Practically Every Minority Group is Moving Toward Trump: Here is Proof

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by Capt. Seth Keshel

In April, I profiled six key states that give election forecasters a true look at the trajectory of the 2024 election by tracking voter registration by party.  These states – Arizona, Nevada, Iowa, Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania – all point to a Trumpian landslide if not for the chronic and persistent condition I’ve come to describe as electile dysfunction:

·      When you have difficulty maintaining an election

·      When your election lasts for longer than four days

·      A sudden, severe, and noticeable loss of interest in voting

·      Premature inauguration, in the most severe cases

It has been no secret that President Trump is expanding his support with non-white voters to levels not seen for a Republican presidential candidate since Richard Nixon in 1960, and later in 1972 (Nixon lost his first bid in 1960 thanks to Chicago’s election manipulation).  Anecdotal evidence of this is easy to come by – just check out the film from any Trump rally or stand in line at one and see the faces.  The days of Romney-Ryan are long gone, and this time we are appealing to traditional Democrats and non-whites by fielding more candidates, like Trump, who fix problems free of labeling them by ideology.

Why not quantify this shift by reviewing party registration?

This will be an imperfect exercise, because in most cases, demographic data is not tracked by the state in question.  The assessments will be made on the total shift in registration, which will provide a broad-brush assessment and potential for correlation.


Sample County

Edgecombe County, North Carolina


Edgecombe County, in the state’s northeast region, is the third-blackest county by percentage (57.8%) of the population in North Carolina, narrowly trailing Bertie and Hertford.  I chose it because it is the only one of that trio with more than 14,000 registered voters (35,801 at the 2020 election), so I’m working with a meaningful sample size.  Substantial population decline recorded in 2020 U.S. census.


·      Not won by GOP presidential nominee since 1972.

·      High point – Obama +36.2% (+9,764 margin) in 2012, county was D+59.3% (59.3% more Democrats than Republicans – 29,839 D:6,184 R out of 39,904 registered).

·      Shift 2016 – Clinton +32.0% (+7,963 margin), county was D+56.0% – 27,572 D:6,257 R out of 38,732 registered).

·      Trend 2020 – Biden +27.0% (+6,883 margin), county was D+47.2% – 23,402 D:6,502 R out of 35,801 registered).

Now what?

Edgecombe continues a Republican registration trend, now at D+39.96% – almost 20 points less Democrat than it was in 2012; Republicans have added 140 net new registrations since 2020 (and major registration surges are only just now underway for the campaign), and Democrats are down 3,087, meaning there are now just 20,315 registered Democrats in the county (9,524 less than 2012) from which to pull a steadily decreasing vote from.  Republicans will certainly outpace their uptick in net registrations gained in 2020.

Edgecombe is one of many mid-sized, heavily black counties in North Carolina.  They all show similar registration trends and subsequent performance.  Trump will probably clear 40% of the vote in Edgecombe and lose it by perhaps 5,000 votes depending how many of these disaffected black Democrats vote for him or choose to stay home.  That means that Edgecombe will have lost about half of its “punch” in margin from 2012.  Democrats can’t win North Carolina or Georgia losing 20% of their votes in mid-sized or rural counties packed with black voters, and the lag in black Democrat enthusiasm will make urban ballot stuffing a taller task than it was four years prior.  If this is a generational wave and Trump manages to clear 20% of the black vote, Democrats can’t hold the Midwestern states, either.

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Will the Eco-Freaks s till support Biden who wants to build Wind Turbines off the coast threating the Sea and Shorebirds as well as the Whales? Pay attention to the Polls Bidens Polls and Crashing to the Earth

Wind turbines don’t affect whales.

Another knee jerk reaction from the professor.

Jan. 30, 2023. … conclusive evidence that wind farms are a threat to the whale population,” Newsmax host Rob …
Jan 25, 2024Two federal agencies are looking to better protect endangered whales amid a surge in offshore wind farm development. 
 “Wildlife experts claim that the noise generated by wind turbines can affect the sonar whales use to navigate

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Nah, all those whales on the east coast are just committing suicide because Trump is leading in the polls.

