Ratcliffe Reveals More on Durham Probe Including Biden Connection as WH Dodges Questions

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By Nick Arama

We’ve been bringing you a lot of intriguing information about the Durham probe. As we’ve reported, there was a bombshell that dropped at the end of the week in a Durham filing in the case of Michael Sussmann, a Clinton campaign lawyer. In the filing, it said that the Clinton campaign had hired a tech company to look into the DNS lookups of several locations including Trump Tower and the Executive Office of the President of the United States to create an inference or narrative about Donald Trump having a connection to Russia.
This came on top of information that we already had reported about intel alleging Hillary Clinton had approved a plan to smear Trump as connected to Russia hacking to distract from the scandal of her use of a private email server. On top of that, intel also indicated that the CIA head at the time, the execrable John Brennan, had advised Barack Obama of Clinton’s plan.
While the Clinton campaign was paying for this, Clinton herself was also pushing the fake smear.
While it’s taken a while, you would anticipate that in any investigation that they would be taken down the ancillary players first, so that they could then flip on the bigger names in the conspiracy. Now, there’s a new report suggesting that the investigation is accelerating and people are flipping, according to sources. We should always treat “sources” with some skepticism, but that would seem to be about the right time, given that multiple people have been indicted and interviewed in the Durham probe.

Former DNI John Ratcliffe went on Fox on Monday and said that based on the intel that he had given Durham as part of Durham’s investigation, that he expected “quite a few more indictments.” He had previously said “multiple” or “many indictments”, so this adds that he thinks that the evidence from the intel supports “quite a few more” than the people who were indicted so far. He also notes the variety of crimes that might be considered.

From Fox News:

I think this pleading alleges or alludes to a conspiracy meaning two or more people in furtherance of a crime and anyone that was aware that this campaign plan was going to be falsely pitched to the FBI or the CIA or law enforcement or intelligence authorities would be subject to criminal prosecution for any number of criminal crimes. Mail fraud, wire fraud lying under oath, congressional testimony, false testimony to prosecutors. All of those things.
So, it could go broadly and deeply. I think it does, based on intelligence that I have seen and that I discussed with John Durham. I’ve been saying there’d be indictments before there were any, and the folks that have been indicted, that does relate to intelligence that I shared with John Durham. And based on more intelligence that has not yet been declassified, I would expect there to be frankly, quite a few more indictments.
I think this conspiracy, and I do think there was a criminal conspiracy, is broad and deep. And I hope that, obviously, John Durham is moving carefully. But I would expect and anticipate based on the intelligence that I’ve seen that there would be quite a few more indictments relating to this.

Ratcliffe also noted that not only was Obama advised on the plan in 2016 in the Oval Office, but Joe Biden was, too, as well as members of the national security team. So, Biden knew about the false plan and “everything that happened after that..is one of the reasons that John Durham is investigating,” Ratcliffe said. He explained that there wasn’t a proper predicate to begin the FBI investigation against Trump, yet it went forward anyway.
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It isn’t just about Hillary Clinton. That raises the question of what did Biden know and when did he know it as well. Who else know what when, and was involved? If you check the above tweet of Hillary Clinton’s, you’ll also notice a familiar name that’s also come up in this case – the current National Security Adviser for Biden, Jake Sullivan. He was part of the Hillary for America team as a “senior policy advisor,” and he was putting out the information on the smear in a statement that Clinton was tweeting.

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Count on Leftists simply not learning about this, and claiming it’s “Fox News” propaganda.

We have Laws. We have Constitutional processes.

Trump followed these, and those who broke them must be charged and brought to justice, not summarily pardoned like Comey did with Hillary.

That’s treason.

It’s being covered. It’s just that if the allegation is true, a lot of people think the guy should be given a medal.

February 15, 2022 – Special counsel Durham alleges Clinton campaign lawyer used data to raise suspicions about Trump

Special counsel John Durham accused a lawyer for the Democrats of sharing with the CIA in 2017 internet data purported to show Russian-made phones being used in the vicinity of the White House complex, as part of a broader effort to raise the intelligence community’s suspicions of Donald Trump’s ties to Russia shortly after he took office.

