DUmmie Hoosier Daddy has posted this THREAD (on Democratic Underground), “‘Progressive’? No: I’m a F***ing LIBERAL!”
…The DUmmies are ANGRY, d*mmit! They are no wimpy “Progressives”! Ptoo! on that! No, the DUmmies are LIBERALS, F***ING LIBERALS, and proud of it!
We have allowed the g*dd*m wingnuts to define us for far too long! Are any of them backing off “conservative”? Hell no! They embrace and celebrate it! “Liberal” is NOT a dirty word. . . .
…I am sick and F***ING tired of this habit of ours to abandon labels we OUGHT TO BE PROUD OF in the hope Middle America will agree with us. Well guess what? Middle America already agrees with us! WE ARE THE F***ING MAJORITY!!!!!
…i had it out with my brother yesterday over this. He says liberal like he’s smelling poo. I told him to stuff it, I’m a F***ING LIBERAL and you and your side can stuff it up your ass.
…I’m a radical liberal and I will never be a pastel cosmeticized “progressive.”
…”Liberal?” No: I’m a F***ing Socialist!
…Socialist? I’m a Communist. I’d like to see someone top that.
I don’t think you can top that. If only the leaders would be honest about their convictions, we could see how many Americans are actually Socialists and how many Americans are still willing to follow them.
@Skookum: Oh! If only our leaders could and would be honest Skookum! The possibilities are endless! I will give that guy credit for calling himself what he really is though at least. Liberal is just a nice name for socialist/communist. The liberals have come up with all sorts of new names for old professions, yet none for politicians as of yet. I wonder why especially since most people view them with suspicion and ridicule.
A socialist is not a “liberal”. It is just about the farthest political viewpoint there can be from being “liberal.” Socialists believe that all power belongs to the state and that your rights are privileges that can be granted or taken away. That is why I will not apply the word “liberal” to describe a socialist or progressive.
Liberalism means that the people are sovereign citizens, that they should have as much freedom as possible, and that the power of government must be limited. This is belief is an anathema to socialism. Libertarians are the closest to actually being “liberals.” Anarchy is the most extreme form of liberalism.