Yes they Do, Moron Its just you depend upon the Fake News from the Eco-Freaks and Wind Turbines are still a Hazard for Large Birds like Eagles Vultures and Owls Etc.

Republicans won blacks back through Trump’s economic policies. Democrats did their share in driving them off by putting the racist Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in the White House and their STUPID defunding of police, but mostly the Republicans welcomed them back with policies. Hispanics, however, were driven away by the left showing them they prefer the ignorant, poverty-stricken masses of illegal immigrants to Hispanic citizens. In fact, ALL citizens take a back seat to illegal immigrants..

Yep. With tar and feathers.

“Do the Biden!” The Latest Dance Craze That’s Turning Heads for All the Wrong Reasons (VIDEO)

biden shit his pants in France.

Where Is Democrats’ Outrage at Biden’s Authoritarianism?
f you want to see the abuse of norms and standards, check out what the 46th president and his cronies are up to.

democrats keep warning that if Donald Trump gets a second term he will be an authoritarian president. They also claim his first term was authoritarian.

Trump did once attack the Second Amendment by wanting to confiscate Americans’ guns before due process. He’s also said during this campaign that he would be a dictator for a day. want to see the abuse of norms and standards, check out what the 46th president and his cronies are up to.

Legitimate concerns. But is Trump’s alleged authoritarianism the only kind that should be feared? If a president skirting the law and toppling American democratic norms and standards to carry out his agenda is bad, why do Trump’s critics seem to not mind when Joe Biden does this?

Because that’s definitely happening. Right now.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines authoritarianism as “relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people.”

Last week, Trump was convicted of 34 felonies in New York City in what many considered a partisan, banana republic–style trial built on the shakiest of grounds by the allies of Joe Biden. The District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, is backed by the billionaire leftist George Soros. The judge who oversaw Bragg’s case, Juan Merchan, is a Biden donor whose daughter works for the president’s re-election campaign.

There are more to these curious partisan alliances of Trump’s prosecutors, but let’s just end with the fact that the former president’s recent trial violated some of the most basic constitutional due process principles.If you want to see the abuse of norms and standards, check out what the 46th president and his cronies

If “favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people,” is a textbook definition of ‘authoritarianism,’ and Merriam-Webster says it is, then it’s hard to imagine a more thorough example of this than what went down in that New York City courtroom last Friday.

Was it not an unconstitutional thwarting of democracy when Democratic elites in some blue states simply decided to throw Trump off their ballots earlier this year? We don’t have to wonder, because a unanimous Supreme Court declared this unconstitutional in March.

Throwing one’s political opponents off of ballots is an authoritarian act no matter how sadly some tried to rationalize it.

In late 2022 and 2023, when the ideologically diverse and professionally credible reporters behind the “Twitter Files” revealed a mountain of evidence that the Biden administration and other government officials had tried to force private social media platforms to manipulate and even censor Americans’ speech, there was no uproar among Democrats that the federal government had so flagrantly ignored the First Amendment.

No, instead, Democratic politicians and the establishment media attacked the reporters for bringing any of this to light. In a perfect example of “it’s-not-authoritarianism-when Biden does it,” Democratic elites defended the idea of authorities cracking down on “hate speech,” “disinformation,’ and ‘misinformation.”

So devout had (have) Democrats become to the inherent righteousness of censorship and the dangerousness of free speech, in 2022 the Biden administration even proposed a new federal agency: The Disinformation Governance Board, to exist under the Department of Homeland Security.

In other words, an actual Orwellian Ministry of Truth.

That’s authoritarian as hell.

Imagine if Trump tried to do this. Imagine if he tried to spread his propaganda by using government agencies to bully social media companies. Imagine if Republicans tried to throw Biden off state ballots.

Imagine if Trump allies in the legal system invented unprecedented new legal standards and ignored a bunch of old ones to go after Biden. are up to.

If you want to see the abuse of norms and standards, check out what the 46th president and his cronies are up to.

“Those BASTARDS! Let’s accuse them of doing exactly what WE are doing now!”