By Bonchie
Sri Lanka is in the middle of a full-scale collapse after the president announced the nation is “bankrupt,” having run out of both money and energy. Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets, and things have devolved into a dystopian nightmare.
In the last several hours, the presidential palace was taken over by a sea of people, angry at the government for putting them in such a precarious position. And as I’ll explain, Sri Lanka’s woes were not only avoidable but were purposely brought on to please climate change fanatics in faraway lands.
NOW – Protesters storm the presidential palace in Sri Lanka's
— (@disclosetv) July 9, 2022
Sri Lanka’s government has been implementing ESG policies (environment, social, and governance) for years, following the lead of the World Economic Forum. That includes banning agrochemicals such as fertilizers in an effort to lower nitrogen emissions. Flowery tales of “organic” farming and saving the planet have now been replaced with horror, as the island nation’s top exports have been laid to waste. People are starving, they can’t get gas or electricity, and none of the globalists who used Sri Lanka as a testbed for their green fantasies are coming to help.
The Daily Caller provides more details.Environment Minister Mahinda Amaweera declared a government initiative to save the earth from “our own geoengineering misuse, greed and selfishness” in 2020 ahead of a forum on halving nitrogen waste. The move was part of Sri Lanka’s effort to pursue environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals; the country signed onto a green finance taxonomy with the International Finance Corporation in May that included a commitment to organic fertilizers.
If all of this sounds familiar, that’s because the same thing is currently playing out in The Netherlands. As RedState reported, farmers are protesting after their leaders signed onto a European Union deal to dramatically reduce nitrogen emissions. Keep in mind, that decision came even as it was obvious those policies were in the midst of destroying Sri Lanka’s economy.
Climate hysterics simply do not care about who they hurt while they pursue their nonsensical, ineffective “green” policies. It should be obvious to everyone who is sentient that the world needs food in order to sustain its population. To attack that sector of human production is suicidal, yet that’s exactly what the climate radicals are doing. They are following the lead of a Swedish teenager over the wants and needs of their own citizens.
Guess where that leads? It leads to presidential palaces being taken over and people turning to open revolt. And to be sure, the Sri Lankans in that video are completely justified. Their government sold their future and ability to survive in order to please a bunch of Eurotrash ESG freaks who don’t care one iota how much harm they are causing.
Hey Greta look what you and your kind have caused in Sri Lanka all over a a fake threat and the Netherlands as well
They haven’t been as drastic here yet, but just as stupid.