Democrats are panicked that a coronavirus vaccine will emerge right in time for the election, boosting President Trump’s chances.
They and their liberal media enablers are scrambling to undermine that prospect by sowing fear and distrust about a vaccine – any vaccine – even before one becomes available.
How heinous is that?
A recent (typical) Washington Post headline reads: “Trump fixates on the promise of a vaccine — real or not — as key to reelection bid.” The article reviews how engaged the president is in monitoring vaccine development and how the process could be politicized, given the approaching election.
Yes, it is being politicized…by Democrats.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in a recent interview with MSNBC, said we don’t want a vaccine “one day sooner than it is ready,” hinting that the rush for a cure might create risks.
She also claimed, without evidence, that the administration had “politically interfered” with the process of creating a vaccine by saying “it should go faster.”
In fact, FDA officials and others have gone out of their way to proclaim and guarantee their independence from the White House.
Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris in a recent CNN interview said she would not take a vaccine unless it had been vetted by medical experts, saying she would not “take [President Trump’s] word for it” that the medication was safe.
Good news, Senator Harris: President Trump is not going to give you the shot. Your doctor will do that.
The New York Times has been helpfully stoking concerns for months, publishing articles like: “Mistrust of a Coronavirus Vaccine Could Imperil Widespread Immunity,” which argues that “the rapid timetable and President Trump’s cheerleading are creating a whole new group of vaccine-hesitant patients.”
Such is the misinformation campaign being waged by anti-Trumpers that the leading developers of a vaccine — Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi – have announced they will soon issue a public statement pledging they will not release a vaccine unless it is safe.
That’s reassuring, because we actually thought major international pharma companies would be happy to poison millions of Americans just to please President Trump. As Joe Biden might say: “C’mon, man.”
The effort to shake confidence in a vaccine began months ago, when President Trump ramped up Operation Warp Speed, which, according to the HHS website, “aims to deliver 300 million doses of a safe, effective vaccine for COVID-19 by January 2021, as part of a broader strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics…”
One dead in the water 49 still in process
So, let the anti-science, anti-vax leftists go without the vaccine and conservatives can all get it. Then, let nature take its course.
It appears the problem is that Americans by and large don’t trust Trump on a vaccine over scientists. The problem is that when you mix science with politics, you get politics.
And considering his entire term has been nothing but a crime spree and manipulating about every government agency for his own personal gain, regardless of honesty, integrity, or for the well being of the people (Sharpiegate comes to mind but of course I could get long winded with a list), and considering his blatant lies of incompetence on COVID thus far, there’s really no reason for us to trust him on such an important issue.
The china virus caused far fewer deaths than the scientists and other miscreants claim.
The Democrats just don’t like it when a Republican can help solves problem
@Ronald J. Ward: No, the problem is the distrust is created by Democrats that don’t have any candidates the public wants. Sure, some liberals are too stupid to know Trump isn’t making the vaccine himself and believe lying Kumalover when she said Trump said to inject bleach, but most intelligent Americans trust the process and will trust the vaccine.
What we see from your Democrats is the divisiveness they claim Trump is responsible for. They lie to try and divide. You help.
@Ronald J. Ward: Your vaccine will be in suppository form, shove it along with your operation mockingbird disinformation lies.
To make your day Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize 2021.
It wont just be a participation trophy given to a funder of terrorism and he who armed drug cartels like the previous admin got.
Have a nice day.
President Trump actually did something relate to peace.
Contrast that with obama who nothing remotely related the promoting peace.
obama bombed more countries than any president since WWII
obama killed Americans without due process
obama spied on a presidential campaign
obama is the worst president in US history.
@July 4th American:
2012 under Barry unemployment 8.1 % no shut downs no pandemic.
2020 under Trump 8.4% with Yuge shutdowns and during a pandemic.
compare the first term accomplishments
The Obama admin the most corrupt in human history.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Americans? Sorry, but you don’t speak for anyone but yourself.
The media-induced “everyone thinks this way” tactic used by your disinformation outlets no longer works. Get with the times.
Absolutely. You and your Party exemplify this.
So, when a vaccine comes out, your identity-forming hatred of Trump will blind you from the Science.
We know.
