Remember This Pic? Well Trump Just Had His Defining “Umbrella Moment”

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Conservative Tribune:

Sometimes, it’s the little things that define presidencies. If you’re Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy or Richard Nixon, for better or worse, that’s not necessarily the case. However, for Barack Obama, one of the moments that crystallized why he frustrated so many Americans came not from anything he did, but rather what he forced a Marine to do for him back in 2013.

Back then, Obama was holding a joint press conference in the White House Rose Garden with Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan when it started to rain.

Instead of holding an umbrella for himself, he decided to have a U.S. Marine hold it for him — something that, as the U.K. Telegraph points out, isn’t necessarily allowed by the Marine Corps‘ regulations.

The “umbrella moment” became a telling faux pas for many Obama doubters, one that cemented their opinion of a man addicted to the trappings of power and utterly lacking in respect for the Armed Forces.

President Trump had his “umbrella moment” on Wednesday as he left the White House to board Marine One. You may notice a bit of a difference in how the two men handled it.

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Trump can talk and hold an umbrella at the same time. Obama… not so much.

It’s interesting what makes that white man’s blood boil isn’t it? While it’s an honor to have one of our sons hold an umbrella for the distinguished Ronald Reagan, how dare that black guy expect the same? And those black feet up on the white man’s oval office desk? How dare he? Who does he think he is? That’s meant for white man’s feet like the Bushes. And while it’s fine that we now have a white president bankrupting the Secret Service funds to cover his constant Mar a Lago parting and life on the greens, let’s not forget how we allowed the black guy to swing a golf club on our dime. It’s kinda like how it’s a privilege to have white presidents tour our schools and take the time to read a story to the school kids but just keep those black ones from “indoctrinating” those kids. And remember Michelle’s audaciousness in actually thinking she should be able to dress nice at our expense- or hell, at all? That’s obviously meant for the better class-right?

I could go on Curt but hell, you’re doing a fine job.


It’s interesting what makes that white man’s blood boil isn’t it?

It’s interesting how you release your racist demons without thinking. It proves you are a true racist.

Who says anyone’s blood is boiling? All this shows is the contrast between a worthless community organizer that is too self-important to hold his own umbrella and a real and effective leader.

WHEN will you answer the following questions:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Here’s a new one:

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Is there no end to your cowardice?

I recommend to everyone else that whenever AJ asks one of his stupid, open-ended, hypothetical questions (to which he lies about the answers anyway), answers to these four simple questions be demanded first. Feel free to add any others as well.

I love the size of the Trump umbrella!
It’s actually big enough to do the job.
I’ve always hated umbrellas that are too small to even keep the drops off your entire outfit.
All those small ones do is protect your head.

@Ajay42302: Obama is white, too…

@Nathan Blue: But only his blackness can be used for political purposes. It’s how racism is done.

@Nathan Blue:

@Ajay42302: Obama is white, too…

How do you know that? I mean, weren’t you and the trump clan claiming he wasn’t born here, that his documentation was fake? You do like to have it both ways don’t you?

But now that you want to acknowledge his citizenship authenticity, based on several conversations I’ve had with some of your rather redneck types, Trump brownshirts, and even the more posh who occasionally let it slip, obviously not white enough.

Now, I suppose you can easily debunk that and/or even erase that argument from existence by using the Bill….Deplorable Me stratagem and simply create a new question to ask me.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

I recommend to everyone else that whenever AJ asks one of his stupid, open-ended, hypothetical questions (to which he lies about the answers anyway), answers to these four simple questions be demanded first. Feel free to add any others as well.

Way too funny! It’s like you standing in a mirror house looking at your multiple reflections and instructing: “now, listen up guys, here’s our next move next time AJ embarrasses us……”.

@Ajay42302: How easily you show your ignorance, and prejudice. I never thought Obama wasn’t American born, but because I’m not a lib/Dem, you get to tell me what I believe. That’s the very definition of prejudice.

Race is a illusion, as science would indicate. Obama is as white as he is black. Using the old “what one passes for” or the “one drop rule” is both reactionary and racist. His race was used by white billionaires to grab political power…all while denouncing white billionaires. You’d be a fool to suggest otherwise, because the reality is plain.

We know you’re not here to “debunk” anything, or to have a conversation. Under normal circumstances, kids like you are ignored. But the fact is, your side has engaged in truly nefarious conduct, by way of sheer force. You’ll scream, yell, silence the opposition in any way possible…as mobs and tyrants have done through the ages.

You became the bad guy, pal. We’ll let you spout off, let you speak your peace (if you ever want to share your real beliefs, which you have not yet. I suspect you don’t even know them yourself), let you mouth your handlers’ scripts.