The accusation — which Durham couched in vague, technical language in a court filing late Friday — has been seized upon by Trump and his supporters, who claim the former President was subjected to a smear campaign.

Durham says in the filing that Michael Sussmann, the Democratic lawyer, spoke about internet data related to Trump in a meeting with a federal agency, which sources say was the CIA, more than five years ago. Sussmann claimed the information “demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations,” according to the filing.

Durham’s office said it found nothing to support the allegation. The special counsel also noted that the data showed a Russian phone provider connection involving the Executive Office of the President “during the Obama administration and years before Trump took office.”

The data was compiled by a tech firm that had special access to the purportedly suspicious internet data through an “arrangement” with the US government, and that firm was in touch with Sussmann, according to the filing.

An executive at the tech company, Rodney Joffe, and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining domain name system traffic associated with the Executive Office of the President and other data “for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump,” Durham’s prosecutors wrote.

Joffe is not charged with any crime.

Charging him with a crime isn’t actually the point, is it? The point is an effort to provide a competing narrative to play against the investigation of Donald Trump prior to the midterms.

A spokesperson for Joffe said he “is an apolitical internet security expert with decades of service to the U.S. Government who has never worked for a political party, and who legally provided access to DNS data obtained from a private client that separately was providing DNS services to the Executive Office of the President (EOP).”

“Upon identifying DNS queries from Russian-made Yota phones in proximity to the Trump campaign and the EOP, respected cyber-security researchers were deeply concerned about the anomalies they found in the data and prepared a report of their findings, which was subsequently shared with the CIA,” the spokesperson added later in the statement.

Sussmann last fall pleaded not guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI about a separate meeting. Defense attorneys for Sussmann called Durham’s recent statements in court about the internet data “misleading.”

“The Special Counsel has again made a filing in this case that unnecessarily includes prejudicial — and false — allegations that are irrelevant … and are plainly intended to politicize this case, inflame media coverage, and taint the jury pool,” they wrote in a court filing Monday night.

They said Durham had a fact wrong: that Sussmann told the CIA about internet data related to Russian phones being used around the White House before Trump was President, and not from after he took office.

Durham’s most recent assertions in court about Sussmann implied that the CIA heard from him about Russian phones being used around the White House after Trump became President as a way to raise the intelligence communities’ suspicions about Trump.

But Sussmann says that isn’t so.

“Although the Special Counsel implies that in Mr. Sussmann’s February 9, 2017 meeting, he provided Agency-2 with (Executive Office of the President) data from after Mr. Trump took office, the Special Counsel is well aware that the data provided to Agency-2 pertained only to the period of time before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President,” Sussmann’s lawyers wrote.

Sussmann’s team added that the reasons for concern that Sussmann took to the CIA about Trump and Russia weren’t intentionally manipulative…

Anyone who isn’t “suspicious of Trump” at this point has to be an effin’ moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

And what, no suspicion of hillary?

U.S. Producer Price Inflation Soars 9.7%

This is totally on biden. The economic crisis is a manufactured crisis

At least when President Trump returns as President, he will be able to blame the conditions he will inherit squarely on feckless biden.

After two years of GOP majorities, when the GOP has no coherent plan for dealing with anything? I don’t think so.

The only thing the GOP has thought about is how to get back into power. Seriously, you can’t tell me what their plan or policy is regarding any problem that’s facing the nation. It all comes down to playing a small handful of hot-button issues to garner votes, and then doing the will of their wealthy masters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Well the first two are easy. Republicans want to secure the border and reopen our energy sector. At this rate gasoline will average 4 dollar a gallon by summer. One thing is obvious Dems are clueless. BTW your CNN story isn’t going to mean a thing. Just consider the source. But you keep flailing away.

Their one or two vote majority? Not enough to overcome Democrat obstruction. Pelosi held up anything she couldn’t load with pork.

Now we’ve had a full year of out-of-control leftism and it has been, predictably, a disaster.

This is four years of Trump continuing emergency stimulus measures to turn a recovered economy into an unsustainable four-year binge.


even the democrat media knows this is on biden

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

The Trump economy? Four years of absurdly low interest rates, four years of irresponsible tax cuts, and four years of skyrocketing deficits, that added more debt in 4 years than Obama added in 8—and Obama was dealing with the previous republican economic crash.

