Reactions to Rip Van Mueller’s Selectively-Amnesiac “Testimony”

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And, as a friend keeps saying: the Democrats and Mueller rehearsed this performance in practice sessions.

Imagine what this would have been like without the practice.

“GTFO.” Perfect.


The long-simmering suspicion that it was Weissman and the 19 Angry Democrats who were actually in charge here — with Mueller providing cover as a front man, just as Christopher Steele provided cover as a front man for conspiracy theories first adduced by Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer — gained a lot of credibility today.

What is that Barr said of that snitty letter that “Mueller” sent to him? “It seemed staffer-driven,” or something like that.

This is the Weissman Report. Let’s call things by their proper names.

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@Deplorable Me:
This is the standard crap you will continue to get from Greggie Goebbels, the Democrat’s Baghdad Bob of FA:

I don’t believe there’s any evidence that he did stop efforts to keep Russian from interfering, other than what some guy said in a book.

Except there is this from over two years ago:

Just a snippit:

“POLITICO spoke with more than a dozen current and former officials from across the national security spectrum, including intelligence agencies, the State Department and the Pentagon. Almost all said they were aware of Russia’s aggressive cyberespionage and disinformation campaigns — especially after the dramatic Russian attempt to hack Ukrainian elections in 2014 — but felt that either the White House or key agencies were unwilling to act forcefully to counter the Russian actions.

Intelligence officials “had a list of things they could never get the signoffs on,” one intelligence official said. “The truth is, nobody wanted to piss off the Russians.”

That reference to “nobody” would be Obama and the higher ups in his administration.

Of course, Greggie will come back screaming “It’s bull, it’s all bull. Obama was wonderful. Trump is a criminal.”

@retire05: Obama was racist!


Because every damn one of them is an entirely legitimate and very serious concern.

No they aren’t. If you and your party had a true commitment to this newfound sense of moral authority, you’d clean up your own house first before pointing the finger.

No one trusts the Democrat Party. The only candidate you have with any honestly or spine has already had their political throat cut by google.

As we said, they are coming for you next…

No one trusts the Democrat Party.

Maybe you need to get out of the Trump bubble a bit more often.

Do you know what “the mainstream media” actually is? Mainstream. What do you think that word means? You might want to look it up in any handy dictionary.

@Greg: If mainstream media is so great, why are they bleeding viewers so fast? Think it has something to do with fake news? There has to be a media with videos and pictures for all of the lefties like you who can not read nor think.


I don’t believe there’s any evidence that he did stop efforts to keep Russian from interfering, other than what some guy said in a book.

That and the fact (so you say) that the Russians operated with impunity to meddle.

Obama ordered a stand down to any efforts to block Russian meddling

Lots of excuses, no real explanation.

Of course, it could have been THESE guys.

Fusion GPS associated with the faux-Russian false flag election interference

Democrat operatives ran another program on Facebook to discourage Republican voters

Democrat “Birmingham Project” sought to create “Russian” accounts to affect Jones/Moore Senate race

Because every damn one of them is an entirely legitimate and very serious concern.

They are all “legitimate”? Based on WHAT? Every one of your fake investigations falls totally flat because they are LIES from the very beginning. Worse, you all KNOW they are based on lies, but you depend on the smear of an investigation to accomplish what none of your idiot candidates can. Pathetic.

Yeah, your media is so “mainstream”. A mere sampling…

Big fake news day for the liberal media

Buzzfeed lies about Trump brothers not paying their tab at an Irish pub

CNN’s Acosta blames Trump for late start of D-Day ceremony when it was Macron

CNN’s Acosta Tries Shaming Trump During D-Day Ceremony, But Backfires In Cringeworthy Way

Liberal media jerk invents false Trump tweet… and other media spreads it

Liberal media attacks anti-abortion movie and the ex-Planned Parenthood employee

Media lies to suppress facts about increased illegal immigration to influence public support for immigration reform

Liberal media supporting violence

Media criticizes Trump for criticizing the media but ignored Obama’s attacks on media that didn’t support him

Facebook suspends Candice Owen’s account for 7 days for speaking the absolute truth; then restores it hours later

Twitter bans accounts that track left wing violence against conservatives

The lie that won’t die: “they are fine people”

Media Matters lies; “Black families better off as slaves”

Confirmed that DNC tried to get dirt from Ukraine for campaign; media silent

CNN edits tape of Barr to make it appear he lied

CNN Legal Analyst Calls Out Network For Airing Selected Clip from Barr’s Congressional Testimony

