My friend Chip Jones has a bombshell today:
Confidential sources close to Conservative Report have confirmed that Valerie Jarrett was the key decision-maker for the administration on the night of the Benghazi terrorist attack on 9/11/2012.
Jones’ story reports that relief was available not waiting in Europe for the call but on the tarmac of Tripoli:
Had the C-130 Spooky been on station, over the CIA Annex in Benghazi, moments before the mortar rounds were fired, the entire outcome of the Benghazi fiasco would have been different.
Add to that, a team of Green Berets on the ground to secure and/or evacuate the Annex, and the outcome would have been two SEALS still alive, and a mess of dead terrorists.
Now even though those assets were in Tripoli they are restricted in their use by “Cross Border Authority”
To initiate offensive military operations in a foreign country, law requires a Presidential order commonly referred to a Cross Border Authority or CBA. In the absence of cross border authority being granted directly by the President, no military operation could be initiated, including the commitment of troops to secure or rescue personnel from Special Mission Benghazi.
President Obama’s failure to issue Cross Border Authority allowing our men to die is bad but if it wasn’t him making the decision it’s worse
the decision not to take action was made by a person, to whom the people did not elect to give such authority to, nor did Congress even have confirmation power over.
The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President’s Advisor, Valerie Jarrett.
More at DaTechGuy
Why is this not a surprise. Where was BHO, hiding under the bed?
@Old Guy:
Maybe someone could ask Reggie Love?
Valerie is the puppet master, obama, pinn0chio.
If these allegations are true, this is blatant treason.
Leftists cannot ever be trusted.
The ”decision” was simply to not wake Obama up to sign a paper.
There doesn’t need to be any other action.
With no signed Cross Border Authority order the only option every group outside of Libya had was to stand down.
When will this be on the news?? Never??
An Iranian by birth helping make a decision to let Americans die in an Arab nation….Hard to believe….Really, I am going to put my shocked face on…The other half of that puzzle is Hillary Clinton whom liberals will eagerly vote for in 2016….
On July 31, 2013, CNN aired an interview conducted by Arwa Damon with the name that has popped up more than once as being very involved in the Benghazi attack, if not the ring leader, Ahmed Abu Khattala. When asked if anyone had tried to interview him, from either the American or the Libyan side, he said no. Perhaps the American government thinks that Khattala is hiding in plain sight at the hotel coffee shop where he seems to hang out.
Prompted by that interview, CNN then disclosed on August 2nd that there were over 30 CIA agents in Benghazi that night, seven of them injured. Still, crickets from the Administration. CNN’s John King wrote this article on 8/6/2013 on why Benghazi matters:
Today, we are told that the Federal government has now filed criminal charges in Benghazi.
Back this up with a recent article from Mediaite that reporters who are too curious about the current administration fear retaliation in the form of not being allowed to be part of the White House press corps:
With the lame stream press in trouble, as shown by the recent under market sales of the Boston Globe and the Washington Post, is there a possibility that the Obama lap dog press is beginning to get the message that their first responsibility is to the American people, and that their fealty to Obama is going to cost them their jobs? Is it possible that the Benghazi scandal is beginning to unravel for the Oval Office? Whoda thunk a year ago that CNN would be breaking news that paints the Obama Administration in a bad light? Or that Mediaite would publish such a negative piece about how the White House punishes reporters that don’t toe the line?
We know from remarks Obama has made in the past that he is no student of history, but you would have thought someone in his administration, Valerie Jarrett, perhaps, would have told him that the cover up is always worse than the crime.
Who the hell gave the decision to Valerie Jarrett? It’s not her call. She is not the President, Chief of Staff, Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense.
Where the hell does she get the authority to Say yea or nay? If Obama gave it to her, then he unconstitutionally abdicated his responsibility as President and Commander in Chief to someone who does not have the Constitutional power to make such decisions!
Valerie Jarrett is the most powerful woman in the world. Everything, and I do mean everything, goes through her before it gets to Obama.
When Rahm Emanuel left the White House, Obama chose Bill Daley as his Chief of Staff. Daley and Jarrett did not get along (didn’t get along when they were both in Chicago) and Daley didn’t last long. Insiders claim he was shoved out by Jarrett. Jarrett, who is Moochelle Obama’s best friend, and patron, makes sure that she is the firewall between Barack Obama and the rest of the world.
Those close to Daley, who was, remember, Chief of Staff, claimed that before Daley could approach Obama he had to run everything by Valerie Jarrett before he was allowed to see the President.
Something for you to read. I have already covered some of this here at FA.
Nothing gets to Obama without going through hr first.
It is clear to anyone with two grey cells bumping together that Obama is not the one in control. Jarrett is, and she makes no bones about it. She didn’t want Bill Daley, and Bill Daley is gone. She hand picks everyone that is around Obama. And really, if you listen to him, you know he is just a puppet dancing on Jarrett’s strings.
Have you seen the Leno interview? Did you know that our deficit had been reduced? Yep. King Obama is reducing our deficit by leaps and bounds. Well, except when he spends $10 million to go to Africa. Did you know the economy is growing? Except for that pesky GDP that isn’t keeping up.
Oh well, he’s always got Greggie.
Study: U.S. Debt Obligations $70 Trillion
Look, it’s not unusual for a President to have someone as a buffer. In fact it is necessary to have someone to keep office of the President from wasting precious time on every nickle and dime issue-yahoo who seeks an audience. However, that intermediary should never have any say whatsoever on whether a matter of national security goes to the President or not.