But make no mistake: you are here to destroy those who don’t agree with you. You are not fighting the good fight, helping the oppressed, or anything of the sort. You got caught in a cultural hysteria, driven by hate. You are part of the new “KKK”, the violent left that we cannot name because they get to do all the naming (alt-right, etc.)

Your ideological standards have been rejected, though your people still hold the bullhorns. We understand it will take years for you to understand. But if you get violent, if you will be put down by the laws of this land…just like the KKK.

You’re the nazi, you’re the racist, you’re the coward. You know it.

The revolt against whiteness you prescribe to is decades old, stale, and not progressive at all. Like all exploited people, you find a place in that group that you can’t find in a happy life, something I doubt you’ve ever had. Like the KKK, the un-name-able Leftist hate club is more than happy to use you for it’s own agenda. You certainly have never developed any vision or aims of your own.


I mean, weren’t you and the trump clan claiming he wasn’t born here, that his documentation was fake?

Uh… that was the Hillary Klan, if you remember correctly. But, then again, you lie about that, lie to yourself and are far too cowardly to admit it.

As promised:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Come on, coward. I won’t tell George you answered a question.

Yes, you embarrass us. You embarrass us all. You are, in essence, an embarrassment.

@Nathan Blue:

@Ajay42302: How easily you show your ignorance, and prejudice. I never thought Obama wasn’t American born, but because I’m not a lib/Dem, you get to tell me what I believe. That’s the very definition of prejudice.

That’s actually a valid argument on several fronts and on the surface, yes I’d likely be guilty of what I do define as prejudice. Obviously, you’ve only pretended not to understand much of what I’ve pointed out. And I’ll even go a step further by actually acknowledging validity in your accusation of my prejudiced (something rather unheard of on FA-or, at least I’ve never heard anything near an iota of imperfection of the loyalist here) as I can’t actually recall you personally stating your beliefs of Obama’s birthplace.

But in my defense, there’s a certain silent nod that you and your ilk seem to cling to, an aura of hypocrisy that I’ve pointed out on many many occasions, and this no holds barred of spin, rhetoric, and dishonesty when it comes to discrediting Dems and/or Obama that has come from YOU and your fellow clones on FA. It’s really who you are and pretty much the very theme of this site.

But agree or disagree with the above, you kinda go off the rails of your very own hypocrisy. You chastise me for being prejudice (me accusing you of something I cannot validate) yet you fall into your very own trap by stating:

You are part of the new “KKK”, the violent left that we cannot name because they get to do all the naming (alt-right, etc.)

You’re the nazi, you’re the racist, you’re the coward. You know it.

You make these accusations based on?????? Are such in my writings or do you have some proof of this? Or could it simply be more of that spin and dishonesty that’s pretty much the hallmark here-you simply being who you are and doing what you do?

Or could it just be another aspect that I’ve pointed out time and time and time again here, that wrong is wrong only if it’s a Dem? Maybe that’s why Dr John and most of the rest here spent 8 years bashing Obama as a “liar” and now shoves their heads up Honest Don’s ass. Obama breached the Constitution with EOs yet Trump gets a pass for taking it to new levels-and I could go on and on. In your heads-I-win-tails-you-lose world, I’m guilty of prejudice yet you get a pass for doing the very same thing.

I think there’s 1 accusation that I’ve repeatedly made here that’s more accurate than any- you (and yes your ilk) are argumentative frauds. And to use your own words, you know it.


You make these accusations based on??????

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Obama breached the Constitution with EOs yet Trump gets a pass for taking it to new levels-and I could go on and on.

Yes, DO go “on and on”. Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”. (added to my list).

@Nathan Blue: @Ajay42302:

Just a side note, over here in the real world of actual constructive debate where up really isn’t down and north is never south, where the sun doesn’t actually revolves around the earth and the flatness of the earth is no longer argumentive, my obsessive stalker Bill really doesn’t qualify as your response nor is it construed as a rational excuse for your disappearance.

Not of course that you had that in mind, even though countless previous examples could give one that false impression.

@Ajay42302: What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Can’t survive by being a sniveling little lying coward forever. Answer up, gutless.


Not of course that you had that in mind, even though countless previous examples could give one that false impression.

And then again, obviously that’s precisely what you had in mind.

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

@Ajay42302: You are blinded by feeding at the anus of liberalism.

LOL, nothing like a backup rodeo clown flapping and orking in Bill fashion while Nathan Blue ducks under the fence for covet.


What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Let’s see if you are still a coward.