…Lastly, I wanted to posit one final theory and important overarching point. There was something that began to occur to me during the course of the day. And that was at a certain point it looked more and more to me like Prigozhin’s stunt was actually a full-blown Western coup aimed at toppling Putin. Let me explain why.
Firstly, there were rumors that Prigozhin was actually working with some liberal oligarchs who want to end the war entirely. Recall that Prigozhin openly lied recently by stating the entire Donbass conflict was begun by oligarchs who “wanted war” when in reality it’s the complete opposite, evidenced by the fact many oligarchs outright fled Russia at the start of the SMO, turning into anti-Russian propagandists in their new homes abroad.
Secondly, even Medvedev released a statement earlier today that it appears likely that “Western intel services are working with Prigozhin”.
Next, proof was released that this was actually a very well planned out operation, not some ‘spontaneous’ action—which further discredits Prigozhin’s original justification that he only did this because his positions were ‘bombed by Russian forces’ yesterday, posting the clearly staged video of some burning leaves. The evidence was the release of text messages showing that Wagner was actually trying to bribe Russian special operations forces into not only joining their rebellion but to give up secrets and details about the Russian MOD:
These messages were from over two weeks ago. That means at the minimum this operation was two weeks in the making, but it could be even far longer. However, there is the possibility that the messages were fakes from Ukrainian SBU-linked operatives trying to bait Russian servicemen.
Two weeks before the Wagner rebellion, regular troops on the front line received letters from people who, in their words, “work in the interests of PMCs.” They offered to pay for compromising information on the army.
And this Friday they offered to “choose a side” and report on the orders received.
Photo correspondence from familiar spetsnaz. We worked with them more than once, I have no doubts about the authenticity. The question is, did they write the truth about PMCs or is it the work of the TsIPSO’s paws (which, in my opinion, is more likely), which are now spinning the crisis with might and main in their favor. Both options play into the hands of the enemy only.
So, there’s strong chance Prigozhin staged an outright falseflag with yesterday’s ‘attack’ video. This simply gives us a base grounding in the fact that he’s full of deception; though, of course, that’s not something most of us needed to be convinced of, anyway.
But my point is, there’s another very key piece of evidence. You see, in his new ‘demands’ during the siege, he reportedly claimed to want to cleanse the Russian MOD in order to make the SMO stronger to “really fight” against Ukraine, rather than the soft velvet-glove approach currently employed.
However, the problem with this is, you may recall that during the last days of Bakhmut’s capture, when Prigozhin’s crying was at its peak, he actually openly stated multiple times that the SMO should be ended. I have the receipts, you can see for yourself:

From April 15, 2023:
Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner Group and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, urged the Russian leader to end his ongoing “special military operation” in Ukraine and focus instead on strengthening his country’s grip on the territories it occupied in the Eastern European country.
“For the [Russian] authorities and for society as a whole, today it is necessary to put a decisive end to the special military operation. The ideal option is to announce the end of the special military operation, to inform everyone that Russia has achieved the results that it planned, and in a sense we have actually achieved them,” Prigozhin wrote in a blog article posted on Telegram on Friday that was shared and translated by Ukrainian news outlet Pravda.
This is a major, major problem in poor Priggy’s cover story. He thought he was so clever, but you can’t outwit ol’ Simplicius.
So, we know that he previously has vociferously urged for the SMO to be ended. But we’re now supposed to believe that today he wanted merely to “strengthen” the SMO by shooting down Russian helicopters and sacking Shoigu?
Thus, my other more sinister theory is born:
The entire production was in fact an oligarch-funded, perhaps Western-backed coup that was meant to topple Putin. Shoigu and Gerasimov were merely the cover to convince Wagner troops to march on the Kremlin. You see, Shoigu provides a brilliantly convenient target because troops are disgruntled with him. So all Priggy had to do was tell his troops we’re going to take out Shoigu and hand over the reins to Putin and it was easy convincing.
However, this may have always been a performance. You see, once the troops were to have marched to the Kremlin with him, he could position a few thousand of them as a cordon around the Kremlin itself. Then, a much smaller vanguard of his absolute most trustworthy, diehard, and fanatical revolutionaries—Dmitry Utkin surely has these under him—would have walked into the Kremlin with Prigozhin under the guise of “going to arrest Shoigu”.
But the next time the outside Wagner troops would see Prigozhin emerge from the Kremlin would be on the balcony, hailing them with the crown on his head as the new ruler of Russia. Because the idea all along was to use this facade to overthrow Putin and take control for himself.
Now, I’m not saying that this was definitively the plan. But, during the course of the day it did begin to strike me more and more as a distinct possibility, given the vast amounts of inconsistencies in Prigozhin’s “rock-solid” principles and justifications for his actions.
However, something may have gone wrong. Once he reached Rostov he may have realized the plan was unworkable. For instance, the Russian MOD did release a statement at some point stating that a large portion of the Wagner troops actually laid down their arms and returned to their positions because they realized they were misled. You see, it turns out—according to the MOD, at least—that Prigozhin lied to a lot of the troops and told them that they were going to protect Belgorod and were simply being re-routed through Rostov. They reportedly didn’t even know what it was they were partaking in.
Alexander Khodakovsky, the Vostok Brigade founder, believes that Wagner’s rank and file were not privy to the command’s plans – most of them, anyway.
The fighters were told that they were being transferred to defend the Belgorod region, and they were quite surprised by the course of events. According to reports from around the rebels, the Wagner leadership’s plans also included the capture of Krasnodar.
So once a large part of them gave up and Prigozhin saw he didn’t have enough manpower to take out Putin, he would have likely given up and began negotiations for a way out. The only question of course would be why would Putin give him such a way out, knowing what the real likely plan was. But don’t jump to too many conclusions yet—this tale is not yet over. For all we know, the Russian MOD/FSB/etc. are just biding their time and may yet arrest or even liquidate him. We’ll have to see how things unfold and then adjust our theories accordingly.
But one thing you’ve got to admit is that the timing of this putsch is extremely favorable towards the above theory. At exactly the point of the AFU’s weakest moment and near-collapse on the battlefield he chose to strike Russia in the back as if obviously driven by a hidden hand; it appears to make sense. He may have relied on other oligarchs and hidden sympathizers in the Kremlin to have risen up against Putin at a key moment during the struggles, but they may have gotten cold feet and the plan turned sour.
By the way, there were several reports from sources connected to the IRGC of Iran, that during the peak of the crisis, Iran was willing to send Shiite forces or revolutionary guards to Moscow.

