President Barack Obama’s national security flops just keep coming

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But while Obama was racking up symbolic victories amongst pirates and terrorists, the geopolitical situation was deteriorating, and authoritarian regimes were watching. The most egregious misstep was Obama’s drawing — and then ignoring — a red line on chemical weapons in Syria. At worst, it invited provocation.
At best it made him look impotent. When one considers that Secretary of State John Kerry had just compared the Bashar al-Assad’s regime to Nazi Germany and its use of chemicals to the Holocaust. In that context it was hard to interpret this struggle as anything less than a moral crusade that could not be brushed aside.
When the president did just that the media hardly noticed.
It was a similar tale when the American consulate in Benghazi was stormed, leaving four, including the ambassador Chris Stevens dead. However the media largely bought the line it was a spontaneous attack brought on by a controversial YouTube video – certainly not a pre-planned terror attack (after all, Al-Qaeda was on the run).
During that same election season, Obama mocked Mitt Romney’s declaration that Russia was a geopolitical foe, suggesting that Romney was somehow stuck in the 1980s.
But when Russia invaded Ukraine this spring — occupying, and ultimately annexing Crimea — it seemed that Obama’s attempts to reorder the American electorate, making foreign policy and national security “Democratic issues” again, had finally hit an iceberg.

More at the Telegraph

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I never went to college, but aren’t the commencement speakers supposed to inspire the students to do the best they can at whatever they decide to do with their lives? The news used to show cuts of some very inspiring speeches, but now, they just show liberal politicians or liberal individuals telling how you need to do what your politicians tell you to do.

Let’s look at obama’s national security flops a different way. What if obama’s objective is to destroy the USA? If we look at it that way, doesn’t everything he does fit?

…and by ordering the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden….

obama didn’t know about the attack until the helicopters had crossed the Pakistani border.

Hey! Obama didn’t get bin Laden

The article tells how he refused to take out Osama several different times, just like bill clinton refused to take Osama three different times when he was offered Osama. The article also tells of some of obama’s other failures to act as a president who does what he thinks is best for the USA.

@Smorgasbord: You have beat me to my first reaction — these are not “FLOPS” — they are all on purpose and totally unopposed by the rotten RINO’s!

@Budvarakbar: #2
I have asked different times for ANYBODY to name one thing that obama has done that actually helped the USA. I read where an NBC reporter couldn’t name ONE country that obama has improved relations with since he got elected. All you have to do is list the countries that hate us, and we are getting friendlier with them, and less friendly with the countries we have been friends with for man years. People judge you by who your friends are.

Barack Hussein Obama is depraved. His resignation must be sought and obtained; or a solid case for his impeachment and removal must be initiated immediately and must proceed to the effect that Obama is removed from office.

What proof do you have that Hussein Obama is a Muslim?

1. Look up the definition of taqiyya: “Lying and cheating in the Arab world is not really a moral matter but a method of safeguarding honor and status, avoiding shame, and at all times exploiting possibilities, …”

This Obama lying and cheating is today, in the United States, directed toward Americans. Make no mistake, Obama does not care if he lies to Americans at all. And Obama does not give a damn about anything to do with “Fast and Furious”, the IRS illegal activity, the Benghazi shameful abdication of his duties, the VA denials of service causing unnecessary pain and death, and many other lying he has done against Americans. Wise up! Wake up! Stop Barack Hussein Obama now!

2. Put on your “see through the Muslim” glasses:

a. Obama is preventing the exploration and exploitation of coastal oil reserves in the United States. Why? To benefit his OPEC Arab Muslim buddies.

b. Obama is preventing the pipeline from Canada to the United States. Why? To benefit his OPEC Arab Muslim buddies.

c. Obama is trying to increase regulations on the coal industry in the United States to prevent them from prospering and providing cheap energy to Americans. Why? To benefit his OPEC Arab Muslim buddies at the expense of productivity and jobs in the U.S.; he doesn’t give a damn.

d. Obama is hiding facts regarding the Benghazi fiasco in which 4 U.S. citizens were killed, including our Libyan ambassador. Why? To help his Muslim friends; the ones that he has supplied weapons to and looked the other way while they attacked, blaming the terrorist attack on an anti-Muslim video (this done to take advantage of the opportunity to promote anti-Muslim propaganda.)

5. Obama used (as Nixon used) the I.R.S. in the United States to deter the group of American citizens called the “tea party”. He actually used this agency to keep the group from effectively campaigning against him in the 2012 election. This is patently illegal and should result in the same type of condemnation that Richard Nixon received.

6. Obama traded an American Al-queda prisoner for 4 or 5 Islamic terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo; action which may turn out to be illegal. But why? To create a distraction from the VA fiasco in which Obama has been derelict in his promises and duties. Obama alone bears responsibility for American veterans being put on long, long unpublished waiting lists. Why? The veterans are Americans and not terrorists. Obama lies.

7. Obama, et. al., is fighting the safe process called “fracking” in which the U.S. can gain a decided advantage against high costs of petroleum from OPEC Muslims. Why? This opposition to “fracking” favors the OPEC Muslims and their extremely high oil prices.

Is there more of this? Yes. Obama should be immediately impeached and removed from government. As your patents and the scriptures say: “know them by their fruits”. In the case of Obama, the “fruits” are evil and decidedly anti-American. Know this for sure: “President” Barack Hussein Obama is depraved.

Here in Alberta and Saskatchewan, the oil industry is really upset. Hundreds of billions have been invested for production and the XL pipeline expansion is the next step in progression. There is a plan B and C. We are not waiting on the ditherer in chief. We also know about the self serving hypocrites from Hollywood. Desmond Tutu was here this weekend, criticizing the Oil Sands, and we told that know nothing, to get lost. Go straighten out your mess in Africa. Politics and oil are quite combustible.

@AdrianS: #4
deprave |diˈprāv|
verb [ with obj. ]
make (someone) immoral or wicked.

I think it is safe to say that obama is BOTH.

obama never should have been allowed to run for president. Fake birth certificate, using someone else’s Social Security number, fake Selective Service registration, and probably not even a driver’s license. Yet, even the red states didn’t vett him properly to make sure he was qualified to run for president. Evidently, all that has to be done is for the candidate or their political party to write a letter to each state and say that they are qualified to run. NO DOCUMENTATION HAS TO BE GIVEN.

This needs to be changed. Each state should REQUIRE a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, and run a Social Security check. obama would have flunked BOTH of these. If a copy of a birth certificate had to be given, it is easy to see that the one he gave is a fake. A Social Security check of the number he is using shows that he is using someone else’s. NOBODY HAS EVER DENIED THIS. A look at his Selective Service form shows it is fake. Three fails.

For obama to make it to the presidency, there had to be a lot of people doing a lot of things in the different federal agencies. This is very scary! Different FOIA inquiries have resulted in documents being destroyed in different federal agencies. Just how far-reaching does this thing go?