NYT runs anti-Semitic political cartoon

Acosta caught lying… AGAIN

Rolling Stone turns on the Mueller investigation and reporting on collusion

WaPo focuses on the western anger over the murder of Christians by Islamic terrorists on Easter, not the anger that murdered them

Top 10 things the media got wrong on “collusion”

@Deplorable Me: I admire your effort. These and more are things we all read and know. I would hate to be as ignorant, no stupid as Greg and his buddies. It would be impossible to live with the wind blowing into one ear and out the other. It is also dangerous that there are people who actually believe their ideology. When they act upon it, then they are subversive. Trump’s DOJ needs to punish all of those who tried to take down an elected president. Maybe that is why the FEDs are considering bringing back the death penalty.

@Randy: I guess it’s enough not to be a liberal and have to try and defend such a degenerate, amoral, decadent, failed ideology. I mean… LOOK at them.

@Randy: FA squad turning up the heat–22 posts-some extremely long in last 24 hours—you often make valid comments but your unbridled anger shows with “don’t you ever are concerned”#50
Greg firing right back—good job

Nathan voice of reason. Tulsi 2020—Google obviously too powerful.

One certainty—Putin hated HRC and supported election of DT.
Obvious—Trump elected through razor thin wins in Pa. Mi and WI—HRC campaign got lazy there—be assured that won’t happen again


Do you know what “the mainstream media” actually is? Mainstream.

Why yes, Greggie Goebbels, I do know what [is considered by leftists] mainstream media is.

It is the traditional sources of news; NYTs, Washington Post, et al. The sources that Americans once, years ago, relied on for their news

I also know what it is not. It is not MSNBC, CNN and the other opinion channels that have had such success at warping brains like yours. I remember how you recommended watching a CNN show (Rachael Maddow) for information. Unfortunately for you, and the rest of the DNC sycophants, after the Mueller (Weissmann) report was released, CNN’s ratings have cratered. The Cooking channel now has a higher rating than CNN.

Democrats assume that Americans are stupid and that their talking heads, like Rachael Maddow, can convince Americans how great the Democrats, and their Socialist ideas are. News flash!!!!! It’s not working.

You come here, day after day, blathering on about nothings and never providing any substance to your mumblings of the day. You give opinion as if it were fact, and when shown just how wrong you are, you run off to another subject, like pulling up old and long done threads to make some other stupid comment. You remind me of some friendless troll who lives through his own internet ramblings.

There is a reason I call you Greggie Goebbels.

@Rich Wheeler:

Greg firing right back—good job

Socialists must stick together, it seems.

One certainty—Putin hated HRC and supported election of DT.

Yeah, that’s why Christopher Steele, with his connections to the Russians, tried to create dirt on Trump. All to help Trump. But attention by the left wing talking heads seems to have not been paid to one thing Mueller did say; that Hillary also benefited from the Russian social media trolls. Ooooops.

Logic is not your forte, Wheeler.

Obvious—Trump elected through razor thin wins in Pa. Mi and WI—HRC campaign got lazy there—be assured that won’t happen again

So Hillary will win Pa., Mi. an Wi. this time around?

@retire05: If she gets the nom LOL I got her a silent 21st pick make that 22nd behind Michelle Obama-
I handicap it Sleepy Joe against Don The Con most likely– 4-5
Warren 5-1 Harris 9-1 Bernie 12-1 Tulsi 200-1

Should be fun

@Rich Wheeler:

One certainty—Putin hated HRC and supported election of DT.

That is by no means certain and has no foundation in fact. Sure, Putin hated HRC; she interfered in HIS election, just as Obama interfered in Israeli, French and British election. But that hatred can be satisfied in ways other than her defeat.

He could, for instance assist her election, then DESTROY her with the information he has from ALL her State Department emails (including the 33,000 she deleted… the JUICIEST ones), the bribes Russia has provided she, Bill and the Foundation and revelations about Uranium One. She would either be ruined and impeached or he would control her completely (as opposed to only partially as was the case when she was Sec of State, and of course Obama).

So, since brave “good job” Greg dodged the question, you tell me; what oppo research against Hillary did the Russians provide the Trump campaign, like they provided for the Hillary campaign? Or, as appears to be the case, there actually was only assistance provided to Hillary?

In case you choose, once again, NOT to answer, don’t worry; I KNOW the answer.

@Richard Wheeler: @Greg: Answer this one: If that lying, poison gnome Nadler has evidence, from the report, that explicitly proves Trump committed obstruction and conspiracy, WHY THEY F**K does he need MORE investigation to make a case for impeachment? I mean, we (apparently) have a RUSSIAN AGENT in the White House!! Is there little vacation more important than the safety, security and very survival of this country?