The fact remains that 1% of the population (5 million or so) has had Covid, spread out over the past 8 months.
Contrast that with H1N1 at 18% (60 million or so).
Given, these diseases are apples and oranges, but you can see that we, as a nation, limited the spread of something rather virulent and airborne.
Credit needs to be given where credit is due. Parroting that Trump “botched” the response without any data or even modicum of analysis is just Democrat dirty tricks.
“If masks save one life, well…” Dems say.
“If a vaccine will save one life…” Oops. Dems will never say that. It would be a victory for the nation, and the President, so…
Let more Covid patients die for our political agenda.
These fools need to be voted out.
I haven’t studied it a great deal but most anyone can nominate anyone for the Nobel, even a far right unhindge and racist member of the National Assembly from Norway. It’s then up to another panel to accept that nomination.
Funny how all the Trump channels are in glee over it. But then, the non-Trump supporting channels seem to have an interest in Woodward’s book describing how Trump knew of the virus seriousness and consequences, yet lied to us anyway. And now his loyalist think we should trust him on his hail Mary just-in-time-for-an-election miracle cure.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Some moron nominated obama
@Ronald J. Ward:
Yes. I heard Woodward is working on a book about how the sky is green, and another about how 2+2 equals 5.
That’s very apparent, with each silly little unhinged rant you type.
Luckily, people who think and believe like you are in the very, very small minority.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Translation, I havent looked into the process at all but I will blather any nonsense that enters the space between my ears.
@July 4th American: @Nathan Blue: @kitt:
Peace Prizes are of little concern to me and accordingly, I’m not likely to probe into it much.
However, it’s telling that the gaggle of orking seals flapped their fins in the delight of my admission of not studying it to any extent, as if anticipating their master to toss them a fish in reward.
It’s interesting that my assessment was actuall fairly accurate while none of it was actually challenged.
The more your idle fails the more easily you become duped in other areas as well.
@Ronald J. Ward:
There’s nothing to challenge. They told you to “jump” and you said “how high”.
Orking seal, indeed.
The hoax of “Trump downplayed the virus”. That’s the new play? Going back to that dead horse?
Biased subjectivity – the last flimsy weapon of those who know they are desperate and wrong.
Consider your parroting of the latest Leftwing disinformation challenged, and dismissed as the partisan silliness it is.
Consider that the Democrats, their media, and their indoctrinated (Ron/AJ) are all tacitly admitting they don’t want a vaccine…that they want more Americans dead…just to support their political identity.
@Nathan Blue: Well, COVID19 is simply something else AJ hasn’t “studied”. It is yet another topic he takes left wing talking points as actual facts and presents them as “opinion”.
@Nathan Blue:
My understanding is that Trump’s downplaying COVID is from a recorded phone conversation.
Maybe that’s true and maybe it isn’t. Woodward doesn’t have a history of just making stuff up.
Why is it an automatic “hoax” as you say?
@Ronald J. Ward: He “downplayed” the dangers while taking efforts to fight the virus. Did Roosevelt give the public the full details of the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor? No, he “downplayed” it to avoid panic, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t fight the war.
The fact that he had a news conference every day showed he took it seriously; not going before cameras, screaming in panic and flailing his arms is leadership; too bad your Democrats didn’t have the same restraint and responsibility.
@Ronald J. Ward:
…from many months ago, suddenly slung into the media-sphere as yet another piece of disinformation. They have to go all in on the hoax that Trump botched the Covid response. Everything else has failed, and this is failing too as Trump announces the possibility of having a vaccine before the election.
Firstly: it’s hearsay. The media at large has destroyed their reputation with whisle-blowers and “anonymous” sources.
Secondly: even if Trump said that, it’s a complete partisan and biased interpretation to say he “downplayed” the severity of the virus. They are, quite frankly, out to get this guy. Anything….ANYTHING HE SAYS… must be spun to imply things that aren’t true in the pursuit of a losing Party’s political gain.
@Deplorable Me:
Nathan says the downplaying is a hoax.
You say the downplaying was to avoid panic.
Which is it?
@Nathan Blue:
“Secondly: even if Trump said that,……”
That didn’t take long.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Neither did your failure to address the point.
Let’s assume Trump said that.
So what?
This isn’t the silver bullet you’re hoping for, little dog.
You first. Why is the statement from Trump, assuming it’s true, an issue? Give me something other than what the Leftwing disinformation outlets told you to be upset about.
I’ll wait.
@Ronald J. Ward: Both. He didn’t lie; he merely didn’t harp on the worst case scenario. He downplayed the threat, while doing all he could to address the epidemic, to avoid undue panic and fear. Hell, the shutdown has been responsible for an unprecedented amount of suicides; imagine if he had promoted the worst fears, most of them unfounded as we learned more about the actual virus. The part where this is a hoax is where dishonest, corrupt leftists try to turn it into Trump “downplaying” his response to the virus and failing to do all he could to prevent more deaths. But, you already knew all about that part; that’s the part YOU promote.
@Deplorable Me: What Ron/AJ and the journos don’t understand is that quibbling about these things is what has handed Trump his second term.
It’s loser tantrums, pure and simple.
Meanwhile, Biden said “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”…and I’m supposed to care about Woodward strategically sharing a Covid conversation from months ago? They said Trump was downplaying the virus back then. It’s not a new attack. It’s one that’s already bean beaten back.
Desperate, the lot of them.
Meanwhile, jobs, vaccines, ending the budding Dem-backed segregation of critical race theory, Billions more to Americans in Trade from China, less money subsidize Europe, troops coming home, etc…
Whose side are the Dems on, anyway?
bidens health is declining daily and is not likely to improve.
Trying to answer pre authorized question yesterday in Pennsylvania with some union people, attempting to answer a question he asked the teleprompter operator to roll it up.
biden is in serious trouble. He had to be confined in the basement today because they could not put him out in front of the public.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Again FFS
idle= running while not under mechanical load
Idol – is that the word your computer should have chose?= an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.
Are you just picking the first option in alphabetical order as presented?
More proof you are a loser and to lazy to even type your comments. I bet you even just repeat what a CNN talking head says to your computer program to type for you, to lazy to even think for yourself.
Total pathetic girly mansheep.
@Nathan Blue:
Since when did addressing a point become a standard at FA?
Ironically, you again unwittingly validated my point. Anything negative of Trump automatically defaults to a “hoax”. Always. It is for fact a hoax whereas any glimmer of blame towards Dems is proven guilt. Always.
Even anyone who points out a crack in his armor, a possible misdeed, or even the slightest flaw on policy, is immediately dismissed as “fake news”, regardless of overwhelming evidence or from even a live tape of Trump’s actions or statement.
Once it’s proven beyond a doubt, the messenger is still “fake news” while you shift to: “secondly, even if Trump did say or do that ……….”.
Always. There is no exception.
@July 4th American:
numbers are like a good whore, once on their back you can do anything you want. an expression before your time, but useful in a rude sense to describe the fake data propaganda vomited on this country.
There is a real good book by Linda Goudsmit, you know reading materials outside of the media news print is very important, like history. The book is titled The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with “kindness”. It exposes the leftist, islamic and globalist interconnecting attacks on America deceitfully disguised as altruism.
@MOS #8541: Wheres Waldo challenge.
I cant find the maskless person in the crowd.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Sorry, but the credibility of the media is pretty shot. We heard Biden admit to Quid Pro Quo on tape, then they tried to impeach Trump on things he “meant” to say.
It hasn’t been.
You’re confused. People HAVE admitted this on both FA and on the side of the right. The issue is that you DO NOT simply want people to admit Trump isn’t perfect. You want them to admit these things so you can then undo an election.
No can do.
The pathology of what you are actually after compared to what you think/claim you are after is quite amusing.
Trump has made many mistakes, like all successful people do.
Even Obama knows that failure is NECESSARY for success.
Do you?
I think you finally see that your false idols are cracking.
@Ronald J. Ward:
No one is ever pointing out a failure, they are lobbying executioner-style tactics to remove a President that was legally elected.
It’s “fake” because in almost every case it’s a subjective distortion of Truth, if not an outright lie.
Please take the time to list the various lies told by your media, and the lies/hypocrisy of your Democrat leaders.
It’s time you finally admitted that you’re supporting garbage, instead of projecting that subconscious knowledge onto Trump.