❗️Iranian IRGC resources write: “We saved Assad, we will also save Putin”
Here is another proof that we will be restless. When Iran tries to help Russia and Putin, the West will do everything to distract Iran from this as much as possible. They can be distracted as much as possible by a military conflict in the Armenian Syunik.
Not to mention this:

I suppose you find out who your true friends are during times of crisis.
Now, let’s see how forgiving Putin is.
Hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of innocent lives lost. The wests efforts to establish regime change in Russia is an epic failure.
NATO expansion has been stopped and will likely never be anything more than it is. In fact, once the dust settles and it is discovered the disingenuous plan to overthrow Russia, calls to disband NATO will be legitimate.
The rest of the world is joining together to fight against and resist NATO.
This should be rather concerning for all of us.
There are 195 countries on the Planet and only 31 NATO members, NATO just doesnt seem to care about starting an insane nuclear war to destroy Russia a country since 862. The petro dollar is being murdered by Biden, we have no gold standard. Nate its blood in the water.
“Nate its blood in the water.”
That’s my concern for sure. The rest of the world watched our democracy end and we installed a dictator puppet.
I can only imagine that would instill one of two emotions: fear, or boldness.
The cabal that is NATO and the WEF are globalists intent upon one world governance. They must be rejected.
BREAKING: CIA asks for $6 billion refund for its failed Russian coup
WASHINGTON, DC—The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has reportedly requested a refund for its recent failed Russian coup attempt, which ended up costing a whopping $6 billion—listed as an “accounting error.” The audacity of this request has left many scratching their heads and wondering if the agency has lost touch with reality.
The biden regime was balls deep in this coup attempt, and they got played by the Russians. They collected the cash from the CIA and had no intention of a coup.
Wagner forces took control of Russian military headquarters in Rostok without a fight. Russian crowds cheered them. Prigozhin’s column met no military resistance as it advanced toward Moscow on the M4. Local authorities actually cleared the highway of traffic. Prigozhin stopped less than 150 miles from Moscow—not because he feared he couldn’t get there, but because he suddenly realized he could.
Putin won’t recover from this. His regime has been seriously damage without a shot being fired.
That’s certainly what you government folk want us to think, but it’s really not working little guy.
Putin just consolidated power and resources.
NATO continues to lose power, influence, and standing in the world.
The real question here in America is when we’re going to drag Joe Biden out of the White House. He doesn’t belong there.
You have to win an election for that.
Putin had to pull Kadyrov’s Chechen units from Maryinka to counter the internal threat to his regime. Did you miss that? Putin wasn’t sure he could count on his own military to defend him.
Jill is wearing the living room curtains again.
That is vintage 1970s grandmas couch upholstery, We tossed that crap out of grandmas house the guys took it camping to burn the ugly thing.

All she needs is the shag carpet shoes to finish the look.
It’s not a real photo. You can see the line where somebody patched the image together at knee level. Please try to be less pathetic.
We know, jackass.
That’s the point.
If they can fake a photo like this, they can fake all the fake b.s. “articles” you share.
In using disinformation to lie to the American public, you people have given away your power to have any credibility.
Nothing means anything. You labor to “prove” you “truth” in vain.
The Truth is this war was started by a failing West trying to set up a one-world goverment no one wants and people sure as hell didn’t vote for.
Consolidating power and making Putin stronger is what you fools have down.
Own it.
Eh. He’s consolidated power, the “coup” was essentially bloodless, and his Wagner Commander is now in position to the North of Kiev.
How stupid are you, son? Really?
greg was duped by Putin and the false coup.
He’s still clinging to the debunked “J6th insurrection”, so that makes sense.
I’m surprised that while you were writing “without a fight” and “no military resistance” that even a shred of that supposed intelligence you have didn’t tip you off to what’s going on…
The organization posing as our federal government just got their asses handed to them in Russia.
No American citizen wants this war or wants this totalitarian state in our White House.
The moment Putin’s grip weakens he becomes useless to those who prop him up. Prigozhin’s stunt was the beginning of the end.
It is the beginning of the end for biden
Time will tell. I can wait.
And we can wait for you to come to your senses and stop calling for the death of Ukrainians and Russians as we end this war before Billions die.
But only for a little until we put your coup down.
We are not going to find out for a while exactly what happened here. It simply does not sound right. It was too simple, too quick, too nonviolent.
From the Russian point of view the important thing is that it was concluded quickly and likely without any negative effects..
Back to regular business. Expect an unusual Russian move within the week.
Time will tell.
The usual greg flip-flop.
Sure doesn’t look that way.
Putin comes out of this with more money, more power, and more global support.
You people are idiots who are going to get billions killed.