Quadruple vaxxed Biden has COVID

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But but but

I guess not, but we’ve heard this before



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joe biden on CNN in Dec 2020.

When we disagree, it’ll be…… in private. She’ll say I think we should do A, B, C or D, and I’ll say I like A, don’t like B and C, and just go okay […][I]f I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.

So, joe’s handlers are setting the stage for a kamala harris regime.
She will be every bit as pliable as joe by these puppetmasters.
But jill is a monkey wrench in the works.

Camel-la was chosen for VP for the same reason Joe was under Obama; no one would ever try to get rid of Obama to have him replaced with Joe.

But Dr. Jill has always had VERY high aspirations, i.e. living in the White House, and so she shoved Aracept down Joe’s throat and put him on Zoom meetings from their basement. Oh, and she knew that the fix was in in all the swing states.

The name “Kamala” comes from a book by Herman Hesse, as well educated people speaking any of the 30 languages it has been translated into know.

And that is important why? Every name comes from some original source.

Or is that just another instance of you struggling to say something you think is pertinent when it is just more of your gibberish?

Mockery of her name is a measure of your ignorance.

And that is important why?

She’s a whore and she’s incompetent.

She’s a whore and she’s incompetent.

Further proof the vaccines are ineffective.

Citing that “he would have been more sick without them” is nebulous, unfounded, and complete propaganda.

The WEF must be held to account for releasing this virus, on purpose.

Statistically, those contracting COVID who are fully vaccinated and boosted are 29 times less likely to die.

Whose statistics? Gotta link? Did it originate with Big Pharma as they push their product to continue to line their pockets which you used to gritch about.

No longer. You have joined the Big Money side.

So don’t get vaccinated. What you deny to be real can’t possibly harm you, and the more people you convince of that, the safer you’ll be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

I asked you for a source of your claim and what do you do? Tell me not to get vaccinated.

So in typical Idiot Greggie fashion, you, once again, can’t prove what you claim. You can only prove how full of shite you are.

When was the last time YOU posted a link to support ANY of your crackpot statements?

There’s an abundance of online information supporting the efficacy of COVID vaccinations. Look it up for yourself, you lazy cow.

Actually greggie, why should I post any comment, you do not! Did you ever find out where the Plymouth Rock currently resides?

Posting internet links is NOT a reliable source for factual information.

The web is compromised, and under the control of our enemies, foreign and domestic.

Citing links is just admitting you work for the bad guys.

The virus is real. It was released by bad actors onto the world stage.

How deadly it is, how treatments work, and how effective the gene therapy “vaccine” is, however, are all things being lied about by the attacking WEF and their allies.

We will fight these bastards back into the Abyss as we fought Hitler, Stalin, and every other genocidal maniac in the 20th Century.

Why isnt Joe being given the Fauchi protocol? just go home with zero treatment and isolate? When he is really really sick take him to the hospital no visitors pop him on a ventilator then give him a drug with a 50% kill rate.

Actually greggie, as the village idiot you have no need to show the statistics. Even Fauci has admitted that the “vaccine” does nothing to prevent COVID and may not even minimize the severity of COVID. There is plenty of data that is seeping through the restrictions placed on controversy data provided by real doctors who treat patients. You should likely look for the “29 times” data along with the Plymouth Rock that is now under water according to the sources of greggie the village idiot!

Dr. Fauci has said no such thing.

Actually greggie the village idiot. It was just last week when he announced when he would retire.

The “fact-checkers” have overrun google to prove Fauci DIDN’T say that…

…which means he did.

Prove it with a link. Use the internet to show us you’re right.


You assholes didn’t plan on how your corruption of information, making everything relative and all based on “experts” and “polls” would completely negate any point you’re trying to make.

Nah. The WEF’s plan for a great reset, starting with the intentional release of Covid-19, make all data and all regime-approved thoughts on the virus AND any treatments (the “vax”, ivermectin, etc) completely discountable.

We know the truth now.

Statistically, almost every piece of propaganda you’ve posted about Covid, the vaccine, and Trump is false, either directly or by lies of omission.

Note the difference between how the right reacts to idiot Biden getting COVID and how the scumbag, hate-driven left reacted to Trump having it. Human vs animal.