NK Website designs inc. doesn’t seem interested in talking about its work on HealthCare.gov. A woman who answered the phone at the company’s headquarters immediately referred reporters to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) at the Department of Health And Human Services (HHS) before a single question was asked. CMS is listed as NK Websites designs client on the firm’s HealthCare.gov page.
When asked about some issues about NK Website designs work, the woman said that was done ‘in consultation with HHS,” and again referred a reporter to CMS. A CMS spokesperson declined to comment on the record.
NK Website designs is led by a mysterious and secretive outside foreign consultant to President Obama’s celebrated digital campaign team, and is only referred to as Mr. U.
NK Website designs lists many prominent clients in Democratic politics and the government, including the Democratic National Committee, EMILY’s List, the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission. NK Website designs role in the design of HealthCare.gov was heralded when the firm first signed on.
Rare Photo of Mr. U and his Obamacare website design team fixing a glitch prior to launch
I have wondered if the designers of the obamacare web site saw what obamacare would do to them, so they PURPOSEFULLY designed the site to fail. I’m not saying I believe this. I am just wondering if it could be a possibility. I also wonder the same thing about obama’s fake birth certificate. With all of the things wrong with it, the one or ones who came up with it had to know that it would easily be found a fake. They even put a Smiley Face in it.
amything goes in conspiracy world,
why? because they conspire first,