Who likes inflation? Anyone who’s carrying millions upon millions of dollars in debt, because they play their games with borrowed money. Who hates it? Any financially responsible person who worked and saved, in hopes of covering their own costs.

Biden inherited a disaster even worse than the one Obama found waiting for him.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You were warned for four damn years that Trump’s irresponsible policies were a recipe for run-away inflation.

Never saw any warnings. We’re they from you democrat media?

comment image
Biden Tells a Story About Putting a Dead Dog on a Random Woman’s Doorstep (VIDEO)
WTF is wrong with your president. When did he have his last cognitive test?


You were warned for four damn years that Trump’s irresponsible policies were a recipe for run-away inflation.

Then idiot Biden made it happen. Trump was a resounding success, idiot Biden is an abject failure.

Sorry, not sorry. An expert in economics you are not. This economic crisis was manufactured by biden. He owns it.

I am an observer of reality. Trump economic policy was a scam, with a predictable, inevitable outcome.

The richest got a helluva lot richer. Everybody else was left holding an empty bag.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Opinions are assholes, everyone has one. Yours is wrong.

Trump will announce his 2024 run—possibly at the upcoming 2022 CPAC—and then will bilk donors out of hundreds of millions between now and the election.

Are you voting for President Trump in 2024 like most democrats said they were is a recent economist/yougov poll?

Over 40% of registered democrat voters said they would vote for President Trump if he ran in 2024

lol Bilk going to shut down the virus, forgive student debt, free child care etc… who got bilked Greggie? Hurry hurry hurry get your free crack pipe fresh from china

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

who got bilked Greggie? 

The people of the United States, who got not only skyrocketing inflation, but $7.8 Trillion in new debt.

I realy dont know what alternate reality you are observing but inflation under Trump was under 2% while we were energy independent. Its now nearly 8 % and we are burning Russian fuel. Oil expected to hit 100 bucks a barrel. All into Putins pocket.

Don’t you know, that is Trumps fault. Had not he left the economy to biden that he did, biden would not have had to cancel the keystone pipeline and cancels hundred of oil leases on federal land. Trump made biden do that just like Biden’s hands were tied in Afghanistan. Biden had to turn over bagram af base. Biden had to leave 83 billion in military equipment to the taliban. Biden had to leave Americans stranded and finally biden had to get 13 service members killed.

Durham has charged two with making false statements to the FBI. One got 12 months probation. That’s it.

How large do you think you can blow that tiny little balloon before it pops?

He is not done shit for brains

They spied on the White House, guess its quite a spin to make light of that.

It’s going to be a helluva lot harder to make light of what their investigations uncovered.

Trump should have been removed from office for his Ukrainian extortion scam. It’s obvious what he tried to do.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Correct maybe the investigation will uncover a murder by the DNC Seth Rich.

They illegally spied on Trump. And what did they find? That Trump never did anything illegal. The broke laws to discover Trump is honest.

Neither are the January 6 Committee, nor a couple of state level criminal investigations into tax fraud, bank fraud, and Trump’s efforts to overturn the Georgia election results.

The 9 angry democrats have nothing. Zip, zero, nada…

What they have, you haven’t yet seen.

Neither has the GOP, but some of them have a damn good idea, because they were involved.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

I’ve heard this before about Mueller , are you circling back?

Trump also should have been removed from office as a result of what Mueller revealed.

lol ya sure that why congress couldnt find anything in it.

What did herr mueller reveal?

Read the report summaries and conclusions. They’ve been public for several years now.

Yeah, no collusion with Russia and full exoneration.

Does it include the mountain of evidence that was being hidden by Chuckie?

Yeah a work of fiction. Mueller’s team knew it would be on day one.



Keep up.

greg is about to start making shit up again.

Trump also should have been removed from office as a result of what Mueller revealed.

The Mueller report revealed no crimes, no obstruction and that the Democrats, not Trump, colluded with Russians. Then Trump was impeached twice for what Democrats did. Does being a loser burn?

