Racists Anonymous: 12-step cure for disease of “White Privilege”

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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:

Progressives can now open “Safety Pin Boxes” while taking a “Complicity Cleanse.”

Last week, we covered the videoptaped torture of a mentally disabled Chicago teen at the hands of 4 black thugs, who taunted him with anti-white and anti-Trump insults.

Meanwhile, progressives are still fighting the vast, alt-Right conspiracy whenever and wherever they can. For example, now there is a “Racists Anonymous” group, an Alcoholics Anonymous-type organization offering a recovery program for people struggling with their “white privilege”.

The program is the brainchild of Reverend Ron Buford, a black pastor who worried that conversations about race left him angry and white participants guilty. He says he realized the need for the self-improvement program after witnessing Trump’s rise to power.

Racists Anonymous is a 12-step program, and meetings begin with everyone in the room announcing that they are, in fact a racist (step one is, of course, admitting you have a problem). The white people in the group discuss their experiences with their own racism, minority attendees discuss experiences encountering racism in society.

Fascinating. I would be interested to learn about how the Chicago teen felt about his “white privilege” while his scalp was being lacerated with a knife by his abusers.

But “Racists Anonymous” isn’t the only special, new offering for race-conscious liberals. You can now purchase a racial indulgence in the form of a Safety Pin Box.

Spend between $25 and $100 a month to receive a box that helps you be a better ally. That’s the business plan set up by Grand Rapids, Michigan entrepreneurs Marissa Johnson and Leslie Mac, at least.

Every month, they send their subscribers the Safety Pin Box, which Vice reporter Evan McMorris-Santoro describes as being “designed to wake up white people to the realities of being black in America.”

…The Box has only a few hundred subscribers (it would be fun to do a pool estimating how many of them are white Brooklyn liberals), Johnson and Mac are donating some of the proceeds to black female activists, and liberals and lefties themselves have been highly critical of the exercise.

Finally, in conjunction with the Women’s March on Washington, there is the Complicity Cleanse. The goal of this activity is lofty: Freeing yourself from the “triumph of patriarchy, sexism, xenophobia, heterosexism”…and, of course, racism.

After you sign up, you will be sent a “menu” that contains a daily dose of information, resources, questions, actions, challenges– little things to do every single day. The idea is to create a platform of presence in order to forge habits that divest our complicity from the mechanisms of oppression. Once we are aware of our entanglements, we can earnestly begin to dismantle all that allows for the pernicious “-isms” of American identity. Everything on the menu is a suggestion, that will hopefully become a contemplation, a conversation, an act, and eventually an awakened pattern. Little by little we will lesson our enurement with white supremacist, patriarchal rule, and our complicity in the suffering of others.

No word on whether you have to wear a Pussy Hat when you take that cleanse, however.

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Get rid of BLM,NBPP,NATION of ISLAM,RACIAL PREFRENCES, and have Jessie Jackson,Al Sharpton and Calpso Louie deported from america along with Obama

Keep this in mind: these people were in charge of the nation for 8 years.