by Jeff Childers
Yesterday, Reuters ran a story headlined, “Putin says Russia advancing fast in eastern Ukraine.” Although Reuters included the sneering phrase “Putin says” in its headline, the story confirmed that, for the first time since the beginning of Russia’s war of attrition, Russian forces are in fact advancing fast over the battlefield.
Following the Ukraine war is often a meaningless memory exercise of trying to keep track of the long, convoluted, consonant-dense names of various Ukrainian towns and villages. I don’t report the daily play-by-play here at C&C, since other sources cover the war more thoroughly and much better than I can.
It is worth a short aside to marvel at how war reporting has changed. The only real-time sources of reliable information are now found on Telegram and X, and even corporate media has begun quoting them instead of the various involved officials. As a result of independent, real-time, open-source reporting, the public enjoys more visibility into granular, hour-by-hour battle detail than in any other war in history.
I often wonder whether Telegram readers have better battlefield intelligence than do the NATO war planners. I’d bet my left kidney the NATO General Staff carefully reads the Telegram channels.
Anyway, as we suspected might happen, following the DNC, the Russians shifted into a new, more aggressive mode. Until this month, Russia’s strategy has been defending its 600 kilometer line of contact, and inching slowly and steadily westward by yards through Ukraine toward the Dnieper, the massive river that bisects that Eastern European country.
But over the last couple weeks, Russian units shifted into overdrive, now making what war commenters call “big arrow” movements, and racing toward strategic battlefield objectives. Instead of discussing at length the gradual Russian advances in terms of weeks and months and meters, the war bloggers are now dizzily ticking off the increments of Russian victories in days and hours and kilometers.
Not only that, but the Russians are finally fighting like they want to win. A weekend Bloomberg article reported that, “This week’s air raids on Kyiv and other cities across the country were the largest since Russia’s full-scale invasion began 2 ½ year ago.” The devastating infrastructure attacks produced this record-setting headline:
Why now? To me, it appears all about the timing relative to the US election. Russia could have done this anytime.
The map above shows the part of the battle getting the most attention this week. The otherwise unremarkable Ukrainian town of Pokrovsk (shown above, top left) is much more remarkable than it appears. It is Ukraine’s last major logistics hub east of the Dnieper river. In other words, after crossing the vast banks of the Dnieper, all NATO supplies pass through this well-positioned town before making their way to Ukraine’s supply-starved forces.
There is no realistic replacement for Pokrovsk’s logistical role. When the Russians capture Pokrovsk, absent some unforeseen miracle, they will have shut down Ukraine’s ability to easily supply its troops in the Eastern half of Ukraine. Hence, Russia will have won the logistical war.
Ukraine suffers from a warehouse of weaknesses. Ukraine’s only remaining asset is its unlimited supply of NATO weapons and supplies. But if Ukraine can’t deliver the weapons and supplies to its dwindling numbers of troops, that lone advantage will be neutralized, disappearing in an acrid puff of gunpowder residue.
Corporate media headlines are studiously avoiding mentioning the real risk that Ukraine is staggering on the brink of losing fully half its territory, which raises serious questions about its ability to survive the military equivalent of having all its limbs amputated.
It’s hard to imagine what unknown stockpile could deliver a badly-needed miracle. The neocons are bogged down in their unwinnable middle-eastern Proxy War with Iran, and the equally thorny matching political problem at home. The CIA-led ‘peace talks’ with Hamas are going nowhere, fast. NATO’s inventory for resupplying Ukraine, even if it could deliver the goods, is gasping for air. For example, Germany just reduced its Ukraine budget to zero. Headline from Politico, two weeks ago:
It all looks exactly like we suspected, that Russia has held back for two years, exhausting Ukraine’s ability to fight, and now that U.S. presidential elections are imminent, is doing what it always could have done: easily overrunning Ukraine’s positions with superior manpower, equipment, and air supremacy.
This story is most remarkable because of its incredible timing. A massive loss in the Proxy War is the last thing Democrats want people thinking about going into the November elections. We’ve spent enough money in Ukraine to rebuild Maui, build six border walls, and give free houses to every homeless person in America. And for what?
Well worth the click to read the rest of this.
Reminded me of the last time we had a draft:
We should have stayed out of the first (Russian) Afghan war, or even *gasp* supported Russia. Much of what we have suffered since then has been a result of their withdrawal from that war.
And we would have had much better relations with them today.
Putin, for all of his faults, is a patriot who loves his nation and will do what he sees as best for it.
I’ve met a lot of Russians, including their soldiers. The people have so much in common with us, that if the politicians and media would just get out of the way, the people of Russia and the people of the USA would likely be the best of friends.
White Christians only make up about 7 or 8% of the globe would be smart to stick together
While Putin was riding Motorcycles and Horses the Obamas were riding Stupid Bicycles wearing those dumb helmets
Remember how the left wing press used to yap about how wealthy Putin was? Notice that has stopped since Obama, and his harridan wife, became so rich?
“We’ve spent enough money in Ukraine to rebuild Maui, build six border walls, and give free houses to every homeless person in America. And for what?”
Nothing. Seriously why is Ukraine our business in the first place? They aren’t a US state (neither is Israel for that matter but that’s a separate rant for another time) hell they aren’t even in NATO (not that I believe NATO should exist anymore at least in its current state) but anyway yes we can agree that wars of aggression are bad but would Putin have even invaded if our politicians and intelligence agencies weren’t dicking around in Ukraine in the first place? Seriously if our politicians weren’t using Ukraine like a money laundering operation for influence peddling to the point were a color revolution was staged (using literal neo Nazis) to replace the government of Ukraine with one more sympathetic to the West would Putin have secured Crimea? Then had the West not been actively trying to bring Ukraine a country next door to Russia with a long complicated history into NATO would Putin have invaded? It is honestly hard to say but you couldn’t tell me if the Russians were dicking around in Mexico or even Cuba like they did in the 1960s the US wouldn’t take action.
NATO ginned up the war on Russia, from sponsoring the color revolution and 2014 coup over Ukraine’s duly elected, Russia-friendly government to the bombing of ethnic Russians after the coup, to emboldening Ukraine with promises of money and weapons. Russia said “NO!” To NATO in Ukraine and Russia reacted predictably to aggression at it border. Now NATO is recklessly and uncaringly throwing away Ukrainian lives in its proxy war with Russi.
There are many men dying but the coverage from the start has been faked viral bullshit, the ghost of Kiev wiping out the Russian airforce in the first few days of the invasion. Bodies in bags that sit up. Blasts that ruin cars but did not damage buildings, old or mis-identified photos slipped in.webp. Strange no reporters at this war, the brave ones all died shortly after VN, Zelensky left no independent news coverage nada zip, while he tried to begin WW3 by bombing Poland (a nato member)
And blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. Germany is pissed about all of the suffering caused them by a country that they’ve been supporting.
Germany doesnt GAF about its people but they know they cant rely on the immigrants to protect the motherland. Would you arm them?