Mueller WASN’T ALLOWED to charge a sitting president with any statutory crime, as he made clear in his report. Were it not for that, there would have been charges relating to Obstruction of Justice.

Which is a moot point since he found nothing to charge. Mueller admitted there was NO obstruction and no obstruction is shown in the report.

Bullshit. You’re rewriting history. High-places individuals in the Trump campaign LIED REPEATEDLY about their meetings with Russian operatives. From the American Constitution Society:

  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Trump, his accomplices, and the right-wing media have no regard for the truth, the Constitution, or the law whatsoever.

American Constitution Society, Comrade Greggie? Could you pick a more left wing organization? Nope.

“ACS was co-founded by Walter Dellinger III (who served as Bill Clinton’s Solicitor General in 1996-97) and Peter Rubin (a Georgetown law professor who was counsel to Al Gore in the two Supreme Court cases involving the Florida presidential recount controversy of 2000). Dellinger and Rubin launched ACS on July 30, 2001, with the goal of countering what they saw as the corrupting influence that the conservative views of the Federalist Society were having on young law students from coast to coast. A growing “activist conservative legal movement,” says ACS today, “threatens to dominate our courts and our laws, [and] does a grave injustice to the American vision.”

Yeah, that’s a balanced opinion coming from far left radicals.

But then, you are incapable of any opinion other than from far left radical Socialists.

Comrade Greggie, ever the useful idiot.

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

Uh huh. So, what have they stated regarding the Mueller report that is factually inaccurate? Because you said nothing about that.

I am not required to support your left wing sites like ACS or LawFare. They do exactly what you do; wordsmith facts to change what facts really are.

You are projecting again, Comrade. You are given fact after fact that disputes your irrational opinions and YOU SAY NOTHING ABOUT THAT.

You mean, you’re not required to think about ANYTHING that might call into question the world view that you’re SO DAMN CERTAIN IS RIGHT, it never has to be questioned.

That isn’t actually conservatism, you know. Nor is is anything new. It’s part of what human progress is about getting away from.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You mean, you’re not required to think about ANYTHING that might call into question the world view that you’re SO DAMN CERTAIN IS RIGHT, it never has to be questioned.

You clearly don’t seem to have a problem with being a major hypocrite. Over the years you have wasted our time on this forum, you have been asked not only to prove you claims but to answer other questions. In true left wing style, you either refuse or ignore the request all together. Yet here you are, hypocrite that you are, chastising me for what you are guilty of.

That isn’t actually conservatism, you know.

You have no clue what actual conservatism is. All you know is that people have convinced you that it is wrong, like those Socialists at LawFare and ACS. Or dumbasses like Stelter and Maddow. You have not been educated, you have been programed. But that’s what Communists do, they program the weak minded.

It’s part of what human progress is about getting away from.

What is? Again, you make statements that are so generalized that even Einstein would not understand what you are trying to say.

Suggestion; go find a job. Since you are unable to use your brain, perhaps you can learn to use your muscles.

Look who’s talking.

You’re the one who’s SO CERTAIN about your leftwing gods.

Any sane person would question the election in 2020, and the Jan. 6th false-flag.

Hell, I listened when they said Trump might have worked with the Russians in 2016. I had an open mind. Then the proof showed otherwise, so case closed.

The lack of analysis and rush to say there’s “no credible evidence” on an election with filmed and overwhelming election fraud means you’re not like us. You’re a partisan goon.

We’re Americans, and we use critical thinking and NEVER assume the government is working in our favor.

If I was supporting Democrats and came to the realization of all the crimes they’ve committed, all the lies they’ve told, all the attacks on our Constitution they’ve launched, I would have to withdraw my allegiance. But, then again, I am an American that loves this country.

No collusion, no obstruction, no crimes, no charges. All leftist propaganda that the Democrats, media, FBI and IC KNEW was lies from the beginning.

TDS greggie is an awful disease to have you have been inflicted by TDS for quite some time. It does lead to insanity!

those who have TDS tend to do that, circling back. It is like a case of brain freeze which also occurs in the head of those who have very little brain. greggie is a typical case. He continues to go back and repeats all of those made-up facts and. ignorant arguments.

What they have, you haven’t yet seen.

Because they haven’t made it up yet?

