Reagan 180: Spending And Bureaucracy

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Bookworm Room:

The entrenched DC Republican establishment is obsessed with “electability” – good and Constitutional governance be damned. They insist that the only road to electoral victory is through big government glad-handing.

It’s what I call “DC solutionism,” an irrational belief that all real answers and solutions naturally begin and usually also end in the cavernous halls of Washington bureaucracy and legalese. We used to call them liberals and, sometimes, less-specific identified as just Democrats. Now we call them simply “incumbents” without the silly archaic need for specific party reference. The centralized DC mentality has indeedinfected the Republican club as well.

The Republican establishment [aka “The Club,” (TM)] is in fact more liberal than many of the milquetoast candidates they parade your way every four years. Their livelihoods are in elections, and they churn their own elections by pedaling “DC solutions.” (Read: Someone else’s money.) The longer they are in DC, the more unmoored they become from both localized economic reality and the ideas of Constitutional governance that they maybe, just maybe, might have arrived in DC with originally.

And this drift towards centralized government “solutions” and the necessary accompanying centralized government control has blurred the lines between once distinct political parties.

So when the RNC, its anointed and preferred candidates, their supporters and donor bandwagons cry out about “electability,” what they mean without saying forthrightly is that the key to winning an election is being likable and handing out stuff from the big DC trunk.

How’s that working for “The Club”? For you? For Constitutional governance? Well, let’s see… Aside from two nail-biter wins by George W. Bush, we will have had 16 years of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama in four asswhippings. “The Club” keeps giving us their old guard liberal Republican Senators in Bush 41, Bob Dole and John McCain. Breaking the mold, we end up with a non-Senatorial member of “The Club” in Governor Romney, the inventor ofObamacare. (Yeah, whatever. Save your breath, defenders. You people bore me with your distinctions that don’t resonate with anyone who isn’t a political junkie – the 97% of the country too busy working.)

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Ace of Spades: We Are All In The “Let It Burn” Camp

Out of control entitlement spending, zero political will to control discretionary spending and an unchecked debt is the fuel that is feeding this fire.

You want to know who is actively fanning the flames of this fire? Mainstream Republican candidates and office holders, not tea party fanatics or people who simply have lost interest in trying to stop the conflagration.

In fact, it’s these “grown ups” who are so darn “electable” that are actively doing something….putting more fuel on the fire.

The Budget Control Act which led to the sequester was imperfect to say the least but it actually worked to cut spending. Who forced the Republicans to give that up and hike spending again? It wasn’t the so-called “let it burn crowd”. Nope, it was the mainstream of the Republican party.

Was it the so-called “let it burn crowd” that forced the GOP to cut a deal with Maxine Waters to give back modest but real reforms and cuts to the national flood insurance program? Nope. That was the House GOP leadership going around conservatives.

Was it the so-called “let it burn crowd” who resorting to anti-democratic means on the floor of the House to increase Medicare spending? Again, no.

Obviously I could go on and on with examples of this but I think we all agree we’re in a mess that predates the “tea party” or “let it burn”.

Let’s put out the fires and vote for constitutional conservatives.

Are things coming full circle? By that I mean if and when this economy of ours collapses what will most likely happen is people will be ‘forced’ into an ‘extreme’ version of ‘looking out for themselves’ or self preservation, and self reliance but again in an extreme way… there may be violence and disruptions due to the effects of Government Dependency that also collapses….

In other words people will be ‘ forced’ into relying on themselves instead of a broken Government the Government most likely will no longer be able to subsidize the millions who are now dependent on it for their very existence.

Although not on an such extreme scale as what could be coming down the road, but, isn’t this something that Conservatives and Libertarians try to convey on a large scale to all citizens in our every day lives? As free persons? – Self-reliance – responsibility of self? Don’t rely on Government?

If the economy does collapse and signals point that it will…it’s only a matter of when….the monsters our Government created for decades will surely turn on them and in a most savage and violent way… and who do you think will once again get all kinds of caught up in it?

Conservatives and Libertarians…the ones who don’t rely, nor totally endorse a reliance on Government for their very existence.

Again, Conservatives want to help those who truly need the help not those who want free stuff and other peoples money for their existence.

I didn’t mention “Republican” because I no longer trust them either.