A 48-year-old father and Catholic pro-life activist who was raided by the FBI and arrested for supposedly assaulting an abortion worker was cleared of federal charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act on Monday. While the FBI continues to ignore Joe Biden’s illicit hoarding of classified documents, it aggressively targeted Mark Houck. Fortunately, in this case, the feds did a big FACEplant.
A jury deadlock delayed the decision, but Houck was ultimately acquitted of both charges of violating the FACE Act. That’s the first good news Houck’s family has gotten since the September 2022 FBI raid and his arrest. “A Pennsylvania federal grand jury indicted Houck for allegations that he assaulted an abortion clinic volunteer, Bruce Love, in Philadelphia in September 2022,” The Daily Caller explained. “Federal officials claimed that Houck violated the FACE Act by using ‘force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of reproductive health care.’” But the jury found that wasn’t the case.
Houck pleaded not guilty to the charges. Both he and the 40 Days for Life legal counsel said Houck pushed Bruce Love away while defending his 12-year-old son from verbal abuse in October 2021. Furthermore, the legal counsel said the FACE Act only applies to an altercation over abortion, which was not Houck’s case (he was contesting Love’s verbal abuse of his son), and that the FACE Act does not apply to volunteers like Love. The abortion volunteer also approached Houck down the street from the abortion clinic, not just outside the clinic.
Yet, a SWAT team of between 25 and 30 FBI agents stormed Houck’s house in September, pointing guns at Houck, his wife, and his seven children. The children reportedly pleaded with the FBI agents surrounding their house in the early morning not to arrest their father.
As PJ Media’s Paula Bolyard previously wrote, citing Mrs. Houck, “For ‘weeks and weeks,’ a pro-abortion protester got in her son’s face, screaming ‘crude… inappropriate and disgusting things… such as, ‘Your dad’s a fag’’ and other statements too vile for the Catholic mom to repeat.” Houck repeatedly asked Love to stop screaming and violating his son’s personal space, but Love refused, so finally, Houck shoved Love away from his son. Love was not injured but still sued Houck, as if he were the victim instead of the victimizer. The feds, who have largely ignored hundreds of instances of pro-abortion violence, tried to use the incident to target the pro-life Houck.
Such a totally stupid arrest and trial. Nothing but an attempt to harass and intimidate anyone from speaking out against the left’s human sacrifice death cult.
Listen to a 45 minute interview with Mark. This travesty of justice is exactly why the FBI and elements within the DOJ must be held accountable. And, there is a need for serious investigations into all malfeasance.
Is Biden going to use the FBI like Hitler did with his SS and Stalin with his Brownshirts?
He already is.
A distraction to keep Americans from seeing Biden’s failures!
Democrats only care about gaining more personal wealth, power and control over us!