Remember the Left’s Obsession With Cocaine at the White House a Few Years Ago?

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It wasn’t so long ago that the Democrat Party’s media flank was obsessed with the idea of a president — or anyone — using cocaine at the White House. Now that real cocaine — a crack precursor — was found in Joe Biden’s White House, these reporters seem incredibly reticent to give oxygen to the story. It’s almost as if we’re back in 2008 when reporters and thought leaders decided that a president being part of something called the Choom Gang and who “admitted to using illegal drugs [including cocaine] as a teenager” and even hid an alleged secret life wasn’t really worth pursuing as a news story. After all, St. Barack Obama admitted to so many of these indiscretions, what more could be said? Why bother? No one needs to know if the preezy is still on drugs.

But things changed in 2016. It was then that reporters openly speculated about the tantalizing prospect that a New York billionaire, well-known teetotaler, and presidential candidate might be using cocaine while running for president.

Since the Left was all-in for Hillary, the speculation about Trump’s “drug use” was open and rampant.

Their proof? See if you can spot it.

“What’s going on with Trump’s sniffling?” the Atlantic asked.

The author, James Hamblin, proposed indicators that Trump was using the drug. “Let’s talk seriously about cocaine,” wrote Hamlin. Then he noted that “Cocaine has been referred to as the caviar of street drugs. Trump enjoys caviar.” He further reasoned (if you can call it that), “Cocaine would also give someone a grand sense of self. It would give someone sexual potency, which Trump has assured us he has.” He continued, “It would give a 70-year-old man boundless energy and the confidence that he could fulfill the duties of the highest office in the land despite having no experience in any public office”

There was much speculation that Trump’s sniffing was from using cocaine.

Vanity Fair keyed in on late-night hosts Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah wondering if “Donald Trump was snorting coke at the debate.” The once-funny Stephen Colbert mocked Trump.

Former DNC Chair Howard Dean asked the question on Twitter:

Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?

— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) September 27, 2016

Dean encouraged the media to ask him about all the sniffing during the Sept. 26, 2016 debate. “It’s something I think it’d be interesting to ask him and see if he ever had a problem with that,” Dean told NBC News, which did a follow-up interview to pursue the story. Dean refused to delete the tweet. In time, the tweet would disappear because Dean deleted his Twitter account.

Forbes speculated on the candidate’s drug use.

The business magazine considered the possible causes of Trump’s sniffling in an apparent show of concern for the health of a future president.

The New York Times took the same tack, headlining its story, “Trump sniffles at the debate and the internet plays doctor.” The Times speculated on allergies … and cocaine. And it noted the turn-about-is-fair-play angle, as the Trump sniffling came “Two weeks after Hillary Clinton’s health became the center of attention after she came down with pneumonia.” The story included Trump’s observation at Hillary’s obvious health issues. “‘Something’s going on,’ Mr. Trump said ominously. Observers wondered if Mr. Trump was suffering from an illness, as well.”

Funny or Die, actor Will Ferrell’s outlet for his hatred of conservatives, lampooned the president. Esquire Magazine was only too happy to highlight the bit on its pages, asking, “Thanks to Funny or Die, we can all pretend that Trump’s constant, obnoxious sniffles during the debate were actually him just enjoying the finer things in life.” The bit was dumb.

Memes were created, which is why many on the right observe that the Left can’t meme.

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I worked for a guy, an excellent and capable Director, that would not touch alcohol or even caffeine because he always wanted to be 100% in control of his faculties. ALWAYS, never letting himself be vulnerable to any type of event that could be used against him. I see Trump as much the same. Trump doesn’t need coke or booze; success is his drug.

See, cracking jokes about Trump using drugs IS funny because it’s so ridiculous and absurd. That’s what makes almost all jokes funny; they are the opposite of the truth. Of course, having no sense of humor whatsoever, the left made the jokes in order to cause harm and the hypocrisy of a cult of drug addicts accusing Trump of using coke was totally lost on them for the reason provided above.

What the USSS and White House are telling us is that anyone that was in the White House could have been a coke user. They are also telling us that the White House security is totally inadequate and the USSS cannot investigate themselves out of a small, clear baggie.

Does anyone think if coke, pot or some Sudafed was found in Trump’s White House it would be written off as quickly and easily as this?

It’s Hunter’s coke. We all know it. It invalidates his sweet plea deals.

‘And it just poses the question: What kind of people is Joe Biden bringing into the White House?’ Boebert added
Not just cocaine: Secret Service reveals another banned substance was found in Biden’s White House | Fox News

Everyone not named Hunter should be demanding a drug test to clear their reputation… assuming anyone associated with this corrupt, degenerate regime has a reputation worth saving. Hey, maybe they need a recent valid drug test to carry with them like a vaccine passport.

For the typical liberal rags like Time, Newsweek, People USA Today, NYT’s WP and the Talking Heads its only a Crime if its sone by the GOP and not the Democrats the NYT’s has become notorious for which they should have the paper on the Tabloids and the rest of the M.S. Media just play Follow the Leader with the NYT’s Broadcast or Press

Would have thought the safest place to do drugs in this country was the WH? Pervy continues to set new standards.