Really, you people are so transparent and pathetic. You can’t see the facts right before your faces. You deserve the party you support.

@Rich Wheeler: Actually, I have no anger. I continue to laugh at how pathetic you and the left are while trying to find a pearl in a manure pile. Greg continues to pretend he has a point when it has been proven false by Obama appointees. I do sometimes feel sad that I am picking on defenseless dolts.

@Deplorable Me: Actually, the Russians did not like either candidate. They just want to disrupt our form of government and the Democrats fell for it. Schifft even thought he was going to get naked photos of Trump from the Russians. What a special example he is to represent the Dems!

@retire05, #60:

It’s amazing how many words you can use to say nothing at all.

Attitude is not thought. It’s emotion.

@Richard Wheeler:

I handicap it Sleepy Joe against Don The Con most likely– 4-5
Warren 5-1 Harris 9-1 Bernie 12-1 Tulsi 200-1

This was a previous post of yours. You aren’t very good at this sort of thing, are you?

Missy #2 Predict Sen John Thune of South Dakota will be Repub. PRES nominee in 2012.

NOVEMBER 3RD, 2010 AT 8:52 AM



a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.
“she took a tough attitude toward other people’s indulgences” ·
point of view · view · viewpoint · vantage point · frame of mind · way of thinking · way of looking at things · school of thought · outlook · angle · slant · perspective ·

•a position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state.

“the boy was standing in an attitude of despair, his chin sunk on his chest”


position · posture · pose · stance · stand · bearing · deportment · comportment · carriage

Looks like you can not even get a definition of a simple word right!

@another vet: At the end of a hard day, it is fun reading the hilarious posts that Rich, Greg and other lefties who think they have the World by the tail. Their ignorance of so many things they post about is pathetic.

@another vet: Donnie currently ranting at FOX for their poll showing Biden up 10%
Agree with the Prez on this—Why would anyone of sound mind trust FOX?

The FA squad will never be known for brevity or succinct analysis

AV OH MASTER OF THE ARCHIVES—What was my final prediction –popular vote 2016? Believe I was within 2%

Thune?–that was a beauty LOL

@Richard Wheeler:

Why would anyone of sound mind trust FOX?

And who do you trust, RW?

@Richard Wheeler: You also said Trump would never get the nomination. You also said it would be Hillary vs. Jeb. You also said Hillary would win. You compared Trump’s fortunes to Goldwater and Dole. So if you got the popular vote right, that makes you one of five. A 20% success rate for 2016. Where I went to school, that would have been an ‘F’ grade. Then again, I didn’t go to one of those ‘progressive’ schools that grades on a curve where a 20% would be solid ‘B’ or something.

It’s way too early to be predicting anything about 2020. Most importantly, no one knows what the economy is going to be like. No one knows what the repercussions of Spygate will be. Historically, Americans don’t like it when the government grossly abuses its power. And make no mistake, this was a GROSS abuse of power. Watergate was child’s play. As for your pick, last week she said correctly stated Harris was unqualified to be Commander-in-Chief. No one has said anything because right now she is polling at 1.2%. Should she become a threat, watch how fast the race card is played.

@another vet: Who would play the race card against Aloha Tulsi from Hawaii—seriously who? Gotta like the way she slapped down Harris.

05 I was simply concurring with President Trump re his recent disagreements with FOX
Re trust–I’m with Kit–none of em 100%
Written WSJ probably the best

@Randy: I am sure they didn’t “like” Trump; his entire platform was to put the interests of the US first and this would only infringe upon the interests of Russia and China. He also made it intentions on trade equality and strengthening our military well known. Why the Russians would want him, except for a gamble that he would be a political novice and easily manipulated (since totally dispelled), is unclear.

And, of course they didn’t like Hillary, but Hillary was useful. She as President would be a gold mine of opportunity. If they weren’t blackmailing her, they could be blackmailing Bill. If they didn’t want to blackmail them, they could always (ALWAYS) bribe them.

No, beyond any possible doubt, the Russians, if not the Chinese as well, were salivating to have Hillary as President. She had, after all, proven herself absolutely incompetent as Secretary of State. If I hated this country, that’s who I would want to be President.

@Rich Wheeler:

Who would play the race card against Aloha Tulsi from Hawaii—seriously who? Gotta like the way she slapped down Harris.

The answer to the question in your first sentence can be found in your second sentence.

@Randy, #68:

Try definition #1:

1. n – a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways
