So here’s how this works:
Republicans can’t shut down the government to stop Obamafunding because if you shut down the government you’ll be blamed and lose seats. So Republicans must cave.
Democrats can shut down the government with no negative consequences to them, and therefore Republicans must cave when Democrats are going to shut down the government.
Rush Limbaugh was complaining about this dynamic yesterday, saying he had hoped Trump would be the guy who would stand up to the dominant paradigm and say the old rules no longer apply. But apparently not. (Clip after the fold.)
This isn’t just Trump’s fault — a lot of Republicans are against the wall and don’t want to have to take a vote on it either way. So it’s once again Failure Theater — darn it, those Democrats are stopping us from doing the things we claim we want to do but in fact would always refuse to do!
But it’s also a reflection of Trump’s relative weakness at the moment — if he were more popular, he would force fucking Bob Corker and Paul Ryan to vote against the wall and show their colors to the dummies who keep reelecting them.
But he needs some people on his side, so he has to cave to the Republican upscale suburban Establishment that always gets its way.
Think about the MODERATES!!!
So the GOP will be presenting a budget that contains no funding for the wall that Congress actually authorized to be build in 2006, but didn’t bother to appropriate money for (“Build the dang fence” — John McCain, 2010, in a campaign ad when running for reelection), and will only ask for some additional money for enforcement.
The enforcement part of the Trump Administration — the part where Sessions can just enforce the laws on the books without having to get permission from Congress — is bearing some fruit.
This kind of spineless, dishonest capitulation by RINOs is what led to Trump’s election.
1. RINOs are blocking the repeal of the obamacare disaster.
2. RINOs are blocking the efforts to secure our border.
How interesting that when the dems controlled the Oval Office, the Senate and the House, all we heard from Boehner and McConnell was how they couldn’t stop the ultra leftist agenda, but now when the GOP controls all 3, somehow the dems have the power to stop the republican agenda?
Gee, it is almost like the RINOs are prefer the ultra leftist insanity over their pre-election stated positions. Make sure Ryan, McConnell et al are reminded of this when they ask for money or votes come 2018.
How many times must the obvious be pointed out?
Congressional Democrats don’t have sufficient votes to shut down or avoid shutting down anything.
Republicans have majority control of both the House and the Senate, and have a Republican president in the White House.
They’re their own problem. What they do or fail to do is their own doing, and their own responsibility.
@Pete: The majority of Republicans have yet to realize the lesson Trump showed them: “F**K the corrupt media; just do what needs to be done.” Of course the corrupt liberal media will blame Republicans no matter what happens. Of course the corrupt Democrats knows their corrupt propaganda arm has their backs and can (and do) act like spoiled little children that never get discipline.
However, idiot Schumer was just DYING to shut the government down so the Republicans could take the hit; let’s see what he does now. Schumer is good at killing bipartisanship; remember, he and Obama killed off immigration reform in 2007 so it could still be used as an issue.
Remember the guy who partied with the two different wine glasses in the tub with him?
Head of the GAO.
The GAO uses Off-The-Books cash from sales of gov’t property, supposedly for more than just partying.
The Wall can be paid for so many ways beyond a budget line item.
The GAO’s money can be used.
A small charge on each wire transfer of cash out of country can pay for it.
Drug dealer assets confiscated can pay for it.
There’s really no need to make a big deal out of paying for the wall.
It pays for itself.
Eventually, Mexico pays for it.
October 19 – 30-Foot Border Wall Prototypes Erected In San Diego Borderlands
$20 million, to erect 6 panels, each around 20 feet wide. Let me see… That comes to over $333,000 per panel. Our border with Mexico is 1,989 miles long… Well, there’s probably an economy of scale involved if somebody gets a fat government contract to start cranking these things out, but I think that still works out to one helluva lot of dollars. Or pesos, eef MAYheeco peeks up dee tab. Maybe we should double check with them before we sign any construction contracts.