phoenix VA Health Care System Home, Phoenix, AZ ($843,000)TOTAL: 12,549 bonuses for $8.787 million (2011-2013)
Here’s the report itself. The list of facilities now under investigation has ballooned to 26 and counting, so these estimates likely do little more than scratch the surface. And they only span two years. Remember, bonuses aren’t a mere sideshow in this scandal, as several media outlets have reported that some of the VA administrators who cooked the books on wait times were motivated by avarice. Their maneuvers were, in part, a job- and bonus-protection scheme – which is why Senate Democrats’ endorsement of inaction, as Ed put itearlier, is so galling.
WATCH: Jon Stewart Slams Blatant Republican Hypocrisy on Veterans
In addition, it’s likely these administrators have moved around the country – taking these schemes with them and “teaching” at every new assignment on how to falsify their appointment and treatment logs. Further, the delay by the administration and the Senate Democrats show the true intent in hoping to eventually downplay the problems at the VA … that this will all blow over in a few more weeks.