Ask Rodger Stone I think he will know

The richest got a helluva lot richer. Everybody else was left holding an empty bag.
All those backing democrats big pharma, big tech oligarchs, Amazon from shutting down small businesses, Walmart

I am an observer of reality.

No, you are a purveyor of propaganda.

Trump economic policy was a scam, with a predictable, inevitable outcome.

Wrong. The Trump economic policy was a winner until the Fauci Flu, designed by his CCP scientist friends, destroyed not only our economy, the the world’s economy. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of lives the left was willing to sacrifice.

The richest got a helluva lot richer. Everybody else was left holding an empty bag.

Correct. All by design. Barber shops, mom and pop hardware stores, small grocers, neighborhood restaurants, and on and on and on, all forcibly closed down while Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Amazon, and the pharma big wigs, including Fauci, got wealthier and wealthier and wealthier. Suzie’s Cafe was not essential but McDonald’s was?

But that is the way it was designed to happen by the left wing. Nancy Pelosi’s checking account balance increased exponentially. Her stock of designer ice cream increased in her multi thousand dollar SubZero freezers.

Why do you continue to make a fool of yourself? Do you have no self respect?

Ah, it’s the lady who thinks tax and bank fraud are legitimate business strategies. Or am I confusing you with someone else?

Nope thats me dolt

Ah, thanks for the humor. I needed it.

I never got a loan without the bank assessing the value of the property.
I never got to tell the city what I should pay in taxes.

Same with me.

So Bank and tax fraud applies where?

Same with Trump.

Well, Comrade, you definately are one of the most confused people who ever posted here. I don’t think I have ever discussed tax/bank fraud with you, so there’s that.

Trump has infiltrated your brain as he is the only thing you ever think about or post about. But of course, your Communist News Network (CNN) is now going to go after Durham because………………………………..Hillary/Democrats/Crimes.

How long do you think it will take Leslie Stahl to get all that egg off her face? About the same time you admit that the Democrat Party has long ago ceased to exist and it’s nothing but a home for criminal Socialists like yourself?

no matter how many times greggie is asked to show proof of Trump Tax and bank fraud, he can never find any convections, can he? He just repeats the same arguments even when he knows they are not valid. He needs to find a nice home in one of those NY rest homes the former governor used so frequently for older people.

That’s because I’m not part of the New York grand jury, Randy. You should read up on the criminal prosecution process. Evidence doesn’t becomes public until a trial is conducted.

The New York grand jury was seated in November.

The Georgia special grand jury was only approved last month.

The sh*t hits the fan in a few more months.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The sh*t hits the fan in a few more months.

Only if you fools are starting a civil war, with yourselves as the illegal confederacy.

The right to charge Trump with any crime is gone. The ones doing the “investigation” cannot be trusted, and have no authority.

Don’t touch him. You have no right…not legal right, especially when you won’t address HRC and her fed goon squad committing treason by spying on Trump. It’s not opinion. It’s fact.

Facts, not Propaganda. From the American Constitution Society: Key Findings of the Mueller Report

The source is a far left radical group led by Russ FeingoldPresident
Feingold is a communist

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

According to Mueller himself, questioned directly, Trump never “ curtailed or stopped or hindered” the investigation. NO obstruction. NO collusion (except by Democrats). NO CRIMES.

They have to keep the farce going, for sure, so their loyal rubes like you will actually think Trump colluded with Russia.

Which the Mueller Report concretely says he didn’t.


Move on.

You mean like Pelosi and her insider stock trading husband?

Once again Obama was pushing for more loans for those with lousy credit. He was a big supporter of ACORN. Obama was on the side that made sure the crash happened.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

But we might get a fuel-tax “holiday”. All problems solved.

Either warm up ol’ sparky or find a strong oak tree near the courthouse. Both will get the job done…

Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg née Ethel Greenglass, (respectively, born May 12, 1918, New York, New York, U.S.—died June 19, 1953, Ossining, New York; born September 28, 1915, New York City—died June 19, 1953, Ossining), the first American civilians to be executed for conspiracy to commit espionage and the first to suffer that penalty during peacetime.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Expect a Jonestown-scale mass Clintoncide soon.